ANNA TYCZYŃSKA | O CZYM MYŚLI CONSUELO… opening 09 December 2019, 18.00 exhibition open until 20 December 2019, 15.00 – 18.00 Galeria AT (UAP), ul. Solna 4, Poznań
Piotr Szwiec | Na kościach ich zbudujesz… 3–29 December 2019 Galeria Duża Scena UAP ul. Wodna 24 | Poznań Tuesday – Sunday 13.00–18.00 opening: 3 December 2019, 18.00
Już w grudniu kreatywne umysły z Medialab_UAP zmierzą się w boju na wizualizacje, w trzech kategoriach: pop alternatywny, improwizacja oraz dj set. Headlinerem całego wydarzenia będzie zespół BOKKA znany z niesztampowego podejścia do wizerunku scenicznego oraz oprawy wizualnej koncertów. Przyjęli nasze zaproszenie i zaprezentują mieszankę utworów z trzech wydanych dotychczas płyt. To nie wszystko! Podczas wydarzenia zagrają także szaleni reprezentanci składu Siema Ziemia, którzy zaskoczą nas improwizowaną elektroniką graną akustycznie. Na dokładkę set djski, a za deckami Rave Dave. Pół-dj, pół-zagadka, po którym nigdy nie wiadomo, czego się spodziewać. Może poza jednym — parkiet będzie płonął. Gdzie czterech się bije, w tam publika korzysta. Niech wygrają najlepsi! ?? Line-up: BOKKA SIEMA ZIEMIA rave dave 19.12.2019 godzina 20:00 Tama ul. Niezłomnych
CHCEmisie Foundation and the University of the Arts Poznan are inviting for the annual charity concert. 07 December 2019, 19.00 Atrium UAP budynek B, ul. 23 Lutego 20 Like each year, the charity concert will be an occasion to support children. This time we will donate for foster care pupils, who are about to start their adulthood and learn their independence outside the foster care. All admirers of good music are welcome to join this unusal show presenting music of diffenert nations, who have lived in Poland for centuries. We will listen to not only Polish music, but Jewish, Moldavian-Romanian, Lemko and Tartar. Musicians: Michał Szymanowski, Ola Bilińska, Dumitru Harea, Kapela Drewutnia. Conducting: Daniel Szpilman. → Balagan press Tickets:–55619?id=274430
International Conference Connections. Between the word, the sound and the image: A centenary of Polish-Japanese Diplomatic Relations 4.12 – Collegium Minus, Wieniawskiego 1 5.12 – Dom Studencki Jowita, Zwierzyniecka 7 5th of December, VENUE: Dom Studencki Jowita, Zwierzyniecka 7 ——————————————————————– 11:50-12:15 Prof. UAP Katarzyna Kujawska-Murphy, University of the Arts Poznan 㶠 Aspects of contemporary Japanese Art in a Global Society: The Origins and Development of a Genre ‒ based on 20 years of art exchange between Japan and Europe. 11:00-11:25 Dr Filip Wierzbicki-Nowak Phd. University of the Arts Poznan The dynamics of space, seen through the eyes of Japanese artists. Detailed programme: Program – day 1 Program – day 2
Official opening and announcement of results of the 1st International Review of Graphic Design in Poznań Ideography 2019 6–29.12.2019 opening: 6 grudnia 2019, godzina 18.00 Galeria Scena Otwarta ul. Ratajczaka 20 | Poznań godziny otwarcia: 13.00–18.00 The competition under the 1st International Review of Graphic Design ‘Ideography’ 2019 is a pretext for a contemporary interpretation of historical Polish-Japanese relations. It also elicits a question about the future of cultural exchange between our countries. The subjects of the works submitted in the ‘ideograph’ category should cover multidimensional and multithreaded ideas on the meaning of the jubilee for both Polish and Japanese identities. Like no other medium, a poster seems to be the most appropriate form for the formulation and articulation of
Maksymilian Sawicki | Pregeometria 28 November –10 December 2019 Galeria Curators’Lab, ul. Nowowiejskiego 12 project: Maksymilian Sawicki assembly: Bartosz Stępnik Project co-funded from the budged of the City of Poznań. The exhibition will consist of processed video recordings of two objects reovered from the fjord located in the cental Norway. Recovered – a natural stone and a styrofoam, despite their extremely different origin, were treated by the same power of nature. The long-lasting treatment smoothed their surfaces out and rounded ther edges off. Both objects were finally transferred to the virtual or digital reality. All three dimensions were determined and then saved in the “cloud of points” by a computer programme. The fourth, digital dimension does not melt or unify the identity of those objects, because it
Na kościach ich zbudujesz… | Piotr Szwiec 3–29 December 2019 Galeria Duża Scena UAP ul. Wodna 24 | Poznań Tuesday – Sunday 13.00–18.00 opening: 3 December 2019, 18.00
SONIA RAMMER | WOŁAJĄC DO YETI (I) opening: 19.11.2019, 18.00 exhibition open: until 29.11.2019 between 15.00–18.00 Galeria AT (UAP), ul. Solna 4, Poznań Exhibition „Wołając do Yeti (I)” is the first solo show of works by Sonia Rammer at Galeria AT.
