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Dear illustrator(s)/artist(s), Kind Organisation/Association/University/School,

we want to inform You that the possibility to participate in the 8th International Illustration Competition “Light as a boulder”  is open until MONDAY, 30 SEPTEMBER, 2024.

The Competition is addressed to professional illustrators from Italy and abroadFondazione Malagutti onlus, based in Italy, organised it through the Diritti a Colori network in partnership with the Autori di Immagini (AI) association. AI is associated with the EIF – European Illustrators Forum. The goal of the Competition is to defend and promote the Respect of Children’s Rights through Art and Illustration.

The illustration awarded with 1st prize will become the symbolic image of all advertising material for the 16th International Figurative Arts Exhibition of the “Diritti a Colori” network that will take place in 2025 for Young Artists.

You can also check the regulation in other languages online at these links:

–         Italian:
–         French:
–         German:
–         Spanish:
–         Japanese:

For any questions, please, contact

  • Author: o.petrenko
  • Published on: 22.07.2024, 13:03
  • Last edit: 22.07.2024, 13:03