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Muzeum Night at UAP | May 18, 2024

Free entry


Various shapes – 2nd edition of Haute couture by UAP
20:30 – 21:15
Venue: Atrium UAP, building B (20,  23 Lutego Str.)

Let yourself be enchanted by the richness of colors and shapes of clothing. Let yourself get lost in the extraordinary scenery of the fashion show. Finally, let yourself be drawn into the vortex of music and dance. Experience elation and delight at this unusual spectacle.

The 2nd edition of the Show by Department of Fashion Design includes elements of clothing, costume, set design, stage movement, dance, light and music. This combination will create a world of theater where everything is possible, because “Different Shapes” is also your dream. How will you dream it tonight?

The event is intended for everyone interested in clothing, costumes, visual arts and theater, without age restrictions.

The show is prepared by the Department of Fashion Design, spatial arrangement by the Department of Scenography, UAP Faculty of Interior Design and Scenography. We invited the choreographer Viktor Davydiuk who cooperates with the Grand Theater, the Maciejka brand, Claris Model Management, and the Vocational Higher School of Health, Beauty and Education in Poznan to cooperate.

Performance Show Emergency Entrance #2
From 21:00
Venue: Inner courtyard UAP – Atrium UAP, building B (20, 23 Lutego Str.)

Performative shows by students of UAP Faculty of Sculpture

The element of fire – firing ceramics
14:00 – 21:00
Venue: Inner courtyard UAP – Atrium UAP, building B (20, 23 Lutego Str.)

Conducted by: Ceramic Section of UAP Sculpture Scientific Circle, under the supervision of Dr. Wojciech Tężycki

Raku means joy, pleasure. The final effects are often surprising and unpredictable, depending on the type of clay, glaze used and the firing method.

Raku pottery originated in Japan in the 16th century. Wood-burning stoves used to be used for this purpose. Initially, they were handmade vessels used during the tea ceremony. The modern raku firing technique involves quick firing of pre-fired clay objects in small kilns heated by a gas cylinder. Then removing the hot work and reducing it in the flammable material and cooling it in water. This method was introduced in the United States. It has little in common with traditional raku. However, thanks to this technique, beautiful and unique things are created every time. Vessels fired in this way are always black in places where there is no glaze due to fuming. However, where the enamel has been placed, the so-called cracks, i.e. cracks resulting from thermal shock when removing a hot object from the furnace.

During the shows, viewers will have the opportunity to learn how to glaze ceramics, and will also have the pleasure of glazing prepared objects that they can take with them after firing.

Tour around UAP
22:30 – 00:00
Venue: Atrium UAP, building B (20, 23 Lutego Str.)

Night tour around UAP combined with workshops

A walk with surprises around one of the oldest art schools in the country. Your dream of becoming an artist will come true tonight!


13th Edition of NEW IMAGE / NEW LOOK | 2024
Venue: Słodownia +1, Stary Browar (42 Półwiejska Str.)
From 12:00 to 21:00

An exhibition presenting innovative painting attitudes of 15 people, finalists nominated for the Art Award of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan in the 13th edition of the NEW IMAGE / NEW LOOK 2024 Competition

The competition is addressed to male and female students and people who have graduated in Painting from state universities throughout Poland.

IMAGES – Bogdan Wegner
Venue: Gallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.
From 17:00 to 22:00

Solo exhibition of one of the most famous Poznan painters, Bogdan Wegner. Prof. Bogdan Wegner was the co-founder of the Municipal Gallery in Mosin, and in the 1970s he belonged to the “Odnowa” Group.

Curator: Natalia Wegner

Collective exhibition Erasmus International
Venue: Gallery Nowa Scena UAP (28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.)
From 17:00 to 22:00

Exhibition of works by UAP international students.

Curator: Marc Tobias Winterhagen

(In)visible | Exhibition of Creative Workshops and Atristic Interactions Studio
Venue: Gallery Design UAP (9 Wolnica Str.)
From 17:00 to 22:00

The exhibition will be the result of workshop activities of students and people from the invited foundations – Mili Głos and Motylarnia. The main theme is the slogan INVISIBLE, which is intended to address the needs of people with disabilities that are not visible at first glance, i.e. activities to raise awareness of the needs of others.

