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Witold Modrzejewski | -Jaki on jest? -Pół na pół | exhibition

Witold Modrzejewski – Jaki on jest? – Pół na pół Witold Modrzejewski – What is he like? – Fifty-fifty opening: 13 May 2019, 18:00 Galeria Duża Scena UAP, ul. Wodna 24 exhibition open until 26 May 2019

Corelations | UAP Students and PhD Canidates exhibition

opening: 18.05.19 godz. 15:00 location: Stara Rzeźnia ul. Garbary Poznań exhibition open until 22 May 2019 Artists: Julia Królikowska Maciej Andrzejczak Krzysztof Mentel Mikołaj Garstecki Ada Łowkis Marcin Salwin Julia Habrat Julia Ciesielczyk Anni Mikkonen Michalina Zadykowicz Ksenia Pyza Kaja Koster Piotr Owczarek Aleksandra Pokojewska Paula Sidoruk Marta Sucherska Iga Martin Irek Pachliński Wojtek Iłenda Jaśmina Kamińska Eliza Golska Julia Kawczyńska i Monika Mączyńska Bartosz Ługowski Olga Skliarska

Chih-Chien Wang | Spotkanie i pokaz filmu

Samorząd Doktorantów oraz Interdyscyplinarne Koło Naukowe Doktorantów UAP zaprasza na kolejny wykład otwarty ORAZ pokaz filmu! Tym razem przez dwa dni będziemy gościć Chih-Chien Wang’a, artystę urodzonego na Tajwanie, mieszkającego od 2002 roku w Montrealu. Środa 17:30 – pokaz filmu “The Act of Forgetting” ENG / atrium, bud.B Czwartek 19:30 – wykład otwarty ENG / drukarnia (sala_02), bud.B ///// ENG ///// “My practice is dedicated to a process of approaching individual perceptions of reality through considering the construction of language, meaning, identity, memory and emotion while examining the exercise of art making. This process attempts to define instead of conclude, by proposing multiple perspectives rather than one fixed strategy to expand on specific experiences. Ultimately, multiple attempts at defining bringMore

Jhonny Leonardo Diaz | Untitled | exhibition

Jhonny Leonardo Diaz Untitled opening: 16 April 2019, 19:00 location: Galeria VA (Al. Marcinkowskiego 26, entryphone: 50) exhibition open until 19 April 2019 “Untitled” is the title of this exhibition which inspired by most of paintings from Jhonny Leonardo Diaz are untitled. The artist –Jhonny Leonardo Diaz, came from a family of miners and he had worked in the mine before he studying in the University of Arts in Poznan. What will see when you are staying underground without any light? What will think when a simple stone is placed in front of you? What’s human made of, water, Cell or something else? The paintings from Jhonny might to tell you the answer for those questions. Let’s go into hisMore

NOWY OBRAZ / NOWE SPOJRZENIE | announcements of results and exhibition opening

NOWY OBRAZ / NOWE SPOJRZENIE 8th edition of Painting Competition for the UAP Artistic Prize Nominees: Maciej Andrzejczak Natalia Brodacka Dobromiła Hada-Jasikowska Jędrzej Hofman Naila Ibupoto Marcin Janusz Katarzyna Jarząb Amanda Korol Aneta Kublik Urszula Madera Krzysztof Mętel Aleksandra Mrozowska Kinga Popiela Gabriela Staszak Paulina Zielska Announcements of results and exhibition opening: Słodowania at Stary Browar, Poznań opening: 5 April 2019, 19:00 5–24 April 2019

International symposium and exhibition Neighbourhood 2 | Faculty of Painting and Drawing

Faculty of Painting and Drawing of the University of the Arts Poznan is pleased to invite all for the international symposium and exhibition „Neighbourhood 2” at the Europäische Naturerlebnisstätte Oderberge Lebus, Germany. Oderberge-Lebus 15326 Lebus Artistic-scientific symposium and exhibition: 9 April –12 May 2019.

