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Gene BY | Volha Savich

Gene BY | Volha SavichGallery Curators’LAB UAP, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Curator: Ewelina MuraszkiewiczOpening: 1.04.2025,  19:00Duration of exhibition: 1-20.04.2025 Volha Savich is a resident of the PersPaktiv residency project. The project was created out of the need to support people from the broadly understood artistic community coming from Belarus. The situation in our eastern neighborhood  has led to an increase in migration in recent years. Artists who have experienced various types of repression, the inability to continue their artistic path, decide to leave the country. Being aware that the implementation of artistic work abroad (especially critical of the government) guarantees difficulties in returning to their homeland. The project supports accommodation in a new environment, allows residents to get acquainted with the artisticMore

Something is happening quietly

Something is happening quietly Opening: March, 26 (Wed), 17:00Gallery Szewska 16Duration of Exhibition: March, 26 – April, 27 Julia BachurAlicja CybertowiczIga MroziakAntonina NapierałaOlga OrmańczykViktoriia RomaniukBartosz Stańczuk Curators:Anna KędzioraMax Radawski


BEETLE EFFECT1st year of Graphic ArtGraphic Drawing (head bodybuilding)Atrium UAP, building B, 20, 23 Lutego Str.7.04.2025, 12:00 – 20:00 (1-day exhibition) Participants: Liliana Bąk, Zuzanna Dembinska, Amelia Grabowska, Natalia Grzesiak, Max Korzyniewski, Anita Kuczek, Oliwia Kużdowicz, Tomasz Lubocki, Inga Malinowska, Kalina Mitkowski, Karolina Pelczarska, Marcel Pilarczyk, Nina Sedeńko, Alicja Winiewicz, Magdalena Witkowska, Izabela Wituska, Zuzanna ZgodaCurator: Kuba Kapral It began with an analysis of a fragment of Andrei Platonov’s prose from the novel „Excavation” (“Wykop”), in which the author uses distorted, corrupt propaganda (socialist realist) language. In the process, we came across the potato beetle scandal from the PRL period, which began with a propaganda communiqué of the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Reforms published in Trybuna Ludu on June 1,More

Karaoke Night at UAP

Karaoke Night at UAP Ready to feel like stars on stage? Join us for the next edition of Karaoke Night!  Come and spend your Thursday evening with us, filled with laughter, fun, and music. Grab the microphone, pick your favorite song, and show us what you’ve got!   When? March 20 What time? 7:00 PM Where? Atrium, Building B Visual identity: Julia Rudnik

UAP/ST/ANNOTATIONS | Stanisław Teisseyre’s collections in the Collection of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts in Poznan

UAP/ST/ANNOTATIONS | Stanisław Teisseyre’s collections in the Collection of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts in Poznan CLOSING: March 23, 2025, 18:00Gallery Nowa Scena UAP28 Marcinkowskiego Ave., Poznan The exhibition „UAP/ST/Annotations” presents over 60 works from the collections of the University of Arts in Poznań, bequeathed by Professor Stanisław Teisseyre. The curatorial team, with a critical approach to the Professor’s legacy, examines the social contexts of the works, paying attention to the lack of representation of women and queerness in art, and also raises a subject of anonymous authors, offering them a space for public presentation. The exhibition poses a question about the inclusiveness of the collection, taking into account the voices of marginalized groups and current issues ofMore

Wrong place, wrong time

Wrong place, wrong timeExhibition by Science Club Najlepsze pod słońcem (The best under the sun) & XIII Painting Studio | UAP PoznanScience Club discussi_64 | Academy of Fine Arts in WarsawGallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 26.03.2025, 18:00Duration of exhibition: 26.03 – 13.04.2025Curators: Krzysztof Mętel, Paweł Nocuń Being a human means always being out of place and out of time. When you are young, you want to be old, and when you are old, you want to be young. You come into the world too early and leave it too early, for half of your life you are not ready for anything, and in the other half it is too late for everything. You are never supposed to learn,More