Curators: Agata Ciesielska – Shovkun, Magdalena Polakowska

(Nie)widoczni | Wystawa Pracowni Warsztatów Kreatywnych i Interakcji Artystycznych 

Drags Like Us
Venue: Gallery Curators’LAB (12 Nowowiejskiego Str.)
From 17:00 to 22:00

Participating artists: Beata Sosnowska, Ala Urwał, Agnieszka Olejniczak (Alyena), Babcia, Jakub Kostewicz (Dziursi), Goś Patalas, Ten Cza, Mikołaj Thiel, Wiktoria Pietrzak, Pavel Shviatsou, Julia Gągalska, Nicole Klinge, Ada Kobusiewicz

Curatorial team: Izabela Kowalczyk and 1st year MA students from Curatorial Studies and  Art Theory: Maja Chaczyńska, Monika Czyżniewska, Magdalena Kłosowska, Paulina Płaneta, Zofia Sałasińska, Lizaveta Stsiatsko, Zuzanna Szczepańska

Consultations: Gabi Skrzypczak, Agnieszka Olejniczak, Łukasz Mleczak



18:00 – oprowadzanie kuratorskie po wystawie
18:30 – workshops How to make a drag performance with Ala Uwał

The exhibition presents various faces of drag, refers to the performance of drag by people with very different identities and methods of identification, and also indicates references to drag culture in popular culture. It breaks with the traditional binary thinking about drag, showing a wide spectrum of drag incarnations, attributes, masks, costumes, and artistic works. It is also worth emphasizing the artistic interest in drag, which we have been observing for some time at student exhibitions held at University of the Arts Poznan. Therefore, some of the presented works are works created by people studying at our University.

Drags Like Us

Opening of the exhibition Fresh Eye | exhibition of people studying at UAP 12th Painting Studio
Venue: UAP, building F, 16 Szewska Str., room 23 (entrance via a staircase behind the courtyard)
From 15:30

Exhibition of students of the 12th Painting Studio run by prof. Ph.D. Janusz Marciniak with his assistant Monika Szczygieł. The exhibition summarizes the last months spent in the studio.

The title of the exhibition refers to the colloquial phrase “to look at something with fresh eyes”. In a long-term creative process, it is extremely difficult to maintain a critical and objective view. A useful practice is to stop working for a while or seek advice from someone who can provide us with their own perspective. The collective exhibition is an opportunity to compare your work with the work of others and restore the sharpness of your judgment. Unusual works by young artists, which are responses to the given slogans and are also related to their own interests, will create an overview of the perspectives that young artists have on the world.

Artists: Filip Andrunyk, Rafał Bobrowski, Alicja Borzyńska, Mateusz Drozdowski, Joanna Dymek, Olaf Frankowicz, Hjörleifur Halldórsson, Paulina Kaczyńska, Paulina Karkut, Palina Kuchynskaya, Tymon Lewandowski, Agata Lutowska, Julia Maksymiuk, Kornelia Nowak, Aleksandra Strzelińska, Daria Włodarczak, Weronika Wojciechowska, Paulina Woźniak, Angelika Tomkiewicz, Aleksandra Trzuskolas, Martyna Zielińska, Marcelina Żmuda

Artistic supervision: Janusz Marciniak, Monika Szczygieł

Duration of exhibition: 18.05–29.05.2024 — visit (not during the opening) by prior arrangement via e-mail:

Get to know the activities of UAP 12th Painting Studio:

The exhibition is open for visiting with children. The building in which the studio is located does not have an elevator – entry for people with disabilities might be complicated.

Weronika Teplicka | I cut, I stick together
Venue: Gallery Szewska 16 (16 Szewska Str.)
Till 19:00

Curatorial team: Natalia Czarcińska, Jerzy Muszyński, Dorota Tarnowska-Urbanik

Venue: Building F,16 Szewska Str., room 1, ground floor
From 17:00 to 20:00

Students presenting works at exhibition:

Viktoriia Chepurda, Nawojka Łukuć, Kinga Wujec, Iga Warchałowska, Pola Bober, Jagoda Goińska, Julia Bachur, Sonia Igiel, Nina Jakubowska, Jakub Jaborkhel, Małgorzata Wieczorek, Anna Kossyk, Weronika Andrzejak, Mikołaj Smolarek, Aleksandra Frydrychowicz, Natalia Różankiewicz, Pola Gaworska, Anna Kinal, Alicja Ciepłucha

The presented exhibition invites its recipients to visit the 5th Drawing Studio run by Dr. Hab. Alicja Jeziorecka, prof. UAP. The title of the exhibition is also one of the topics that students could choose to implement during the 2023–2024 academic year.

The wide spectrum of presented works by students shows the endless possibilities of approaching drawing. In the studio, apart from working with a model or still life, students are tasked with implementing a topic of their choice in any artistic technique. Therefore, the works we will see at the exhibition often take the form of artistic objects, artistic installations, bas-reliefs, sculptures or ceramics. This broad view of drawing results from the freedom of choice, which allows for interactions between various artistic statements made in various materials. That is why paper, wire and fabric interact with each other at the exhibition. The richness of interpretations of reality and the relationships and interactions that occur between these different spheres encourage us to look at drawing from different perspectives.

Visual identification by Adela Madej

  • Author: o.petrenko
  • Published on: 13.05.2024, 14:50
  • Last edit: 17.05.2024, 12:09