XI Biennale of Student Graphic Art 2019 | exhibition of laureates

XI Biennale of Sudent Graphic Art 2019 You are all welcome to attend the exhibition opening and prize-giving ceremony at the 5th of April, 18:00 at Arsenal Municipal Gallery. exhibition: 5 April – 5 May 2019 Arsenal Municipal Gallery (Stary Rynek 6) curator: Maciej Kurak artists: Banaś Magdalena Barańczyk Maria Będkowski Kacper Bielecka Ewelina Budna Oksana Bugaj Grzegorz Daciuk Jan Dębińska Wiktoria Dereń Kamila Domaradzka Malwina Dulska Anna Epping Sarah Fedro Katarzyna Galica Lidia Gogol Renata Jaworska Jagoda Jaźwińska Weronika Kamińska Zuzanna Karczewski Kajetan Kardash Katsiaryna Karwowska Magdalena Kieliszewska Antonina Kłos Antonina Kociński Igor Koguc Marta Koman Aleksandra Korotkov Andriei Koshaleva Maryia Kowalska Julia Kubasik Katarzyna Kwiatkowska Natalia Leszczyńska Barbara Libardoni Vinicius Lipman Adam Maślerz Dominik Matsas Pierre Mularczyk Olga Niemczuk Paulina Paczyńska NataliaMore

Drawing Studio I form the Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies / Cities and Rivers

Exhibition Miasta i rzeki /Cities and rivers/ summing up the plain-air workshop. Drawing Studio I with prof. Joanna Imielska and dr Sonia Rammer from the Interdyscyplinary Department, Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies Galeria Zum Pass 15.04–15.11.2019 An der Sieger Herzberg am Harz (Germany) The plain-air workshop of Drawing Studio I from the Interdyscyplinary Department of the Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies will take place 8 until 14 April 2019 in Herzberg, Germany. This years theme is “Cities and rivers”, what is also a main theme of the studio this academic year 2018/2019. The cooperation has been established and initiated by the owners of Zum Pass Hotel, Teresa and Zygmunt Liberscy, who created excellent conditions to workMore

Monika Polak | Body Image

Monika Polak | BODY IMAGE 2–12 April 2019 Exhibition of works by the laureate of 7th edition of Nowy Obraz / Nowe Spojrzenie Competition opening: 4 April, 18:00 Galeria Duża Scena UAP Wodna st. 24

Piotr Szurek | Autoportret

Piotr Szurek | Autoportret / Self-portrait opening: 3 APril 2019, 18:00 exhibition open: from 3 until 16 April 2019 location: Galeria ASP, ul. Chlebnicka 13/16, Gdańsk

Seok Hyun Han | open lecture

You are welcome to attend an open lecture by Seok Hyun Han 28 March 2019, 17:00, room 02, building B Born in 1975 in Seoul, Korea. Lives and works in Seoul and Berlin. In 2008 he received his MFA from Korea National University of Arts. His work has been seen around the world, including in Germany, Scotland, the United States and South Korea. Han’s work has been exhibited in museums including The Museum of Fine Arts (Boston), Buk Seoul Museum of Art (Seoul), Total Museum of Art (Seoul), Pohang Museum of Art (Pohang),The Gyeonggi Museum of Modern Art (Gyunggido), and the Ilmin Museum of Art (Seoul). In 2017 Han’s work was exhibited at Karachi Biennale (Pakistan) and has received a grantMore

Joanna Krzysztoń | Grzegorz Rogala | OBRAZ UKRYTY | exhibition

JOANNA KRZYSZTOŃ GRZEGORZ ROGALA OBRAZ UKRYTY / HIDDEN IMAGE opening: 01 April 2019,  18:00 exhibition open until 12 April 2019 between 15:00 and 18:00 curator: Tomasz Wilmański Galeria AT (UAP), ul. Solna 4, Poznań

Michał Nowak and Paganini | violin concert

We kindly invite everyone to attend a violin concert by Michał Nowak, who will perform 24 Caprices for Solo Violin Op. 1 by Niccolo Paganini. date: 29 March 2019 , 17.00 location: Atrium UAP, building B, 23 Lutego 20.