EXPERIMENT | SERIES OF WORKSHOPS Student Scientific Club of Curatorial Studies and Art Theory CURE and the Department of Experimental FilmGallery Curators’LAB UAP, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Opening: 6.03.2025, 18:006 – 30.03.2025 In cooperation between the Student Scientific Club of Curatorial Studies and Art Theory CURE and the Department of Experimental Film, EXPERIMENT was born – a unique series of exhibitions resulting from the cooperation of students. The title of the series refers not only to the department itself, but also to the nature of the project. From the mixture of experiences, we have extracted 5 exhibitions at the Curators’ Lab Gallery, which will be thematically diverse and will show what resulted from the creative ferment, perhaps giving rise to further artisticMore

Andrzej Zdanowicz | Argonaut

Andrzej Zdanowicz | ArgonautOpening: March, 5 (Wednesday), 18:00Duration of exhibition: March, 5–23Gallery Szewska 16 / 16 Szewska Str. Argonaut (fragment) Last summer I found watercolor paints and a lot of paper in the studio. Crayons and gum arabic. Simple materials, but requiring creativity. And here there are boredom and summer days stretched out by laziness and heat. I thought – outdoors and playing with paints would be a good choice. The technique with the use of water-based materials is non-binding, fast and clear. Paper. Either you hit it or you don’t. If not, you throw it away. Although it is said that paper is patient, it looks bad when it is overworked. However, the idea remains and can quickly beMore

Here, where the land ends and the sea begins | Gosia Kępa

Here, where the land ends and the sea begins | Gosia KępaGallery Design, 9 Wolnica Str.Opening: 6.03.2025, 19:00Duration of exhibition: 6.03.2025 – 6.04.2025Open: Monday – Sunday, 10:00 – 18:00Curator: Zosia Sałasińska When you look at water, you see what you think is your reflection. But it’s not yours. You are a reflection of water. from Roni Horn’s monologue Saying Water We are looking at ourselves in the mirror of the great water. Listen, see, and touch. Taste. The water beneath us is a trans-species source of knowledge – an extension of earthly existence. Where the land ends and the sea begins, new cognitive horizons emerge, challenging the established order. The coastline is constantly changing, not allowing the eye to becomeMore


POSTHER Opening: 8.03.2025, 6 p.m.Duration of exhibition: 8-20.03.2025Place: Gallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str., Poznań, PolandCurator: Aleksandra Kortas Artists: Adam Agnieszka / Boor Radoslava / Chmielnik Anna / Chojna Elżbieta / Chrabąszcz Monika / Cieślikowska Agnieszka / Czerniak-Chojnacka Dominika / Czerniakowska Justyna / Dajczak Agnieszka / Delgado Natalia / Depta-Kleśta Kaja / Gawin Marta / Grudzińska Karolina / Gurowska Małgorzata / Hansen Rikke / Jędrysek Justyna / Karczewska Zuzanna / Kath Gitte / Kłos Anna / Korolovszky Anna / Kortas Aleksandra / Kot Aleksandra / Kubacha Katarzyna / Kulczyk Agata / Kultys Alicja / Longawa Patrycja / Machnicka Justyna / Mashayekhi Pargol / Moayedi Ameneh / Mokhber Akram / Nachman Katarzyna / Niepsuj Ola / Pełechaty Agata / Popek-BanachMore

Athlete | Monika Lisiecka

Athlete | Monika LisieckaGallery Duża Scena UAPOpening: 28.03.2025, 18:00Duration of Exhibition: 28.03 – 2.04.2025 “Sportowiec” (“Athlete”) is a series of collages by Monika Lisiecka dedicated to various disciplines. All works were created on the basis of old “Athlete” magazines from the 1960s and 1970s. The author combines her characters in a graphic game of “tic-tac-toe” and also uses archival TotoLotka coupons. In some works there is a contemporary accent in the form of single keys from a Macintosh keyboard. Saturated primary colors enhance the clarity of perception. All this means that this exhibition will take us on a sports journey. Maybe it will even inspire some people to increase physical activity, which affects not only the body, but also theMore

