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Jakub Matusewicz | Components
Gallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.
Curator: Jan Matusewicz
Opening: 29.02.2024,  18.00


– loom,
– canvas,
– paint,
– brush,
– mirror,
– the camera,
– hologram,
– presence,

“Allegory and symbol constitute a framework concept within the horizon of which the characteristics of a work of art have long been located. The only element in a work of art that reveals something Other, that enables contact with something Other, constitutes the substantive element in a work of art. It almost seems that the substantive element in a work of art is like a foundation in which and on top of which the Other is properly built. And isn’t this substantive element of the work what the artist actually creates in his craft?

We would like to encounter the direct and full reality of a work of art, because only in this way will we also find real art in it. We must therefore first look at the material element of a work of art.”

Martin Heidegger, “On the Source of the Work of Art”

The exhibition refers to the components of the painting. Those that create a material element (canvas, loom) and an artistic element that expresses something (painting, sign). Through the presentation of objects composed of loom elements, canvases or paintings containing a dialogue between a hologram and an oil painting imitating a hologram or a mirror, the viewer can reconsider whether a single component could be sufficient for a work of art to exist and be a carrier of a message.


Jakub Matusewicz

born in 1999 in Poznan.
A graduate of the Art High School in Poznan.
In 2022, he defended his bachelor’s thesis “Reflection. What does the image see?” at UAP Faculty of Painting and Drawing, in the studio of prof. Wojciech Gorączniak.

Throughout his studies, he was associated with the studio of prof. Marcin Berdyszak. Since 2022, a master’s student at UAP Faculty of Painting and Drawing. He deals with painting, objects and installations.

  • Author: o.petrenko
  • Published on: 20.02.2024, 14:47
  • Last edit: 20.02.2024, 14:47