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We are happy to announce the official results od the 1st International Review of Graphic Design in Poznań Ideografia 2019!
Among over 400 posters submitted to this year’s edition, the Jury selected a Grand Prix award in the competition and awards in two categories – Cultural Poster and Ideograph (self-edited poster).


GRAND PRIX: Shin Matsunaga for poster “Friendship no. 5”

Main Award in category Cultural Poster: Tomasz Bogusławski for poster “Król Roger”

Award in category Cultural Poster: Anna Chmielnik for poster “Festiwal Teatrów Niewielkich 15”

Honorary Award in category Cultural Poster: Peter Javorik for poster “Dyplomy magisterskie 2018”

Main Award in category Ideograph: Kenya Hara for two posters from the series “Poland / Japan”

Award in category Ideograph: Dominika Czerniak-Chojnacka for poster “no title”

Honorary Award in category Ideograph: Magdalena Królikowska for poster “Polska – Japonia”

We send our sencere congratulations to all artists!
All the awarded and other exquisite works from the competition are to be seen at the exhibition at the Gallery Scena Otwarta (Ratajczaka 20, Poznań) until 29 December, 13.00-18.00.

  • Author: Szymon Dolata
  • Published on: 10.12.2019, 14:49
  • Last edit: 09.12.2022, 13:10