UAP / ST / Annotations
Stanisław Teisseyre’s legacy in the collection of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan

UAP / ST / AnnotationsStanisław Teisseyre’s legacy in the collection of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 7.03.2025, 18:00Curatorial tour: 8.03.2025, 14:00Duration of exhibition: 7- 23.03.2025 UAP/ST/Annotations is an exhibition that presents over 60 works from the collection that the University inherited from Prof. Stanisław Teisseyre. Currently, the works are in the collection of the University of the Arts Poznan. The curatorial team approached the Professor’s legacy with a critical distance, trying to find in it social contexts that are important today, as well as to recognize the artistic values ​​of the collection. From a contemporary perspective, the works collected by Stanisław Teisseyre reveal not only the dominance of heteronormative, maleMore

DKF Interwaves x Intermedia Cinema – Analog Dreaming: Jon Behrens Memorial Program

DKF Interwaves x Intermedia Cinema – Analog Dreaming: Jon Behrens Memorial Program Date: 12.02.2023Time: 19:00Venue: Atrium, UAP (29 Marcinkowskiego Ave., Poznan) This program celebrates the vast legacy of a Seattle-based and one of the Northwest’smost prolific filmmakers and composers Jon Behrens (1964-2022), showcasing hisunique experiments with image, sound and celluloid. From silent studies in light, colorand water and cinematic abstractions to landscapes, cityscapes, NASA images andHollywood movies, the program demonstrates a remarkable diversity of Behrens’ films, which are both simple and complex, lyrical and psychedelic as well as mediative and visually challenging. Since the late 1970s, Behrens made well over 100 films using different formats, styles and approaches, ranging from short documentaries, narratives and diaries to found footage, hand paintedMore

Hello, who’s PL?

Hello, who’s PL?Gallery Curators Lab, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str., PoznanOpening: 20.02.2025, 18:00Set by dj trololo 18:15-19:15Duration of exhibition: 20.02 – 4.03.2025 Artists: Bezimienny, Marcel Boguszewski, Grupa do Wczoraj, Karol Gniazdowski, Natalia Magalska, Dominika Paszkowska, Lena Ptak, Kamil Wrona, Maciek Zieliński. Curatorial team: Magdalena Kłosowska, Paulina Płaneta, Remigiusz Boruszewski gfx: Remigiusz Boruszewski Hello, who’s PL? explores the phenomenon of contemporary Polish identity, filtered through the Internet, where the boundaries between pride and irony, tradition and pop culture remix are becoming more and more fluid. It is a story about a nationality functioning online, in a space where historical narratives intertwine with the aesthetics of memes, and internet humor becomes the language of a generation. The title of the exhibition refers to aMore

Superorganism | ELWIRA SZTETNER

Superorganism | ELWIRA SZTETNER Galeria Szewska 16Opening: February, 12, 18:00Duration of exhibition: February, 12 – March, 2


LOOPHOLEGallery Design UAP, 9 Wolnica Str.Opening: 7.02.2025, 19:007-9.02.2025 Artists:Aleksander BajorekPola BoberMarcus BrorssonJagoda GoińskaMaja JankowiakAlicja JenczMaciej KarkoszkaMaria KasperJulia MielochUrszula NiklasMałgorzata NowakOliwia NowickaZofia NowakDiana PawlaczykZuzanna SakowiczMaja WojcieszakCurator: Piotr Macha

Katarzyna Klich | ARTERIOSUM

Katarzyna Klich | ARTERIOSUM Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 4.02.2025, 19:004.02.2025 -17.02.2025Graphics: Agata Kulczyk Ligamentum Arteriosum is a term from the area of ​​anatomy and physiology that describes the fused blood vessel connecting the aortic arch with the pulmonary trunk. It is the remnant of the ductus arteriosus, which physiologically and anatomically closes immediately after birth. The physical particle that enables such a direct exchange of breath. Some speck, a remnant of a mother, of another person. Tree roots grow to form underground corridors, sometimes on a microscale on biological slides, like pulsating blood vessels that try to get closer to each other, looking for mutual connections. They also grow in pots near our windows, or crawl in theMore

