Zapraszamy serdecznie do udziału w wydarzeniu organizowanym przez naszych partnerów i przyjaciół – Universidad de Granada!!!24.03, godz. 13.00-19.00Szczegóły poniżej: INTIMIDAD EXTERIOR/ OUTER INTIMACY emerges in order to generate a great scale artistic action that offers a general panorama about the way people in different countries currently understand and live space. Thereby, a performative experience is put forward, whose intention is to relativize the importance of obligated indoor dynamics in the so necessary online meetings, in order to review our way of living and implicate ourselves with the outdoor space. DATE March 24th, 2021 at the following times: 09:00 to 15:00 (Uruguay local time) 07:00 to 13:00 (Peru local time) 13:00 to 19:00 (Spain/ Poland/ Czech Republic/ Serbia/ France local time) 12:00 to 18:00
Zapraszamy do aplikacji w programie stypendialnym Copernicus Belin E.V. aplikacje można składać do 21 lutego “Leaders for Future” is an internship program in Berlin for the ambitious young people from all over the world. The program is designed to strengthen your professional skills, present the international job market and provide networking. During the stay in Berlin you will strengthen personal and social skills through numerous activities in the multicultural society. Participants will learn to deal with different professional challenges, work in a team in a performance-oriented manner and develop leadership qualities. The mission of the Leaders for Future internship program is to create a dynamically networked community of inspired professionals who have a vision to drive positive change for a common
Equality to międzynarodowy konkurs na plakat animowany. Equality, czyli równość, analizuje problem podziałów, barier i szuka alternatywnych sposobów pokonania tych ograniczeń. Equality to równe szanse i prawa dla każdego z nas. Konkurs jest otwarty dla wszystkich chętnych, którzy chcą wypowiedzieć się na tytułowy temat w formie plakatu animowanego. Pokaż, że Twoje przekonania mogą coś zmienić, skrytykować obecny stan reczy. Mogą być formą manifestu w formie animowanego plakatu. Twoja praca może ukazać Twoje wsparcie dla problemu równości na świecie. Strona www konkursu Regulamin konkursu Plakat animowany konkursu Nabór prac trwa do 20 marca 2021 roku. Najciekawsze wypowiedzi, wybrane przez jury (w ilości 50), zostaną opublikowane na kanałach online konkursu. Finaliści konkursu otrzymają odpowiednie certyfikaty. Konkurs skierowany jest do wszystkich chętnych, którzy chcą wypowiedzieć się
Zapraszamy do udziału w wirtualnym sympozjum grafiki komputerowej w Remote Contact Symposium organizowanego przez doktorantów Uniwersytetu Tennessee, które odbędzie się 12 i 13 Marca Remote Contact will take place Friday and Saturday, March 12-13, and is a student-led virtual printmaking symposium intended to provide a forum for students in printmaking. During this global pandemic, many of us are cut off from our friends and colleagues in the printmaking world. Contact is essential to printmaking – whether it is the contact that takes place between the inked matrix and a sheet of paper, or the ways that the printed multiple fosters contact with fellow artists and the public more broadly. Even as we cannot meet in person, our social need
Zapraszamy do zapoznania się z programem stażowym City Internsips Summer 2021 programsAdmissions for summer 2021 programs have now been open! Accordingly, I encourage students interested in joining a summer 2021 in-person program to apply sooner rather than later here: Student aid for 2020/21Correspondingly, we also anticipate our 2020/21 Student Aid fund to be drawn down earlier than any previous year. And so, as well applying sooner than later, I also encourage interested students to review and secure their CI student aid awards as early as possible here: CI Student Aid Calculator (Our student aid, tuition rebate, and ambassador schemes, which provide non-repayable financial assistance of up to $2,013, $2,500, and $1,250 respectively, and may be combined, are applicable to all
Zapraszamy serdecznie do udziału w 19. Azjatyckim Biennale Sztuki w Bangladeszu, które odbędzie się w dniach 1-31 marca 2021. Zgłoszenia należy przesłać do / Deadline: 31.12.2020 na adres: czy Ponadto Wszyscy zainteresowani mogą kontaktować się bezpośrednio z Panem Łukaszem Żarskim z Ambasady Ludowej Republiki Bangladeszu / More information: receptionist.lukasz@gmail.com0048 572 138 787 EN We invite You to prticipate in 19 th Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh 2021 The 19th Asian Art Biennale Bangladesh 2020 has planned to be inaugurated on 1 March 2021 and will continue till 31 March 2021 at the National Art Gallery of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy, Dhaka. The month long exhibition will display two and three-dimensional artworks such as painting, prints, photography, sculpture, installation, new media
