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Head of the Studio: prof. dr hab. Piotr Kurka
Curator-lecturer: dr Krzysztof Łukomski, ad.
Assistant: mgr Izabela Sitarska
Location: building C / room 203, 204

The studio allows students to find appropriate contexts to their art practices. We do not only hold classes, meetings, and consultations, but we also organise workshops and art journeys to many parts of Poland and the whole world. We have worked in New York, Zurich, London, the isle of Rugen, as well as in small enclaves located in Poland and Czech Republiс. We keep on searching for new ways of experiencing art. We want to make sure that exhibitions and events we propose are something ‘more’ – an intermedia experience consisting of the concept of presentation but also its direction, performance and a special atmosphere.

  • Author: o.petrenko
  • Published on: 04.08.2023, 11:42
  • Last edit: 04.08.2023, 11:45