We invite you to take part in the exhibition of Small Textile Forms, the theme of which is LOOKING.
The event accompanies the 5th edition of the Biennale of Artistic Textile in Poznan.
Application deadline: July 31, 2025
Results announcement: August 15, 2025
Deadline for submitting works: September 2025 (details to be provided)
The work should be created within the last 5 years and should not exceed 20x20x20 cm.
The submission of a work for the Small Textile Form should include:
– a completed application form (separate for each submitted work)
– a maximum of 4 photos of one work, saved in JPG format and not exceeding 3 MB, sent to btapoznan.opencall@gmail.com
APPLICATION FORM is available on the website: https://btapoznan.pl/
Exhibition venue: Curators’ Lab Gallery, Poznan
Exhibition dates: October 2025
Co-organizers: Jak Malowana Foundation, Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan, Nowa Foundation of the University of the Arts Poznan, Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies UAP
Partner institutions: Municipal Galleries of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan
Curator of the MFT “Looking” exhibition: Magdalena Kleszyńska
Main curator of BTA: Karolina Grzeszczuk
BTA coordinator: Anna Maria Brandys
The title and theme of the textile miniature exhibition is “Looking”. The slogan refers to, evokes and provides an opportunity for a broad mapping, description and presentation of creative attitudes in relation and reference to the existing reality. Looking can be passive, it can be active, persistent, sometimes it is a silent protest, it can be a timid peeking, watching, but it always constitutes a form of interest in the situation, issue, problem that is evoked, watched or spied on.
In the present times, when it is very often easier for us to look away, distract, concentrate on the duration and lightness of passing, this titular activity is an important factor in actively building the attention of society or an individual. Besides, sometimes it is enough for just one person to pay attention to something, start looking, watching or staring, then others start to follow, often expanding the plane and field of interest. In view of this, the looking, who in this case is an artistic person, becomes only a signaller, the so-called whistleblower.
Watching is also not only a physical activity, but can be understood in a more metaphorical way, because we can look into the past, analyzing and contemplating events or attitudes that have shaped our reality, but we can also look into the future – designing the world that is still coming.
We invite you to submit a visual realization, textile miniatures, which will refer to a multidirectional interpretation of the topic.