W związku z ogłoszeniem ponownego naboru zgłoszeń do 29. Międzynarodowego Konkursu Sztuki Złotniczej Wciąż człowiek? zapraszamy do udziału studentów oraz uczniów szkół, uczelni wyższych i akademii specjalizujących się w projektowaniu i wytwarzaniu biżuterii, a także szkolących w zakresie technik złotniczych. Międzynarodowy Konkurs Sztuki Złotniczej jest najważniejszym wydarzeniem Legnickiego Festiwalu SREBRO, prezentującym najnowsze dokonania w dziedzinie współczesnej biżuterii artystycznej. Każdego roku biorą w nim udział twórcy z całego świata. Misją Konkursu, którego formuła wymaga przygotowania pracy na zadany temat przewodni, jest wyłonienie najciekawszych wypowiedzi artystycznych, nieoczywistych rozwiązań formalnych, technologicznych, koncepcyjnych. W sposób szczególny chcemy zachęcić do udziału w Konkursie młodych twórców, dla których tego rodzaju wydarzenia pozostają jedną z głównych form prezentacji swojej twórczości szerokiemu gronu odbiorców należących do środowiska artystów, projektantów, krytyków, dziennikarzy i
Ordinance No. 6/2020/2021 of the Rector of the University of the Arts Poznan dated 16 October 2020 on the regulations regarding the organization of tuition in the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021
THE STUDIO OF OPEN INTERPRETATIONS OF ART PROF. UAP RAFAŁ ŁUBOWSKI AS. ALEKSANDER RADZISZEWSKI ONLINE REGISTRATION (VIA EMAIL): STUDIO IS OPEN On Fridays, from 10:00 am to 03:00 pm The Studio of Open Interpretations of Art combines activity in the field of creating artistic projects with attempts at theoretical relection about art and related issues. The artistic statements (projects) created as part of the studio’s program should represent connections, dialogue and relations with other (existing) artworks or the artists themselves. The aim is to formulate ambiguous relections such as: „art about art”, “art about culture”, “art about artistic languages and creative traditions”. In the studio (as its name suggests) students are free to choose the medium and visual solutions
STUDIO OF ART IN A CROSSCULTURAL PERSPECTIVE DR HAB. SONIA RAMMER, PROF. UAP AS. ALEKSANDER RADZISZEWSKI WWW.CROSSCULTURALART.PL Main topic of 2020/2021: NOMADISM ONLINE REGISTRATION (VIA E-MAIL): REGISTRATION IN STUDIO/ONLINE MEETING: 15.10.2020, 4.00-5.30 p.m. room 308, building A The Art in the Crosscultural Perspective Studio is a practical one yet rooted in theory, especially in intercultural psychology. The Studio’s program was inspired by our artistic, theoretical and travel experiences. In our Studio we address borderline, uncomfortable and important subjects which stimulate reflection. Recognising the complexity of interpersonal and cross-species relationships, we invite you to look closely at the world and yourself within it. The Studio offers the students the freedom to use different means of expression, depending on the
Język narracji w rysunku/Narrative Language in Drawing Jose Manuel Jimenez Munoz ul. Szewska 16, bud. F, sala nr 18 Zapisy do pracowni/sign up to the studio by e-mail : od/from 1.10 do/to 15.10.2020
Ordinance no. 121/2019/2020 by the Rector of the University of the Arts Poznań dated 9 September 2020 regarding the principles of the organization of education in the academic year 2020/2021
Dear Candidates, We are happy to announce that the admission deadline is postponed until 31 August 2020. Full list of our requiremenst and educational offer available online → Study in English full-time programme
Allegro and Contemporary Lynx are proud to announce the first edition of the Allegro Prize competition with a total prize pool of 50 000 PLN. Allegro Prize Competition is open to: Students and graduates of art schools and colleges. Artists who haven’t graduated from art schools or colleges but have documented artistic pathway. Artists of all forms of visual art. To artists from any country. No age restrictions. The aim of the Allegro Prize competition is to support and promote visual artists. We hope to find fresh talent, provide the most gifted artists with financial aid and offer them opportunities for presenting their work on an unprecedented scale. As a result, art enthusiasts, curators, collectors and gallery owners from all around the world
OPEN CALL 3. NICHT-MUSEUM ZEITGEMÄßER KUNST DRESDEN On 25 July 2020, after two failed attempts, we are proud to announce the 3rd NICHT-MUSEUM ZEITGEMÄßER KUNST in Dresden. In the 1990s the project of the Stella-Kunsthalle at the Dresden Zwinger failed and likewise the Gewandhaus-Museum for contemporary art in the city center in 2007. ARTISTS: Now we take possession of the space that art in the city does not have and celebrate the art festival of a non-museum for contemporary art. As usual, the conditions to show art are impossible and unsufficient. Therefore we show art at temporary construction fences, like in a show depot, music under the open sky, dancing on cobblestones, readings in open urban space, videos fighting with
