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Concetto | Joanna Concejo | Exhibition

Opening: 6.12.2018, godz. 18.00 Galeria Curators’Lab,  Nowowiejskiego 12 The exhibition will be presented also at the Galeria Design UAP, Wolnica 9 (UAP, building E) Exhibition open until 31.01.2019 curator: Piotr Grzywacz coordinator: Agata Tratwal Joanna Concejo (1971) is a graphic designer, illustrator and author of visual books. She graduated from the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznań. She prepared her diploma work under the supervision of professor Grzegorz Marszałek from Poster Studio I. Since 1998 she has been residing in Paris. In 2002 her works were exhibited at Busan Biennale in South Korea. Since 2003 her works have been included in many exhibitions, e.g. in Chelles (France), at The Plattform Gallery in Berlin and at TheMore

The Red Catechism | Maciej Kurak

The Red Catechism Maciej Kurak 27 November 2018 – 12 January 2019 Faculty of Social Sciences Adam Mickiewicz University Poznań ul. Umultowska 89a, Poznań The Red Catechism The commercialisation of culture is a fact. The attitude towards profit provokes changes in the processes of creation and affects customs at the expense of social involvement. Consumerism and common patterns of behaviour polarise society, dividing it into the rich and the poor. The market machine operates and benefits from the resources of social capital adversely affecting anti-patterns and forces us to accept the world the way it is. Capitalism increases the need to get rich, imposes emergency measures and stimulates an aggressive control policy. The example is a new form of work organisation relatedMore

Days of Grace | Roland Stratmann | Exhibition

Exhibition opens on 3 December 2018 at 18:00 Galeria AT, ul. Solna 4, Poznań Roland Stratmann (born 1964 in Weseke, Germany) from 1984 to 1990 studied at Universität der Künste Berlin Stratmann’s main field of work is installation, performance art (action in public spaces, e.g. city streets, prisons, cafes, etc.), as well as large-format drawing arrangements. In his latest works, the artist uses postcards found in private collections, museums or online and uses them to create large collages, on which he draws animals or writes philosophical inscriptions. In his art he refers to the past and the role it plays in our present life.

A-21 International Art Exhibition in Japan

We are proud to announce that works of artists representing our University: professor Andrzej Banachowicz, professor Katarzyna Kujawska-Murphy, dr Filip Wierzbicki-Nowak, professor Mirosław Pawłowski and professor Zbigniew Szot have been included in a group exhibition of international art held by A-21 at Gallery Irohani, Sahaki-shi, Osaka. The exhibition runs till 5 December 2018.

Mayumi Suzyki | The Restoration Will / The Place To Belong.

Photography Department kindly invites you to join the meeting with Mayumi Suzyki about the exhibition The Restoration Will / The Place To Belong. Friday, 16 November, 17:15 Aula UAP, building A Poznań, Al. Marcinkowskiego 29 The meeting will be conducted in English. Mayumi Suzuki The event is a part of XPRINT festival of photo books Festival XPRINT: Organiser: Exhibition of Mayumi Suzuki in Arsenał Municipal Gallery:  

BUNT | Exhibition

BUNT opening: 15. 11. 2018, 18:00 Duża Scena Gallery, Wodna st. 24 exhibition open 15.11. 2018–31.01.2019 artists: Andrzej Bobrowski, Gosia Ce, Mikołaj Garstecki, Marek Glinkowski, Tomasz Kalitko, Agnieszka Maćkowiak, Piotr Słomczewski, Raman Tratsiuk, Monika Pich, Joanna Wiernicka curator: Maciej Kurak

The Maria Dokowicz Competition for the Best Diploma Project of the University of the Arts Poznan