NARRATIVE LANGUAGE IN DRAWING | Jose Manuel Jimenez Munoz | open lecture

The Faculty of Painting and Drawing invites to a series of open lectures delivered by Jose Manuel Jimenez Munoz. NARRATIVE LANGUAGE IN DRAWING 25. 03. 2019 – 28. 03. 2019 CREATING LIVE: NARRATION 25.03. 13.00 – 15.00, room 101 / B TIME IN A FLAT SURFACE 26.03. 12.00 – 15.00, room 101 / B SPACE: A THEATRICAL EXPERIENCE 27.03. 13.00 – 15.00, room 101 / B SOCIETY AND IMPACT: THE READER 28.03. 12.00 – 15.00, room 02 / B

John Court | sculpture-performative workshop

Sculpture-performative workshop with John Court dedicated to students interested in sculpture, spacial activities and performance. John Court is pleased to invite participants to create and build the structure of performative object – work from the cycle „Continuous moving object”. The finale of 3-day-long workshop will be a performative activity in public space and ICHOT Porta Posnania. John Court – intermedia artist, in his works he blends drawing, sculpture and performance. Proffessor at the University if the Arts in Helsinki. workshop: 20-22.03.2019, UAP courtyard – registration required: performance “Continuous moving object”: 24-25.03.2019 “Continuous moving object” with participants of the workshop Perfomance and workshop are events accompanying International Conference SCULPTURE IN PROCESS organised in the framework of the 100 years anniversaryMore

100RZEŹBA – PRZESZŁOŚĆ – TERAŹNIEJSZOŚĆ – PRZYSZŁOŚĆ. | exhibition celebrating 100 years of the Faculty of Sculpture UAP

100RZEŹBA – PRZESZŁOŚĆ – TERAŹNIEJSZOŚĆ – PRZYSZŁOŚĆ. 100SCULPTURE – PAST – PRESENCE – FUTURE. Exhibition celebrating the jubilee of the Faculty of Sculpture Univeristy of the Arts Poznan. Curators: prof. dr hab. Wiesław Koronowski, prof. dr Janusz Bałdyga, dr Rafał Górczyński Date: 16.03.2019–23.06.2019 Location:  ICHOT Porta Posnania – Interdyscyplinary Center of the History of the Cathedral Island, ul. Gdańska 2, Poznań  

SCULPTURE IN PROCESS | International Conference

International Conference SCULPTURE IN PROCESS Sculpture as a medium of space transformation. Organiser: The Faculty of Sculpture, University of the Arts Poznan Location: Porta Posnania ICHOT Interactive Centre of Cathedral Island– ul. Gdańska 2, Poznań Date: 25.03.2019 Coordinators: Prof. dr Janusz Bałdyga, dr Marta Bosowska The aim of this jubilee conference is to investigate, both in theoretical and practical context, the complex relations between sculpture as an entity and the dynamic process in which sculpture annexes space in the form of objects, installations, actions or performance art. We would like to apply this perspective to analyse different forms of sculpture present in public space. We would like to take a close look on the so-called border areas that are shaped by ephemeral objects andMore

MARTIN BREINDL Shared Curatorial Practice | lecture and workshop

Martin Breindl  21–22.03.2019  21 March lecture (building E room 12 – Wolnica 9) 17.00–18.30 for students from the Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies and the Faculty of Media Arts workshop (building E room 34 – Wolnica 9) 18.45–20.15 workshop classes for student from the Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies  22 March workshop (building B – UAP Printshop) 11.00–18.00 workshop classes for student from the Faculty of Art Education and Curatorial Studies Martin Breindl, Shared Curatorial Practice Lecture and Workshop in Poznan, 2019 As an artist I have always been interested in transdisciplinary practice. Educated as a visual artist I soon started to work with different media and technologies. Seeing limitations in my abilities to handle these techniques I found no sense in doing all byMore