PRIMANIMA 2020 is calling for entries! PRIMANIMA is a festival, that is exclusively dedicated to up-and-coming animation artists from all over the world! PRIMANIMA will take place for the 9th time in the town of Budaörs (in the suburbs of Budapest, Hungary) from the 19th to 31st of October. The competition programme of PRIMANIMA is divided between: – WORKSHOP AND STUDENT WORKS (stuff you make during your studies or at animation workshops) – DIPLOMA FILMS (the film you finish your academic studies with) – DÉBUT ANIMATIONS (your first film made without school background) – FILMS FOR CHILDREN (any animated short film made for children if it falls in any of the above categories, or it is made by an up-and-coming director under the age of 40) – FILMS FOR TEENS (films suitable for teenagers (aged 12-18) any animated short
Shaping Cohesion: Neighbourly Relations in Europe A Franco-German-Polish Photo Competition Announcement In 2020, the Genshagen Foundation is announcing a Franco-German-Polish photo competition on the topic of “Shaping Cohesion: Neighbourly Relations in Europe”. Photographers between the ages of eighteen and thirty-five from Germany, France, and Poland are invited to focus on the topic of neighbourliness and to present their individual perspectives. Photo series (ranging from six to twelve images) can be submitted to the Genshagen Foundation until 30 September 2020, on the topic of “Shaping Cohesion: Neighbourly Relations in Europe”. Over the coming two years, the Genshagen Foundation will focus on “Shaping Cohesion: Neighbourly Relations in Europe.” Various projects will investigate how neighbourliness can be improved as a skill throughout Europe,
UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS POZNAN IS SEARCHING FOR HEIRS OF THE FOLLOWING ARTIST: The Faculty of Sculpture of the University of the Arts Poznan is currently preparing a publication related to the 100th anniversary of UAP and the Faculty. We are therefore searching for heirs of the following artists: Jagmin Stanisław (b. 30 April 1875 in Ossa, Opoczyński County, d. 3 September 1961 in Warsaw); Krzywiec Rudolf (b. 28 June 1895 in Piaski Duchowne, d. 15 May 1982 in Wrocław); Matuszewski Andrzej (b. 28 August 1924 in Poznań, d. 6 May 2008 in Poznań); Wojtowicz Bazyli (b. 2 April 1899 in Czarnorzeki, d. 27 March 1985 in Poznań); Wysocki Jan (b. 7 February 1873 in Mysłowice, d. 3 October 1960
INTERNATIONAL CALL FOR ENTRIES One week left to submit your work to the Athens Photo Festival There is only week left to submit your work to the Athens Photo Festival 2020. The selected works will be exhibited from 16 September to 15 November 2020, at the Benaki Museum / Pireos 138, one of the most prestigious museums in Greece. The Festival will feature the work of emerging and established artists from all over the world, with the aim to reflect the diversity of photography and visual culture today. Exploring diverse cultural, artistic, social and political perspectives, Athens Photo Festival is committed to offering a dynamic platform for exchange of ideas, artistic expression and engagement with photography in all its forms.
The Huawei Global Theme Design Competition Globalny konkurs motywów ponownie otwiera się na zgłoszenia! Poznaj przyszłości estetyki mobilnej Konkurs motywów The Huawei Global Theme Design Competition oficjalnie rozpoczął przyjmowanie zgłoszeń od utalentowanych projektantów z całego świata. Tak jak w poprzednich latach, konkurs jest hołdem dla innowacji oraz próbą wyniesienia doświadczeń milionów użytkowników urządzeń Huawei na świecie na następny poziom. W 2020 roku The Huawei Global Theme Design Competition dzieli się na cztery kategorie: motywy, tapety, tarcze zegarków oraz miasta. W kategorii miasta, uczestnicy mogą zgłosić koncepcje, które zawrą esencję jednego z dziewięciu unikalnych miast Chińskich: Pekinu, Nankin, Szanghaju, Hangzhou, Luoyang, Chengdu, Jinan, Kantonu oraz Wuhan. Zwycięskie zgłoszenia mogą zostać wybrane jako oficjalny design dla tapet lub obudów dla telefonów Huawei. W
We would like to invite you to participate in global art contest “New Generation for Peace”. Participants: young people (men and women) aged from 25 to 35 years who speak Russian language and/or English language. Types of artworks that may be submitted to the Contest: -painting or digital drawing; photo (series of photos);video (up to 59 sec); sculpture (installation); slogan (up to 64 characters). Each work should have a short annotation (up to 500 characters), revealing a given topic. Each work should correspond to the main theme of the Contest: “Struggle for peace”. The theme of the struggle for peace refers to any action or inaction, thoughts and ideas, actions and intentions with the goal of establishing, maintaining and augmentation of peace, peaceful
The Polish government will lift restrictions in four stages based on the analysis of covid cases. The second stage that starts from 4 May 2020 includes: shopping malls and supermarkets are open with a restriction 1 customer per 15m2, food courts and fitness clubs in shopping malls remain closed, hotel and accommodation services are open, hardware supermarkets will be open also on weekends, gradual opening of libraries, museums, galleries and other cultural institutions in different times, medical rehabilitation services will be open, massage parlors remain closed. However, please remember that other restrictions are still valid: Universities will remain closed and continue with e-learning at least until 24 May. Covering your nose and mouth is still obligatory in public spaces. Keeping 2m