GIRLY FEYNESS | Patrycja Pirucka

GIRLY FEYNESS | Patrycja PiruckaGallery Design UAP, 9 Wolnica Str.Opening: 13.02.2025, 18:0013.02 – 28.02.2025Curator: Wiktoria Pietrzak dear visitor you enter the exhibition you want to experience new emotions maybe you are looking for inspiration or sitting at home has overwhelmed you so much that you prefer to co-suffer with a group of strangers in a tight space where the oxygen will run out faster than expected and the opening wine will flow down your throat sooner than the glasses are well filled it is possible that you wanted to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and absorb art like the words of a therapist during the next Thursday session but it may be different thanMore

Body in the interface | Lucia Čarnecká

Body in the interface | Lucia ČarneckáGallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 5.02.2025, 18:00Duration of exhibition: 5.02 – 2.03.2025Curator: dr Tomasz Drewicz Body in the Interface – Lucia ČarneckáThe exhibition Body in the Interface by Slovak artist Lucia Čarnecká invitesviewers to reflect on the transformations of sculpture in the digital age. Theartist redefines the traditional medium, transitioning from tangible, materialforms to virtual and performative spaces. Using technologies such as videoholograms, 3D scanning, and virtual reality, she explores the boundaries ofidentity, cultural memory, and the interaction between the body and technology.Čarnecká draws inspiration from both archaeology and contemporary digitaltools, juxtaposing raw materials like clay from Pezinok with immaterial digitalimagery. Works such as Resemblance and Stranger from Jericho delve into therelationshipMore

Quite an ordinary village

Quite an ordinary village Gallery Curators’ LAB, UAP, Poznan, 17.01-16.02.2025Opening: 16.01.2025, 18:00Discussion panel: 12.02.2025, 13:00, building H, floor IV Artists: Małgorzata Mycek, Małgorzata Myślińska, Daniel Rycharski i Michał SierakowskiCuratorial and arrangement team: Justyna Ryczek, Jan Wasiewicz In recent years, rural and peasant issues have become one of the important topics of reflection not only in Polish humanities, but also in broadly understood culture. The exhibition Quite an Ordinary Village fits into this trend. What is a modern Polish village like? At our exhibition, it is quite ordinary – that is, experienced by people associated with it. That is why we are not looking for objective answers, but we give voice to people associated with the everyday life and ordinariness ofMore

Dispersion | Rafał Boettner-Łubowski and Adam Gillert

Dispersion | Rafał Boettner-Łubowski and Adam Gillert Gallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 14.01.2025, 18:0014.01-2.02.2025Curator: Karolina Rosiejka We dream of the highest order, a sublime murmur, and we only save obscure fragments. Philippe Jaccottet The pale faces of ancient statues, wood plowed with holes, ornaments swollen with rust and geological preparations covered with moss reveal their fleeting and yet powerful nature. It is in their fragility that their strength lies – the unyielding persistence that emerges from the processes of decay and transformation. Rafał Boettner-Łubowski and Adam Gillert look closely at these objects, exploring the past as a space of the unexpected. Their look, sharpened by contemporary sensitivity and digital tools, reveals non-obvious beauty – quivering, fragmentary, always incomplete.More

Natalia Brodacka | games and fun

Natalia Brodacka | games and funGallery Szewska 16, (16 Szewska Str.)Opening: 18.12.2024, 17:0018.12.2024-12.01.2025 its essence is imaginationdetermined by the rules set by the participantsvoluntary and selflesscreates a closed whole, takes place in its own space separated from everyday lifedefined by a time frame that separates it from everyday routinecontains elements of surpriseit is impossible to predict its course N.B. Natalia Brodacka A graduate of the Faculty of Drawing and Painting as well as Graphics and Visual Communication at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan. In the years 2016–2018, she co-ran the R20 Gallery. She works in the field of painting, drawing and graphic design.