Izabella Gustowska | A Performative Lecture

Izabella Gustowska A Performative Lecture 13 March 2019 at 18:00 Atrium UAP, ul. 23 lutego 20 We would like to cordially invite you to a special lecture that will be delivered (in Polish) and perfomred by professor Izabella Gustowska. …a small dodo a big volcano a beautiful rose artificial blood…   This lecture is a part of University Open Lectures curated by professor Stefan Ficner.  

TE BYT II artistic presentation

TE BYT II Sławomir Brzoska, Ryszard Ługowski Paulina Sylwestrowicz, Tomasz Wilmański 10 March 2019 (Sunday) Atrium, building B, ul. 23 lutego 20, Poznań The artistic presentation entitled TE BYT II organized by Galeria AT will cover the ideas of freedom and personal identity. It will be dedicated to all people who cannot  freely decide about their lives. This presentation is our way of expressing deep respect towards the centuries-old culture of Tibet.  Tibetans live on the ‘Roof of the World’ and are unique among other nations. This uniqueness stems from the fact that their lives are entirely devoted to Buddhist philosophy. Throughout the centuries, their national identity has shifted from ethnocentric imperialism to modern-day philosophy focued on spirituality and respectMore

UAP Department of Design: from studio to implementation

UAP Department of Design This exhibition is a part of the project The City Lives for Design UAP Department of Design: from studio to implementation Galeria Design UAP, Wolnica 9, Poznań The exhibition will feature an interesting collection of works by the faculty members teaching at the Department of Design of University of the Arts Poznan. Works presented are the result of a creative activity and a complex design process that fulfills the formal and construcion principles taking into account aspects such as usability, ergonomics, technology, marketing etc. UAP Department of Design: from studio to implementation will consist of a collection of objects: from individually made unique products to projects that have already gone into serial production. The collection willMore

Poznań Photo Diploma Award | exhibition

Poznań Photo Diploma Award opening: 9 March 2019, 18:00, Arsenal Municipal Gallery Finalists: Georgs Avetisjans, Mariusz Drezniak, Magdalena Franczuk, Martha Friedel, Dominika Gęsicka, Weronika Jędrzejczak, Lucia Sekerková Bláhová, Michał Siarek, Katarzyna Wąsowska, Krystian Daszkowski, Wiktoria Wojciechowska Curators: Andrzej P. Florkowski, Anna Kędziora exhibition open from 10 till 31 March 2019 Accompanning exhibition: Megan Moore (CA), laureate of the 1st Prize PPDA 2015 Galeria Duża Scena UAP, ul Wodna 24 opening: 9 March 2019, 17:00 exhibition open from 10 till 28 March 2019 POZNAN PHOTO DIPLOMA AWARD 2019 is the 4th edition (2011/ 2013/ 2015) of an international competitionorganized by the University of Arts in Poznan with the objective to showcase and promote the best BA and MA diploma works in photography from all over the world.

Ryszard Ługowski | Wsłyszenie | exhibition

Galeria AT (UAP), ul. Solna 4, Poznań opening 11 March 2019, 18:00 exhibition open till 22 March 2019 between 15:00 and 18:00 Ryszard Ługowski (born 1955); studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw and graduated from the Faculty of Painting in 1982. Currently a proffessor, head of the Enviroment Shaping Studio at the Fine Arts Institute of UJK, Kielce, and Drawing Studio at the Faculty of Graphic Arts of the Academy of the Fine Arts in Warsaw. „Wsłyszenie” exhibition is the 4th solo show of Ługowski’s works at the AT Gellry.