Polemics of Art | The 38th Edition of Maria Dokowicz Competition for the Best Diploma Project of the University of the Arts Poznan Poznan International Fair (MTP), pavilion 10 (East Gate entrance) opening: 13th November 2018, 18:00 exhibition open from 13th until 18th November 2018, 12:00–18:00 nominees: Anna Adamowicz Yuliia Andriichuk Karolina Belter & Weronika Wronecka Paulina Berlińska Aleksander Błaszkiewicz Natalia Brodacka Jooyoung Choi Agnieszka Chwiałkowska Sonia Dubois Maria Dybek Mateusz Furtas Lidia Galica Zuzanna Grusznis Grzegorz Hasik Urszula Lucińska & Michał Knychaus Patrycja Maria Kowal Ewa Kozubska Agnieszka Krauze Adrian Kurpisz Wiktoria Lewicka Katarzyna Łukasik Kordian Mańkowski Monika Mazurkiewicz Krzysztof Mętel Dawid Puszyński Weronika Radzimowska-Mejer Aleksander Radziszewski Maksymilian Sawicki Anna Teresa Stawska Katarzyna Torchała Marcin Waszak Marta Wiktorowicz JagodaMore

Aliona Kryshtofik | #kawowaceramika #coffeeceramics

Aliona Kryshtofik #kawowaceramika #coffeeceramics 8–30.11.2018 Galeria DESIGN UAP ul. Wolnica 9 Poznań opening: 8.11.2018 18:00 The exhibition is the beginning of a research route around the subject of industrial cafe ceramics. The project brings together people from the coffee industry, coffee lovers and enthusiasts of good quality ceramics. At the time of the „third wave coffee”, the awareness of the quality of the drink is increasing, creating a field for new explorations in ceramic design. The initial idea of creating sensual ceramics was supported by baristas. In cooperation with a local coffee roaster in Warsaw, I co-create prototypes of cups with different tactile properties, consult new ideas and explore knowledge about coffee. As our feelings are extremely important in everyday life, we can improveMore

II/III | exhibition of the II Painting Department

You are welcome to join the opening of the exhibition presenting works of artists working at II Painting Department of UAP Faculty of Painting and Drawing. The set of paintings will bring closer the specificity of individual studios by showing the works in the Professor-Assistant-Student relationship. opening: 14th November 2018, 14:00 Wahadło Foucaulta Gallery at the Faculty of Physics, Adam Mickiewicz University; Umultowska st. 85, Poznań exhibition open until 3rd December 2018.  

Dominique Lämmli | ART IN GLOBAL CONTEXT open lecture

You are all welcome to join the meeting with prof. Dominique Lämmli from Academy of Art in Zurich, artist, philosopher, author of the ART AND ACTION program and co-founder of FOA-FLUX, who will talk about practices of ART IN GLOBAL CONTEXT and present selected examples of building artistic communities and team-works composed of various creators, educators and designers. Tue 16/10/18, 7:30PM room 02, building B in the frame of the PDIiF Studio of Intermedia Actions & Photography program UAP

What makes Poles be the way they are? | open lecture

What makes Poles be the way they are? Essential Guide to Polish Culture Open lecture dedicated to international students, delivered by art historian mgr Magdalena Dworak-Mróz October 10th (Wed.) 18:00  room 02 building B (ul. Lewandowskiej 20) It is easy to question the stereotypical image of a Pole – a vodka drinker who is a hard-working Catholic and a thief that does not speak languages, is not particularly keen on foreigners but at the same time is very hospitable. As expected, the truth lies beyond that. Yet the question remains what differentiates Polish people from others and why. By looking at the works of Polish contemporary artists, we will observe how they are retelling the history of WW2, communism, SolidarityMore

Richard Wilson | open lecture “On contemporary challenges, expectations and the shifting world order”

The inauguration of the academic year 2018/2019 will take place at University of the Arts Poznan on the 8th of October. Venue: Atrium UAP, ul. Lewandowskiej 20, Poznań. 11.00 – beginning of the Ceremony and Inauguration Lecture 15:30 – Lecture: ‘’On contemporary challenges, expectations and the shifting world order”. Moderator: proffesor Katarzyna Kujawska-Murphy As we approach the 100th Anniversary of the establishment of Poland’s largest institution of higher education in the field of fine arts – University of the Arts Poznan, on the 8th of October we will have a pleasure to host Mr Richard Wilson – an outstanding and intriguing British artist who will visit us at the invitation of Professor Katarzyna Kujawska-Murphy. The artist will deliver two lectures during theMore

