We are looking for UAP students willing to volunteer and take care of an incoming Erasmus+ student in the Summer Semester 2019/2020.
A Mentor will be responsible to help an incoming student in simple everyday tasks like help in finding a studio at the UAP, getting to know the city, creating a PEKA card etc.
The application runs through Google questionaire and it’s open until 5th February https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdBFcsrq2pm2Zcnw9hrtj49-7zfYai-WIPWoX3SZt2ZRghm0Q/viewform?fbclid=IwAR0P4Te_WYEsVxsMvRBiGKpE0Qq46hkVLJogGUFGOZAk3rH-tRn3N-96cfQ
In the case of more Mentors relative to exchange students, the order of applications decides.
Programme Coordinated by the UAP International Office.
contakt: erasmus@uap.edu.pl