NAD SCHODAMI (staircase, building B UAP) 11–12.2019 Faculty of Architecture and Design I year, II cycle tudies
opening: 15.11.2019, 17.00 Galeria Szewska 16 15.11–1.12.2019
The 39th Edition of Maria Dokowicz Competition for the Best Diploma Project of the University of the Arts Poznan Poznan International Fair (MTP), pavilion 10 (East Gate entrance) official opening: 18 November 2019, 18:00 access to the exhibition only with the pass to be collected at the UAP Promotion Office, building E, room 03 exhibition open: 18 – 24 November 2019, 12:00–18:00 Nominees: Bańbura Justyna Dutkiewicz Maria Gawrońska Kaja Goncerzewicz Roxana Grabowska Kinga Iłenda Wojciech Joanna Wiernicka Karczewska Natalia Khiliuk Valeria Kowalczyk Józefina Kowalczyk Tomasz Krawczyk Marcin Lissewska Eliza Maćkiewicz Katarzyna Michalska Maja Perłowska Weronika Plutowska Anna
39. edycja Konkursu im. Marii Dokowicz Konkurs na najlepszy dyplom Uniwersytetu Artystycznego 18 – 24.11.2019 The 39th Edition of Maria Dokowicz Competition for the Best Diploma Project of the University of the Arts Poznan Pawilon 10, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie (wejście przez Wschodnią Bramę) wernisaż: 18.11.2019, godz. 18:00 godziny otwarcia wystawy: 11.00 – 18.00 Poznan International Fair (MTP), pavilion 10 (East Gate entrance) opening: 18th November 2018, 18:00 exhibition open from 18th until 24th November 2018, 11:00–18:00 WEJŚCIE NA WYSTAWĘ PO OTRZYMANIU WEJŚCIÓWKI NA HASŁO DOKOWICZ (wejściówki do odbioru w Biurze Promocji oraz Rektoracie) – w dniu wernisażu Wejście na MTP od Bramy Wschodniej przy kasach na hasło DOKOWICZ Nominowani/nominees:
Studencka Scena Postaw Twórczych opening: 5 November 2019, 10:00, Cyryl Ratajski Square The Faculty of Sculpture UAP prepared an interesting outdoor exhibition for all people of Poznan. The aim of the YOUNG SCULPTURE UAP (MŁODA RZEŹBA UAP) project is to present didactic and artistic activity using the city as a background. Students’ works created under the supervision of UAP professors will be periodically presented, thereby altering the scenery of the city center. This project is one of the events celebrating the 100th anniversary of UAP. sculpture composition „Słowiki” (“Nightingales”) created during national sculpture workshop Skoki 2019 by the team: 1. BARTOSZ ŁUGOWSKI – Faculty of Sculpture UAP 2. WIKTORIA ŁUSZCZEWSKA – Faculty of Sculpture UAP 3. ANIKA NAPOROWSKA – Faculty of Sculpture UAP 4. ILONA
AND I RECALL/2:1 5–15 Novembr 2019 Galeria Scena Otwarta Ratajczaka 20 | Poznań opening: 5 November 2019, 19:30 artists: Dominika Gieraszewska Iwetta Tomaszewska
BIEGUNY DIALOGI MŁODYCH Alicja Rybkowska Marcin Salwin opening of the exhibition INNY Arsenal Municipal Gallery in Poznan 15 November 2019, 18:00 15 November –27December 2019 lecture by prof. Ryszard K. Przybylski INNE Galeria Szewska 16 14.11.2019, godz. 18.00 Supervision: Bogna Błażewicz, Arsenal Municipal Gallery in Poznan; Dorota Tarnowska-Urbanik i Natalia Czarcińska, University of the Arts Poznan The aim of the project Bieguny. Dialogi młodych is to motivate young artists to intensive work, self-reflection and discussion. This edition’s subject of reflection was the other person, like Emmanuel Levinas’ the Other. The other person but also a stranger. This word has more than one meaning. THE OTHER is not me meaning the second person, but also THE OTHER is a visitor, a misfit, a stranger… Nowadays we face
