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Family in the folds of reality | Zofia Słupczyńska
Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.
Duration of exhibition: 4-9.06.2024

Zofia Słupczyńska’s master’s degree deals with the topic of family in the modern world, which is entangled in certain folds imposed by reality. The issue is presented through the use of draperies and people interacting or not interacting with them. The fabric takes on the role of a symbol of the relationship between people who pull it, touch it, or leave it without any interference. The works encourage reflection on the existing situation and reality, which does not always have to be as we think.

Family has always been an important aspect in my life. Many times, my loved ones lifted my spirits and were with me in both difficult and happy moments. I felt I could count on them. However, I realize that families in the modern world are different and not everyone can count on such support. That is why I decided to take up the above issue and present it from a broader perspective.

  • Author: o.petrenko
  • Published on: 03.06.2024, 13:28
  • Last edit: 03.06.2024, 13:28