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The Taipei Design Award (TDA) 2023

The Taipei Design Award (TDA) 2023 is now open for entries. Submission period is till August 17th, 2023. This year’s total prize money is up to NT$ 4.23 million including NT$ 600K for the grand prize -Taipei City Mayor Award. We sincerely invite all of you from various fields to participate, take Taipei as an international stage to shine to the world. 1. QUALIFICATIONS 2. CATEGORIES 3. REGISTRATION FEE    No registration fee required. For more information please check on TDA official website or FB. If you have any questions please contact us, wish to see your outstanding works! Organizer 主辦單位 :Department of Economic Development, Taipei City Government 臺北市政府產業發展局  Executive 執行單位 :China Productivity Center 2023 TDA working team 財團法人中國生產力中心 2023臺北設計獎工作小組 Taipei Design AwardWorking Team TEL (+886) 2-2698-2989 Ext.03072 (Mr. Tang)More

Open Call for ESN Buddy Program

Attention! Chance for international friendships! ESN Buddy Program opens the recruitment! What is it though? Schedule: P.S. In the first week of July, we’ll send via e-mail an invitation to a WhatsApp group dedicated for Mentors. Wanna join? Great! All it takes is to fill that form: and wait for the message! In case of questions, contact us: Albert BartyszakPresident of ESN Poznań


Faculty of Arts and Music, University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) would like to invite students interested in animation and other moving art media, to the International Festival of Children and Student’s Multimedia Production Trikfilm. The festival is going to take place on 26th – 30th September 2023 in Czech Republic in Ostrava. Open call is until 3rd September. You can already sign up and enter your own artwork now here on the link The aim of the festival is to present student and children’s creative works in the areas of: The prize in the main category is 500 euros. By organizing other activities, TrikFilm supports education in the field of multimedia creation for children and young creators in their activities. We wantMore

SCHAUBAU International Summer School of Design in Dessau, Germany (August 13-18, 2023)

SCHAUBAU International Summer School of Design in Dessau, Germany (August 13-18, 2023)

ANIMATOR International Animated Film Festival | Volunteering

ANIMATOR International Animated Film Festival | Volunteering The ANIMATOR International Animated Film Festival will be held on June 21-25, 2023 in Poznan, on June, 26-30, 2023 online, and on July 1-2, 2023 in the form of screenings of awarded films at the Muza Cinema. Do you want to be part of this event? Fill in the application form below! During the festival volunteers will work in the following sections: Today is the last day to send your application! We accept applications from persons over 16 y.o. Should you have any questions regarding volunteering during the festival, please, Application form:

13th Biennale of Graphic Arts

Biennale of Graphic Arts, established in 1999, is a cyclical review presenting the work of artists of the young generation, active in the field of graphic arts. For some time, we have been implementing a new formula of the Biennale, which is adapted to changes in contemporary art and to the role of graphic statements in the context of social activities (activist movements). The theme of the 13th Biennale of Graphic Arts, which will start on April, 21 this year in Poznan, is “Error” – an issue that criticizes the existing reality as defective and imperfect in relation to art, proposing instead improvements and transformations within culture and society. At the exhibition, we will see dozens of works by youngMore

EVIDENCE | Katsiaryna Kardash

EVIDENCE It’s not folklore. It’s national identity. It’s not a manifesto. It’s EVIDENCE. From March 25 – the Belarusian Independence Day, 12 video-performances will be uploaded on the Internet, on social medias and in Tik Tok application, one a day, reflecting the Belarusian national identity in various forms. Each of them represents one of the ritual songs of the Belarusian calendar year. These songs come from various regions of Belarus and were recorded during ethnographic expeditions at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The recordings are reproduced in detail: they convey the intonation, singing technique and language dialect of the presented regions of Belarus. Links: Katsiaryna Kardash I am Belarusian. My country has been fightingMore

DARMASISWA | Indonesian scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology

DARMASISWA | Indonesian scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Darmasiswa is a one year non-degree scholarship program offered by the Indonesian government to all non-Indonesian citizens from countries which Indonesia has diplomatic relations to study Indonesian language, arts, music, crafts and other specific subjects at 68 Indonesian Higher Education Institutions selected in various cities in Indonesia. This program is organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research , and Technology in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The main objective of the DARMASISWA program is to increase and cultivate interest in Indonesian language and Indonesian culture among citizens from other countries. It is also designed to increase mutual understanding and provide stronger cultural bonds betweenMore

Artist Talk | Paweł Krzysztof Kasprzak

Artist Talk | Paweł Krzysztof Kasprzak The talk will be in English and we warmly welcome you to attend. 14.03.23, 18:00, room 109, building A, UAP Paweł Krzysztof Kasprzak was born in Szczecin in 1996. In 2020, he completed his bachelor’s degree in Intermedia, and in 2022, he completed his master’s degree in Photography at the University of Arts in Poznań. He is interested in different faces of violence. He seeks out its manifestations and examines the factors that contribute to its occurrence, focusing on systemic, cultural, and socio-political contexts.

Lecture: On curating contemporary art. Critical theory and practice of curating contemporary art exhibitions

On curating contemporary art. Critical theory and practice of curating contemporary art exhibition by Veronika Rudorfer (conducted in English) Lecture is organized by the Department of Art Education and Curatorial Studies with the support of Austrian Cultural Forum in Warsaw. March, 9; 18:00, lecture hall B02 This lecture is focusing on both the theory and practice of exhibiting the work of contemporary artists at institutions such as museums and exhibition halls. By presenting selected examples from my own curatorial work, I am addressing the milestones of realizing an exhibition project – from writing an exhibition concept, researching potential loans, contacting lenders, working on the exhibition catalogue and the exhibition design, up to the installation of the artworks. The lecture aims to give anMore

Rector’s announcement on A+ scientific category

Rector’s announcement on A+ scientific category It is my pleasure to inform you that by the decision of the Minister of Education and Science as of February 16, 2023, Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan was awarded the highest scientific category A+ in the discipline of visual arts and conservation of works of art. I believe this decision is a historical success of artists – employees of our University, appreciation of their competence, artistic quality and creative activity, which has been duly recognized on a national scale. I would like to thank everyone who contributed efforts to this success, especially the employees involved in the long-term and laborious evaluation process, e.g. employees of the Evaluation Office, faculty coordinators asMore

Application deadline 10.11.2021 – Become a Co-creator at Gooodlife

Dear Student! We are delighted to invite you to take part in Gooodlife Co-creation project! At GooodLife, we connect you with people to experience purposeful human interactions – for more mental well-being in your everyday life. Your participation is highly appreciated! It results with: – valuable entrepreneurship experience – your own network building opportunity – participation certificate  – discounts post launch Project duration: – 1-2 months  – weekly time investment – as per availability Apply latest by the 10th of November 2021 and start creating deep and meaningful relationships beyond nations. Apply here: Warm regards  Gooodlife Team