Artist Talk: Future Analog: Materiality, Memory, and Archiving

Artist Talk: Future Analog: Materiality, Memory, and ArchivingDecember, 19, 6 p.m.On-line ( ) After a long break, the series of online lectures “The Sealed Studio Talks” comes back, initiated and moderated by Prof. Dominik Lejman, Head of the 2nd Painting Studio at the Faculty of Painting and Drawing of the UAP. The first lecture, which will take place on December 19 at 6:00 p.m., begins a new series with Yane Calovski as the guest. More information can be found at: The Sealed Studio Talks. Yane Calovski’s artist talk delves into the role of artistic research, conceptuality, and materialization in shaping visual and discursive practices. Through the ongoing projects Schöning Revisited: Extensions, Chroma, Inflections (2022–ongoing) and Undisciplined Construction of an Archive: Skopje’s Unfinished Utopia (2008–ongoing), theMore

HARMONIES | How art connects with the world

HARMONIES | How art connects with the world PIĘTRO_2.011.12.2024–8.01.2025 organization: Fundacja Nowa UAPexhibition concept: Piotr Grzywaczcurators: Bogumiła Jung, Mateusz Wróblewskiarrangement design: Tomasz Agaciński, Monika Kaźmierska coordination: Karolina Cieślak, Małgorzata Ratajczakimplementation: Tomasz Agaciński, Monika Kaźmierska, Jarosław Jasik, Tomasz Kochański, Dariusz Zajączkowski The exhibition presents a set of situations that arose at the intersection of artistic, design and exhibition activities at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan. Their common denominator is not only interdisciplinarity, but also the international reach of the generated message and the resulting commercialization potential. The dialogue of ideas and forms often requires appropriate entourage, enabling their materialization and presentation at the level of current global standards. This refers primarily to the expectations that the modern recipient placesMore

20 years of dialogue | 4th Studio of Spatial Activities, Sculpture Faculty

20 years of dialogue | 4th Studio of Spatial Activities, Sculpture Faculty Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 16.12.2024, 17:00 16.12.2024 – 3.01.2025  This academic year, we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the 4th Studio of Sculpture and Spatial Activities. So, this is a special opportunity to stop for a moment and look back at the rich history of this space of creativity. From the very beginning, the studio founded in 2004 was a place that set itself the goal of combining sculptural tradition with modern methods of operating in space, open to experiment, exploration and dialogue with dynamically changing realities. Our approach has always been to support individual creative explorations and to cross established boundaries to discover newMore


XV EDITION OF THE LARGEST STUDENT ART FAIR IN POLAND – DECEMBER 7th IN POZNAN! On December 7, the Student Council of the University of the Arts in Poznan invites you to the 15th Edition of the Student Art Fair, the largest student art fair in Poland! This is a perfect opportunity to discover the unique works of young artists and find something special as a gift or for your own space. Experience the artistic atmosphere of the university, chat with artists and alumni of UAP, and enjoy the numerous attractions prepared for the fair’s anniversary! What have we prepared for you? Over 130 exhibitors offering art in 16 categories: graphics, ceramics, photography, painting, posters, textiles, accessories, jewelry, design, crafts,More

Magdalena Parnasow-Kujawa | Images chipped    

Magdalena Parnasow-Kujawa | Images chipped     Gallery Design, 9 Wolnica Str.Duration of exhibition: 27.11.2024-19.12.2024Opening: 10.12.2024, 18:00                                       We oscillate between multiplicity, complexity, speed, diversity and fragmentation. The question arises: what form does contemporary image perception take, in what space does the image function and on what level do we encounter it? When we look, do we actually see? Do we care about seeing? The presented paintings were made using my own technique on metal plates. They have lenses placed on their surface, which, on the one hand, in accordance with their intended purpose, zoom in and enlarge the image, taking it into three-dimensional space – but on the other hand, they interfere with direct visual contact with it. Thanks to this, theMore