The Polish government will lift restrictions in four stages based on the analysis of covid cases. The first stage that starts from 20 April 2020 includes: The entrance to parks and forests is now permitted for recreational purpose. The limit of people in stores smaller than 100m2 is 4 per cash register, in shops bigger than 100m2 there must be at least 15m2 space for 1 customer. Religious cult – 1 person per 15m2. Hovewer, please remember that other restrictions are still valid: Covering your nose and mouth is still obligatory in public spaces. Keeping 2m distance between people is still obligatory. Using playgrounds and outdoor gyms is still forbidden. E-learning in schools and remote work for some offices are still in
On 24 March, Poland’s prime minister declared ‘state of epidemic’ within the territory of Poland. Between 24 March and 11 April there will be restrictions regarding leaving your place of residence. The only exceptions will be: going to work, going grocery/pharmacy shopping, going out in necessary matters (doctor’s visit, walking a dog, voluntary help for seniors, short walk alone once a day in a little frequented places). → It’s been announced that the police will be monitoring the streets. Using outdoor gyms, playgrounds, prolonged stays at the banks of the rivers and in parks etc. are forbidden. → Holding meetings of more than 2 people is forbidden. → In this period there will be limitations in public transport – only every
INSPIRELI AWARDS is the world’s largest global student contest in Architecture, Urban Design and Landscape, and Interior Design, which in 2019 involved 136 countries. INSPIRELI AWARDS are enabling new talents to tell their stories and raise awareness about their own world view before they get their chance to build it. It brings together up-and-coming students of architecture, as well as established professionals, and provides for them a forum to connect to the general public. INSPIRELI COMPETITION is a competition to design an amphitheater in Burkina Faso. The submitted projects also compete within INSPIRELI AWARDS. Categories Contestants enter works their in three categories: Architecture Urban Design and Landscape Interior Design Deadline for entries is March 31! Register project
Dear Friends, With your kind cooperation, we are very pleased to announce that the 18th International Animation Festival in Japan – HIROSHIMA 2020 will be held from August 20th to 24th this summer. It is only with your warm and encouraging support for many years that we have been able to hold our manifestation every two years, since its first edition in 1985 till today, with the spirit of pursuing world peace, shared by both the City of Hiroshima and the Association International du Film d’Animation (ASIFA). On behalf of our festival team, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all of you. Through promoting the art of animation, we aim to encourage cross-cultural communication beyond language, as
Dear Students, we kindly inform that according to information from The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP), for the request of Students Parliment Poland, Minister of Science and Higher Education decided that all student and PhD cards shall be automatically extended until 31 May 2020. Please follow further information regarding student cards extentions. Legal basis (in Polish): Sincerely, University of the Arts Poznan Panel on Preveting Coronavirus SARS-Cov-2 Danger
Dear Students, We have just received a document entitled: Ordinance no. 83/2019/2020 dated 11 March 2020 by the Rector of the University of the Arts Poznań regarding the functioning of the University of the Arts Poznan in the period of class suspension due to the danger caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus COVID-19. As you can see, the situation changes dynamically. We will be sending you updates, so make sure that you read all of our emails. Please contact your lectures – although they classes have been suspended for some time, they might require you to deliver assignments/homework in a digital form. UAP International Office is open, however you are asked you to contact us via email or by phone only.
Dear Students and Members of Academic Staff, Due to the risk of contracting the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, the authorities of the University of the Arts Poznan have decided to suspend all lectures to which more than 20 students are enrolled, effective 11 March. The UAP Municipal Galleries will be closed from 16 March. Exhibitions scheduled for for the next few days will be postponed to another dates. The above mentioned measures shall be valid until further notice. The authorities of the University are in contact with the supervising Ministry and act in accordance with its instructions. A meeting of the President of the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland and the President of the Parliament of Students of the