Monika Lisiecka | Kobieta i życie / Woman and life

MONIKA LISIECKA / KOBIETA I ŻYCIE / WOMAN AND LIFE opning 1 March 2019, 18:00 Galeria Duża Scena UAP Wodna 24, Poznań Project co-funded from the budget of the City of Poznań. #poznanwspiera   „Woman and Life” – is an exhibition of collages by Monika Lisiecka, to which the artist uses fragments of one of the most popular polish woman’s weekly magazine of the 60’s and 70’s. An important element of the works are also the covers of vinyl records bitten by the tooth of time. Sometimes nostalgic works, sometimes full of humor, concentrate on the subjects such as common sense, fashion on sentiment, life’s beauty, recipes for happiness, right to reflection and psychology of feeling. MONIKA LISIECKA – graduated with distinctionMore

Justyna Jędrysiek and Grzegorz Myćka | Obrazki dla dorosłych / Pictures for adults

Justyna Jędrysek and Grzegorz Myćka “Obrazki dla dorosłych” / “Pictures for adults” opening: 27 February  18:00 Galeria Scena Otwarta (naw name for R20) ul. Ratajczaka 20 curator: Marcin Markowski. Project co-funded from the budget of the City of Poznań #poznanwspiera The display is a part of the series of exhibitions organised by University of the Arts Poznan, UAP Municipal Galleries, Cieszyn Castle, Institute of Art in Cieszynie


COPYLEFT 1–15 March 2019 opening: 1.03, godz. 17.00 Galeria Curators’Lab Nowowiejskiego 12 artists: Wilhelm Sasnal Galeria Niewielka (Maciej Kurak & Max Skorwider) Marcel Duchamp Daniel Koniusz Urszula Szkudlarek curators: Mateusz Bieczyński and Maciej Kurak Project co-funded from the budget of the City of Poznań #poznanwspiera

Paweł Andrzejewski | Serce z kamienia

Paweł Andrzejewski | Serce z kamienia Galeria nad-pod (University of the Arts Poznan, 23 Lutego 20) opening: 26 February 11:00  

Maciej Andrzejczak & Dawid Marszewski | „Półśrodki”

Maciej Andrzejczak & Dawid Marszewski „Półśrodki” curator: Marta Smolińska opening 01 March 2019 (Friday), 18:00 / free entrance Galeria Sztuki Wozownia ul. Rabiańska 20 87–100 Toruń exhibition open until 28 April 2019

ARCH inside

ARCH inside opening: 25.02.2019, godz. 18.00 Zamek Culture Center in Poznań Hol Wielki ul. Św. Marcin 80/82 II part of the exhibition: University of the Arts Poznan, Atrium building B ul. 23 Lutego 20 Curators of the event Akademia Sztuki in Szczecin: dr Katarzyna Utecht, mgr Paweł Machomet, mgr Dominika Zawojska Curators of the event University of the Arts Poznan: dr hab. Piotr Machowiak prof. nadzw. UAP, dr Emilia Cieśla ARCH inside is a cyclical exhibition, that presents projects created in biggest art universities from our country and abroad. We are showing projects from the field of Architecture, Interior Design and broadly understood Applied Arts as well as Photography and Graphic Design associated with the perception of Architecture and Space. Works shown duringMore

Close Reading of Film | Mishima: Life in Four Chapters

Marek Bochniarz | Close Reading of Film Mishima: Life in Four Chapters Film Studio fo Universty of the Arts Poznan and Film, Media and Audiovisual Arts Institute of Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan are pleased to invite for the first meeting from the cycle Close Reading of Film with a comment by mgr Marek Bochniarz (delivered in Polish). Movie: Mishima: Life in Four Chapters reż. Paul Schrader 27 February 19.00 room 02, bilding B ul. 23 Lutego 20

Natalia Rozmus | Kadr

opening: 20.02.2019, godz. 18.00 Galeria Design UAP ul. Wolnica 9 exhibition open from 21 February until 4 March 2019

Marcin Salwin | o mnie i o mojej mamie \ about me and about my mother

Marcin Salwin opening: 27 February 2019 17:00 Galeria Szewska 16