Photography #evanescence | exhibition

Towards Photography #evanescence Duration 04/08 — 08/10 Closing 08/10   Max Radawski, „The Usual Absence of Things”Michał Bugalski, movie from the series „The Same From The Beginning” Anna Kędziora, „Earthworks (III)” Agnieszka Antkowiak, „The Past Cannot Serve As Future Anymore” Jarosław Klupś, installation from the series „Safety” Kamila Kobierzyńska, „Probability of Success of The Experiment” Mateusz Sadowski, „Falling, Enlarging, Rising, Repeating” Exhibition of lecturers from the Department of Photography at the University of Arts in Poznań. The unobvious and in fact still elusive status of photography, stretched between a document and an artefact, a record and creation, reconstruction and construction, is the central driving force in the history of this discipline, whose development is largely based on the constant verification of it’sMore

Photography #editorial | exhibition

Photography #editorial Galeria Design Open: 7/08 — 08/10 Tue -Th 1—4 P.M. List of books: Marta Normington:, “Travel As a State of Mind”Paweł Bownik, “Urn” Dorota Stolarska, “Events” Stępień, “Photo Taken” Katarzyna Wąsowska, “Don’t Draw The Map of The Comet” Maciej Dziekan, ”In Any Shape Or Form” Paulina Orwat, “Paulina Orwat” Dorota Stolarska, “Glare” Noemi Markwas, “Lost” Kamila Berbecka, “The Geometry of Anomalies” Lisa Jurek, “KM” Magda Pacek, Untitled Aleksandra Korzonek, “Gęstwa” Maja Kopa, “Are The Kids Alright?” Joanna Czarnota, “So Quiet I’ts Dark” Book, as a well-known and appreciated form of presenting photographs, is more and more often chosen by students of artistic faculties. In order to provide them with a fuller education in this field, the Department of Photography at theMore

Nieoczywiste 2018 | exhibition

Nieoczywiste 2018 Galeria Curators’ LAB (ul. Nowowiejskiego 12) Tue.-Sun. 12:00–15:00 from August 3rd till August 8th Galeria Aula (building A UAP, Aleje Marcinkowskiego 29) Mon. – Fri. 12:00–15:00 from August 3rd  till September 29th Galeria AT (ul. Solna 4) Mon. – Fri. 12:00–15:00 from September 11th tillSeptember 28th closing: 28.09 Starurday, 19:00, Galeria Aula curators: Anna Kędziora i Max Radawski artists: Katarzyna Bojko-Szymczewska, Karolina Belter, Kamila Berbecka, Joanna Berg, Joanna Czarnota, Mateusz Furtas, Agnieszka Hinc, Lisa Jurek, Dorota Kaszuba, Evgeniia Klemba, Agnieszka Sikora, Jadwiga Subczyńska, Weronika Wronecka, Agnieszka Zdziabek Nieoczywiste 2018 (en. Unobvious 2018) is an exhibition of selected diploma works by graduates of the Department of Photography of University of the Arts Poznan. The diversity of artistic attitudes manifests itself in the variety of means of expression used. ImageMore

Krzysztof Balcerowiak | Pomiędzy / Between – exhibition

Between opening: August 6th, 18:00 Galeria R20 (Ratajczaka st., 20, Poznań) exhibition open till August 16th.  This exhibition is an invitation to a journey along with graphic objects. We begin with 21.03 at 12.00 and move between Day and Night and in the space between East – West. it is  an important way because of the consequence hidden behind my actions. Intimate meanings are shaped in the space between the object and the image. The exhibition is an interpretation of Japanese philosophy and Western tradition. The statement I make is a synthesis of my previous actions. The habilitation exhibition summarizes the road I travelled from the time of my studies (graduation project entitled My intimacy of the sign, 2001)  toMore

Anastasia Starko | Dojrzałość – exhibition

Anastsia Starko Dojrzałość (en. Maturity) opening: 20 VII 2018, godz. 18.00 Galeria Rotunda, Al. Marcinkowskiego 29 exhibition open untill August 24th, 2018. tutor: prof. Stefan Ficner Anastasia Starko – artist, working in the fields of graphic arts, performance, collage and photography. She was a participant of many youth and group projects in Poland and Ukraine, she held number of solo exhibitions, since 2018 she has been a stipendist of the Gaude Polonia Programme of The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Starko’s exhibition is a part of the Gaude Polonia Programme.

