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The Polish government will lift restrictions in four stages based on the analysis of covid cases.
The second stage that starts from 4 May 2020 includes:
  • shopping malls and supermarkets are open with a restriction 1 customer per 15m2, food courts and fitness clubs in shopping malls remain closed,
  • hotel and accommodation services are open,
  • hardware supermarkets will be open also on weekends,
  • gradual opening of libraries, museums, galleries and other cultural institutions in different times,
  • medical rehabilitation services will be open, massage parlors remain closed.
However, please remember that other restrictions are still valid:
Universities will remain closed and continue with e-learning at least until 24 May.
Covering your nose and mouth is still obligatory in public spaces.
Keeping 2m distance between people is still obligatory.
Using playgrounds and outdoor gyms is still forbidden.
E-learning in schools and remote work for some offices are still in effect.
Two-week-long quarantine and isolation for infected or potentially infected people is still obligatory.


  • Author: Szymon Dolata
  • Published on: 04.05.2020, 13:10
  • Last edit: 09.12.2022, 13:10