Fundacja Jak Malowana and the City of Poznań cordially invite to the exhibition by Paweł Kaszczyński O b r a z y – from the cycle: BĘDĘ NA CIEBIE CZEKAŁ (en. I WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU). Galeria Jak / Święty Marcin 37 Curator: Katarzyna Śmiałowicz Paweł Kaszczyński analyses light as a phenomenon, its meaning and multiple dimensions by creating the cycles of images and actions. His creations of art correspond with interpersonal relations, considering them in individual as well as social aspect. During the exhibition at Galeria Jak, the author will present the form of image-action, that in a poeting way will replect upon time… and more. Opening: 08 November 2019 r. 19.00 Curatorial tour (in Polish): 11 November 2019 at 16.00 Meeting with the artist: 20 November
Clothing Design Studio UAP – Między Ubiorem a Kostiumem (Between clothing and costume) opening: 8 November 2019, 19:00 Galeria Pod Lipami Patronate: Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu
opening: 29 October 2019, 18:00 exhibition open from 29 October until 15 September 2019 Galeria Szewska 16
Something in common? Polish and Korean Performance Art in the Context of Young Democracy. 24 October 2019 Thursday, 17:30 LECTURES in English Atrium UAP, Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu, building B ul. 23 Lutego 20, 61-852 Poznań Jin Sup Yoon “Contemporary korean art” Ah-Young Lee “Performance art in Korea” 25 October 2019 Friday, 17:00 PERFORMANCES Galeria Miejska Arsenał ul. Stary Rynek 6, 61-772 Poznań Neung Kyung Sung Jaeseon Moon Jin Sup Yoon The project “Something in common?” pertains to the relation between Polish and Korean performance art in the socio-political context. The main aim of this project is to, despite the geographical and cultural distance, widen the knowledge about eventual similarities between two democtacies – Poland and Korea. Performative actions in visual arts, which
The Rector and the Senate of University of the Arts Poznan would like to invite all the UAP community to join All Saouls’ Day for the 100th anniversary of UAP. The event’s aim is to commemorate teachers, friends and members of our University’s community throughout 100-year-long history of UAP. Programme: a visual installation commemorating late proffesors and teachers of UAP live concert: Requiem performed by the Fermata Chamber Choir conducted by dr. Mateusz Sibilski 28 October 2019, 18:00 Atrium UAP (building B)
Anna Szewczyk | Fragment opening: 15 October 2019, 17:00 Galeria Szewska 16 15–27.10.2019
University of the Arts Poznan would like to kindly invite to visit the exhibition accompanying doctor honoris causa title award to proffesor Józef Robakowski. Józef Robakowski, Józefina Robakowska | Sygnały w świetle koloru… 14.10–10.11.2019 opening 14.10.2019 godziny 18.00 i 19.00 Galeria Duża Scena UAP ul. Wodna 24 | Poznań #poznanwspiera project cofunded by the City of Poznań
Janusz Bałdyga | Pokrewne 15.10–05.11.2019 opening 15.10.2019 18:00 Galeria Curators’LAB ul. Nowowiejskiego 12 | Poznań curator: Anna Borowiec
The University of the Arts Uniwersytet Artystyczny w Poznaniu and the City of Poznan Miasto Poznań invite for an open lecture, which will be delivered by professor Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes: “Instituting Institutional Critique: Performative, Experimental, Forensic”. ✅ The lecture will take place on 21 October 2019 at 17:30, ✅ “Mickiewicz Salon” the Faculty of Polish and Classical Philology, UAM – ul. Fredry 10. WYKŁAD BĘDZIE TŁUMACZONY NA JĘZYK POLSKI Prof.Dr. C.-M. Lerm Hayes (1967) is an art historian and curator, currently working as Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History at the University of Amsterdam. In her research, Christa-Maria Lerm Hayes focuses on word and image studies, particularly the visual legacies of writers such as James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, W.G.
