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Dear Students,

We have just received a document entitled: Ordinance no. 83/2019/2020 dated 11 March 2020  by the Rector of the University of the Arts Poznań regarding the functioning of the University of the Arts Poznan in the period of class suspension due to the danger caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19. 


As you can see, the situation changes dynamically. We will be sending you updates, so make sure that you read all of our emails.

Please contact your lectures – although they classes have been suspended for some time, they might require you to deliver assignments/homework in a digital form.

UAP International Office is open, however you are asked you to contact us via email or by phone only.

We also ask you to take standard, common-sense precautions such as:

  • avoiding large gatherings of people;
  • taking care of your personal hygiene;
  • staying indoors, when possible.

If, despite the precautions, you develop any of them symptoms of COVID-19, please remember that you are obliged to:

  • notify the sanitary-epidemiological station;
  • seek medical help at a designated ward (Poznań, Szpital Kliniczny im. Karola Jonschera Uniwersytetu Medycznego im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, Oddział VII Chorób Zakaźnych i Neurologii, Pediatryczny: address: Szpitalna 27/33)

There is a hotline operated by the Polish Ministry of Health available in Polish and in English: 800-190-590.

  • Author: Szymon Dolata
  • Published on: 11.03.2020, 15:02
  • Last edit: 09.12.2022, 13:10