Magdalena Soboń | Enchant the Real

Magdalena Soboń | Enchant the Real 28.11- 15.12. 2024Opening: 28.11.2024, 18:00Gallery Szewska / 16 Szewska Str. Gallery curatorial team: Natalia CzarcińskaJerzy MuszyńskiDorota Tarnowska-Urbanik Enchant the Real For me, creativity is a kind of enchantment ritual. When creating, I enter a space where spirit and matter interpenetrate each other. In this state, I withdraw from everyday life and the boundaries become blurred, and what is physical begins to resonate with what is spiritual. I express myself through the medium of paper. Through regular, meditative movements resulting from the craft of handmade paper, I establish contact with matter, which becomes a tool of expression and transformation. The body, acting as an intermediary, creates a bridge between what is tangible and what isMore


PHYSIOLOGY OF MEMORYExhibition participants: Anna Maria Brandys, Joanna Imielska, Magdalena Kleszyńska, Magdalena RucińskaGallery Curators‘Lab UAP, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Opening: 4.12.2024, 19:004.12.2025 – 6.01.2025 Quoting from Wikipedia: Memory is the ability to store and reproduce information, recall sensory impressions, associations, symbols, it is a basic function in nature recorded in the DNA genetic code. Four different phases can be distinguished in the creation and storage of memory: remembering all information; storing them in neurons responsible for storage; finding them later and getting them out of storage when needed; proper recognition of the type of information extracted. In clinical practice, the most important thing is the division of memory into two types: fresh memory – short-term memory and old memory – long-term memory.More

CALIBRATION | Tomasz Sobisz

CALIBRATION | Tomasz Sobisz Gallery AULA, 29 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 28.11.2024,  13:00Duration of exhibition: 28.11.2024–20.12.2024 The “CALIBRATION” exhibition is largely a premiere composition and a retrospective presentation of a multi-element installation. The works presented at the “CALIBRATION” exhibition are part of the extensive series “HOMO-HOMINI” – (mater mundi+calibration+battlefield), which is defined by the antithesis of fragility, careful contact with the depositories of the past and metaphorical sculptural matter – glass, metal, stone, wood, slate, multimedia projection. A few works have already been presented at several exhibitions in recent years, usually showing the fragility of human fate, man’s fears and hopes, in a timeless and universal way. TOMASZ SOBISZ contemporary Polish sculptor, studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk. He completed hisMore

BIENNALE YOUNG INTERIOR DESIGNERS – Best Interior Design Diplomas, National Edition 2024

BIENNALE YOUNG INTERIOR DESIGNERS – Best Interior Design Diplomas, National Edition 2024 Opening | 22.11.2024 | 18:00 | Słodownia +1, Stary Browar, 42 Półwiejska Str., PoznanDuration of exhibition | 22.11.2024–06.12.2024 | 12:00–20:00 The exhibition “BIENNALE YOUNG INTERIOR DESIGNERS – The Best Diplomas in Interior Design” collects unique works of young designers from leading Art Universities in Poland. The event is not only a review of the latest achievements of diplomats, but also a forum that opens the way for young talents by showing their potential. The exhibition, organized in the atmospheric Słodownia +1 space of Stary Browar in Poznan, is a testimony to the diversity and creativity of the young generation of designers. Each diploma, created under the guidance of experiencedMore

Was it always about the mask? | Ireneusz Domagała

Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 19.11.2024, 18:0020.11.2024–8.12.2024 Curatorial and arrangement team: Katarzyna Podgórska-Glonti, Ewa Mróz-Pacholczyk, Karolina Grzeszczuk, Justyna Ryczek Was it always about the mask? Ireneusz Domagała We did not create a retrospective exhibition, we chose a set of works that, on the one hand, show the diversity of artistic explorations, and, on the other hand, their communal nature and intriguing repeatability. Chronologically, we have collected works that outlined the artistic path – its beginning is a diploma thesis from 1979, and the end is a playful and reflective mask for the difficult pandemic everyday life of 2020. Between drawings, designs, costumes, dolls, costumes brought to life in theater performances, sketches, scripts of plays he worked on, graphicMore