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GIRLY FEYNESS | Patrycja Pirucka
Gallery Design UAP, 9 Wolnica Str.
Opening: 13.02.2025, 18:00
13.02 – 28.02.2025
Curator: Wiktoria Pietrzak

dear visitor

you enter the exhibition you want to experience new emotions maybe you are looking for inspiration or sitting at home has overwhelmed you so much that you prefer to co-suffer with a group of strangers in a tight space where the oxygen will run out faster than expected and the opening wine will flow down your throat sooner than the glasses are well filled

it is possible that you wanted to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and absorb art like the words of a therapist during the next Thursday session but it may be different than you expected

The artist’s works are disturbing, brutal and thoroughly naturalistic. They are a copy of the real experiences of women that they face behind closed doors or with our heads turned away. However, due to the fantastic colors present in her paintings and unusual uses of perspective – they become a hypnotizing matter from which it is impossible to look away.

The entire exhibition, seemingly aesthetically pleasing, goes deeper and allows you to feel more strongly. Thanks to the juxtaposition of works, we experience darkness that consumes us. The eyes of painted figures never stop following us, as if they saw more than we would like to show.

dear visitor

once you’re there, look around, even though the paintings may be overwhelming, let them absorb you completely, start a conversation about art with your inner narrator, because who would be brave enough to approach an artist? experience the expressions of the images and then try to contain yours

Today we focus on women, girls, mothers, wives, students, etc., who had to restrain their expressive nature – not to mention the tearing emotions or their complete lack that accompanies mental illnesses, but we both know that no matter what social group you belong to – you’re not meant to feel this way.

art is undiscovered waters so let them flow freely today, make us feel safe when they lead us

ekspozycja może być mroczna wulgarna pełna cierpienia doświadczonego i tego odczuwanego w momencie oglądania ale czy chcemy wciąż odwracać wzrok od dwuwymiarowej kobiety na obrazie gdy największy mrok żyje dookoła nas?

the exhibition may be dark and vulgar full of suffering experienced and felt at the moment of viewing but do we want to keep looking away from the two-dimensional woman in the painting when the greatest darkness lives around us?

dear visitor

I am asking you to visit carefully but above all

stay alive

Wiktoria Pietrzak

Trigger warning

Exhibition presents topics related to mental illness and self-harm. There is nudity and blood.

Please be thoughtful when visiting the exhibition carefully.

Artist & curator

Patrycja Pirucka studies Art Education at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan. She comes from a small village, but has been associated with Poznan since high school.

Patrycja is a digital painter whose main goal in art is exploration of extreme emotions accompanying every woman throughout her life – although not every woman is overwhelmed with these emotions.   Her work shows the moment of crossing the border when the mind is no longer able to fight and gives up, opening space for reflection on the human sensitivity and fragility.

In her works, Patrycja explores the dimensions of suffering, femininity, sexuality and mental illnesses. She creates art that provokes dialogue and forces reflection exploring taboo topics, shows how emotions can influence our lives.

A characteristic element of Patrycja’s work are highly stylized faces with large, expressive eyes that seem to tell their own stories. These eyes are not only the visual focal point of her works, but also a metaphor for emotions – they look, discover and invite the viewer to introspection.

Her paintings are a journey into the depths of human experience, in which the artist asks questions about the limits of endurance, the strength of the psyche and the way our emotions shape our identity. Patrycja’s art is full of pain and beauty at the same time – just like the life she describes.

  • Author: o.petrenko
  • Published on: 24.01.2025, 14:54
  • Last edit: 27.01.2025, 15:09