The Rector and the Senate of the University of the Arts Poznan cordially invite you to the official inauguration of the jubilee academic year 2019/2020 that will take place on 17 October 2017 at 11:00 a.m. in Atrium UAP /ul. 23 Lutego 20, building B/ Program: National anthem Speech by prof. Wojciech Hora, the Rector of UAP Gaute Mater Polonia Speech by guests Ceremony of awarding the title of Doctor Honoris Causa to professor Józef Robakowski Immarticulation of firt-year students Inauguration lecture by professor Józef Robakowski (in Polish) Gaudeamus igitur Accompanying program: The Objectivity of the Arts Poznan Centerary Exhibition /OBJECT-SPACE/ (National Museum in Poznan, Al. Marcinkowskiego 9) Exhibition of works by professor Józef Robakowski celebrating the Honoris Causa
8.09–27.10.2019 opening: 8.09.2019,12:00 National Museum in Poznań Aleje Marcinkowskiego 9 The exhibition Obiekt – Przestrzeń (en. Object – Space), prepared to celebrate 100th anniversary of the establishment of the University of the Arts Poznan, recalls the art of the pedagogues who had been affiliated with the Universty and who had been reforems in the field of traditionally understood artistic medium and didactics. Coming from very different artisting experiences and often different communities, they were working on the matter of space, expanding the boundaries of notions and disciplines of art. Artists: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Jan Berdyszak, Julian Boss-Gosławski, Izabella Gustowska, Józef Kaliszan, Jerzy Kałucki, Leszek Knaflewski, Jarosław Kozłowski, Zdzisław Łosiński, Andrzej Matuszewski, Antoni Mikołajczyk, Piotr Potworowski, Joanna Przybyła, Andrzej Pukacki, Maciej Szańkowski, Wacław
Ewa Mróz | Cycle Energy / HIBERNACJA opening: 2 October 2019r. Galeria Pod Lipami, Poznań exhibition open 3 – 31 October 2019 free entrance
RYTMY PEJZAŻU | the exhibition presenting works of the laureates of the 27th Polish Drawing and Painting Krystyna Drążkiweicz Workshop for the most tallented seniors of art high schools 1 October – 11 October 2019 Galeria Szewska 16 ul. Szewska 16 | Poznań opening: 1.10.2019, 14:00
54×54 | post-competition exhibition celebrating 30 years of Solar company and 100 years of University of the Arts Poznan 1–10 October 2019 Galeria Duża Scena UAP ul. Wodna 24 | Poznań Tuesday – Sunday, 13:00–18:00 opening: 1 October 2019, 13:00 Artists: Weronika Bąk Katarzyna Kubacha Natalia Witasik Klaudia Zabłocka Natalia Adamczak Marta Tomczyk Martyna Zawieja Klaudia Olejnik Ewelina Pieńkowska Joanna Dyba Natalia Rozmus Marta Rutkowska Hanna Konopka Magdalena Bojko Natalia Brodacka Karolina Grzeszczuk Wiktoria Balawender Oliwia Blumert Maria Pawłowska Weronika Wolska Kornelia Nowak Antonina Kieliszewska Mateusz Sipiora Art and fashion love to interwind. The joint of those two disciplines was the essence of this competition organised to celebrate 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Solar company and 100th anniversary of
Traps_Simulations_Transmissions areas of postphotography 13.09 — 3.11.2019 vernissage: 13.09.2019, 6 pm Arsenal Municipal Gallery Stary Rynek 6 participants: Agnieszka Antkowiak, Kuba Bąkowski, Wojciech Bruszewski, Sławomir Decyk, Agnieszka Hinc, Jarosław Klupś, Igor Leński, Antoni Mikołajczyk, Mateusz Sadowski, Zbyszko Trzeciakowski, Dorota Walentynowicz, Paweł Wawrzyniak, Stefan Wojnecki curator: Piotr Wołyński Photography behaves just like the whole culture: it sets out in different directions and obliterates the paths of its own approaches; it cannot be captured in a single specific place; it eludes our hands and the pattern of our habits… Alicja Kępińska On postphotography Photography has long ceased to be what it is considered to be in the common opinion and what would be implied by its common uses. If it is photography, it
PFRON wręczył nagrody wielkopolskim laureatom XVII edycji Konkursu Plastycznego PFRON „Sztuka Osób Niepełnosprawnych” Państwowy Fundusz Rehabilitacji Osób Niepełnosprawnych od 17 lat jest organizatorem Ogólnopolskiego Konkursu Plastycznego „Sztuka Osób Niepełnosprawnych”. Tytuł tegorocznej edycji Konkursu to: „Podróże moich marzeń”. W Wielkopolsce na etap wojewódzki Konkursu nadesłano w tym roku 134 prace z 41 placówek aktywizujących osoby niepełnosprawne, tj. warsztatów terapii zajęciowej, środowiskowych domów samopomocy oraz domów pomocy społecznej. Głównym celem inicjatywy jest promowanie i nagradzanie działalności artystycznej osób niepełnosprawnych obdarzonych nieprzeciętnymi zdolnościami twórczymi. Uroczysta Gala, podczas której nagrodzeni zostali wielkopolscy laureaci XVII edycji Ogólnopolskiego Konkursu Plastycznego PFRON, odbyła się 16 września 2019 r. o godz. 11:00 w Atrium Uniwersytetu Artystycznego w Poznaniu Gali towarzyszyło otwarcie wystawy prac tegorocznej edycji Konkursu, która odbędzie