Mode of studies:
Description of the field of study:
The Department of Stage Design comprises 3 set design studios: Studio of Interdisciplinary Set Design Projects, Stage Design Studio, Studio of Theatrical Phenomena. Each of them conducts interdisciplinary research, project and artistic activities aimed at conscious and responsible shaping of the visual identity of the broadly understood scene and its surroundings. Symbolism, materials and light that create space are important in design. The actor and the viewer are treated as an important element that is part of the concept. Set design also refers to the creation of occasional space (outdoor theatre, television studio, exhibitions, shows, festivals, parades, etc.). The Set Design Studios cooperate with numerous theatres and cultural institutions. Students take part in workshops, festivals and exhibitions in Poland and abroad. The study program allows students to get to know the full design path of a set designer – from drawings (set storyboard), through technical drawing, mock-ups, materials science, renderings, to implementation supervision and documentation.
The Department of Fashion Design is composed of 3 studios: Clothing Design Studio, Unique Fashion Design Studio and Theater Costume Studio. The lecturers emphasize the development of students’ creativity in their program proposals, and focus on the courage to undertake innovative formal and material solutions. The Department organizes exhibitions of students’ works, clothing shows, open-air workshops, and professional internships. The program assumptions at the Department of Clothing also include subjects in the field of technology, modeling, clothing construction, and material science. The thematic proposals implemented in individual workshops at the Department of Clothing and in all years of study are perceived by students as important elements characterizing the quality and mode of preparation for professional work in the field of fashion, theater, and television.
The curriculum in each studio emphasizes the development of students’ creativity.
Types of courses:
Students of Set Design have an opportunity to select their main Faculty studio and two supplementary studios. Moreover, students can attend art studios operating at the other Faculties of the UAP. The individual development of artistic and design personalities is enhanced by theoretical and practical courses in the field of design communication techniques and specialized software.