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we kindly invite you to join OPEN DAYS at Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan.

This year we meet OFF-LINE on March, 8!



10:00 start of Open Days, Atrium / building B
speech by His Magnificence the Rector of the University of the Arts, Prof. Maciej Kurak

10:30 Guided tours and presentation of majors / fields of study, portfolio consultations Atrium / building B

12:00 – 18:00 WORKSHOPS
During the workshops and guided tours, there is a possibility of consultations and review of portfolios.

10:30 – 16:00 information provided on a regular basis by students of majors/fields of study, Atrium / building B

12:00 Guided tour about the university by Student Self-Government / Office for Public Relations and Cultural Activities, Atrium / building B

15:00 Guided tour about the university Student Self-Government / Office for Public Relations and Cultural Activities, Atrium / building B

We also invite you to join two online editions:

March, 14 / 10:00 – meetings with representatives of specific majors (information about the university, available courses and enrollment process). Selected fragments from the recorded meeting with useful information can be found below. Check it out if you are not sure, which field of study to choose, what are the application requirements, how to prepare portfolio etc.

– April, 11 / 10:00 – presentation of majors available within Study in English programme with possible portfolio consultations by coordinators join the meeting

If you need an individual portfolio consultation, please, contact the curator of a specific major in order to arrange a meeting:

Selected fragments from Open Days 2025 | March, 14 | online edition

Below you can find additional information about UAP, majors offered within the Study in English programme, tips for preparing portfolio for specific majors, as well as feedback from SiE graduates and much more.

About UAP & Poznan

Feedback from SiE graduate

Kate & dr hab. Ewa Kulesza, prof. UAP

About studying at UAP & II Painting Studio

Prof. Dominik Lejman, Head of II PAINTING STUDIO

Below you can find presentations of various courses available for study in English.

dr hab. Michał Filipiak, prof. UAP 
mgr Jakub Garstkiewicz (

mgr Piotr Marzol (

dr Marta Wyszyńska (

dr Krzysztof Łukomski (


dr Filip Wierzbicki-Nowak (

If you have any questions regarding a specific major or field of study, you can always reach the curators.

For a more detailed information, please, go to or contact the International Office

  • Author: Michał Żerdzicki
  • Published on: 14.02.2023, 22:34
  • Last edit: 21.03.2025, 12:01