MFFA | Animator Pro

Animator Pro to branżowe spotkanie adresowane do profesjonalistów – z mniej lub bardziej ugruntowanym dorobkiem. Program I dnia (11.05) poświęcony jest zagadnieniu storytellingu i obejmuje: panel dyskusyjny z udziałem dyrektorów festiwali animacji z Wielkiej Brytanii, Kanady i Holandii oraz prezentację dotyczącą pełnometrażowego filmu Jeszcze dzień życia (Another Day of Life) i VR-owego projektu Wykreślona Warszawa. W dniu II (12.05) Animator Pro skoncentruje się na problematyce produkcji i dystrybucji filmów animowanych oraz wykorzystania animacji w działaniach marketingowych. / Animator Pro is an industry event for seasoned professionals and newcomers in the field of animation. Day 1 of Animator Pro (11.07) is dedicated to the art of storytelling, featuring a panel discussion with directors of animated film festivals from the United Kingdom,More

Lech Raczak | ‘Travelling through dreams and returns’ and ‘Misterium buffo’

Dear All, on the June 18th and June 20th at the yard of UAP (between buldings A and B) there will be possible to enjoy the performances by Lech Raczek, actor and narrator, who is coming back at the theatrical stage after nearly 40 years. 18th June, 21:00 – Travelling through dreams and returns (Podróże przez sny i powroty) with an accompaniment of Trio Targanescu, well-known musicians from Poznań. 20th June, 21:00 – Misterium buffo by Dario Fo in translation of Lech Raczek. Organizer: Orbis Tertius | Co-organizer: University of the Arts Poznan

TRZY PRACOWNIE | THREE STUDIOS | exhibition opening

We are pleased to invite you for the opening of the exhibition by the proffesors and students from three studios of Interdyscyplinary Deapartment of Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies – I Drawing Studio, I Painting Studio and Studio of Opert Art Interpretations. opening: 21st June, 18:00 place: BWA, Jelenia Góra curator: Rafał Boettner-Łubowski

Master Degree diplomas exhibition | Faculty of Sculpture and Spatial Activities

We are pleased to invite you for the exhibition of diploma works by the Master Degree diploma UAP students from the Faculty of Sculpture and Spatial Activities. Opening: 16.06.2018 at 18:00 Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznań Aleje Niepodległości 34 Participants: Katarzyna Łukasik Monika Mazurkiewicz Joanna Rusinowska Anna Stawska Magdalena Janicka Celestyna Muszak Dawid Puszyński Piotr Socha Emilia Giecewicz Exhibition open from 18th till 22nd June, o7:30 – 16:30. Organisers: Faculty of Sulpture and Spatial Activities UAP Marshal Office of the Wielkopolska Region in Poznań University of the Arts Poznan

Ex-tension: The Dislocation of culture and pattern − Asian contemporary art exhibition

Ex-tension: The Dislocation of culture and pattern − Asian contemporary art exhibition 展出藝術家 Artists: 台灣 Taiwan:吳季璁 Wu Chi Tsung、李姿玲 Lee Tzu-Ling 、何灝 Ho How 印尼 Indonesia:阿里安山・卡尼阿哥 Aliansyah Caniago 越南 Vietnam:阮菲菲 Nguyen Oanh Phi Phi 中國 China:肖旭 Xiao Xu 澳門 Macau:張健文 Cheong Kin Man 策展人 Curator:李依佩 Yipei LEE Galeria Curators’LAB ul. Nowowiejskiego 12 czynne: wt – pt 13.00 – 18.00 sb – 12.00 – 15.00 nd – 13.00 – 18.00 01.06 – 10.07.2018 opening: 1.06; godz. 18.00 The exhibition presents seven contemporary Asian artists who think about the transmission of ideas in the dislocation of culture and pattern. The exhibition shows the rise and breakthrough of Asian art. From the traditional media: ink, lacquer, paper and so on, the contemporary artistsMore