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Miradas International Art Contest 2020

Miradas International Art Contest 2020 The Jorge Alió Foundation chooses culture and art as a way of raising society’s awareness and stimulating its support for the prevention of blindness. With the goal of transmitting this important message, the National Miradas art contest is created in 1998. Very soon it attracted the attention of other countries, starting in America with the Miradas of Latin America in (2004 ) and now promoting to worldwide projection with Miradas international in 2016. Now, countries from all over the world participate in it aiming for the same message. Since (2005), the art of Miradas illustrate the cover page of the Journal of Refractive Surgery  and also it has been displayed as the cover page of several OphthalmologyMore

Rector’s Day 28 Feb.

28 Feb. (Friday) 2020 is a RECTOR’S DAY (no classes) for students of the Faculty of Media Arts and the Faculty of Animation due to the Sound Art Festival taking place at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Physics (free entrance).  

Roca One Day Design Challenge 2020

Roca One Day Design Challenge returns to Poland with many great news! After having been held in Katowice in previous years, this third edition will take place in Warsaw. On the 28th March, young designers and architects under the age of 30 will be challenged to design an innovative and original product related to the bathroom space in just one day. Ready for this creative and fun event? more info → official website

make me! an international design contest for young designers at the Łódź Design Festival

make me! 07.01.2020 – 15.03.2020, till 11:59 p.m The international make me! competition is one of the most influential and innovative events in the field of product design in Europe and a key event of the Lodz Design Festival. The key purpose of the contest is to identify new trends, brave ideas and support those young people who are ready to compete and come up with interesting ideas. The finalists of previous editions emphasize the new opportunities opened to them: presence at additional exhibitions and mentions in publications. Consequently, they get better recognition and an easier start in the design community. The competition, which has been carried out since 2008, is addressed to designers, makers, students and graduates, especially from art and design disciplines. To all those that areMore


Koło Naukowe UAP – Punk Grafiki ogłasza konkurs! /EN BELOW/ Rozszczepienie w czasie lub przestrzeni, odczucia i emocje towarzyszące przeżyciom przejściowym stanowią podstawę inicjatywy zbiorowej POMIĘDZY/IN BETWEEN. Wzbogacenie wystawy o dodatkowe techniki twórczości rozszerza dialog między artystą i widzem pozwalając na dogłębne rozstrzygnięcie zawartego w tytule problemu. Różnorodność i indywidualizm każdego z twórców przyczynia się do zbiorowej i całościowej interpretacji zagadnienia. Punkt grafiki to koło naukowe studentów grafiki warsztatowej Uniwersytetu Artystycznego w Poznaniu. Jako pasjonaci tradycyjnych technik druku chcemy dzielić się naszą pasją z szerszą grupą odbiorców poprzez organizowanie wydarzeń artystycznych takich jak warsztaty czy wystawy. An emotion, sensation like you or something or a feeling not fully in one place. POMIĘDZY/BETWEEN is a group exhibition of students and graduatesMore

Open call for Young Artists XXVI CSAV – Artists’ Research Laboratory

Open call for Young Artists XXVI CSAV – Artists’ Research Laboratory John Knight COMO 2020 Workshop dates: 2- 26 July 2020 Application deadline: February 25th, 2020 Apply at: COMO 2020 For several weeks in July, we will be given the time, space, and the luxury to engage in an open-ended exchange of ideas about structures of production. And, what nascent possibilities that might be available for consideration as replacements for some of the tired models of aesthetic production that rationalizes our present conundrum. (John Knight) CSAV – Artists’ Research Laboratory is an experimental platform designed to provoke formal and informal discussions and exchanges among artists of different generations and nationalities. It aims to explore different forms of art-making throughMore

Information concerning 2019-nCoV


UAP opening hours during winter examination period

Due to the UAP Rector’s decree no. 61/2019/2020 from 10 January 2020, the opening hours of UAP buildings during winter semester 2019/2020 examination period will be as follows: from 13 Jan. 2020 until 02 Feb. 2020 UAP students are allowed to be present in classroom of buldings A, B and F between 6.00 am and 2.00 am after 21.30 pm UAP students can enter the building only after providing a student ID at the reception; the door will be open on the request. Zarządzenie nr 61/2019/2020

OPEN-CALL | Mentoring Programme

We are looking for UAP students willing to volunteer and take care of an incoming Erasmus+ student in the Summer Semester 2019/2020. A Mentor will be responsible to help an incoming student in simple everyday tasks like help in finding a studio at the UAP, getting to know the city, creating a PEKA card etc. The application runs through Google questionaire and it’s open until 5th February In the case of more Mentors relative to exchange students, the order of applications decides. Programme Coordinated by the UAP International Office. contakt:

Wydział Rzeźby UAP | Przesunięcia / Shifts

Dyrektor Centrum Rzeźby Polskiej w Orońsku ma zaszczyt zaprosić na otwarcie wystawy PRZESUNIĘCIA w sobotę, 18 stycznia 2020 r., o godz. 14.00 w Muzeum Rzeźby Współczesnej Director of the Centre of Polish Sculpture in Orońsko kindly invites you for a preview of the exhibition SHIFTS on Saturday, 18 January 2020 at 2 pm in Museum of Contemporary Sculpture /// PRZESUNIĘCIA PIERWIASTKI PERFORMATYWNE W TWÓRCZOŚCI PRACOWNIKÓW WYDZIAŁU RZEŹBY UNIWERSYTETU ARTYSTYCZNEGO W POZNANIU ARTYŚCI: Janusz Bałdyga, Robert Bartel, Jarosław Bogucki, Marta Bosowska, Sławomir Brzoska, Tomasz Drewicz, Rafał Górczyński, Łukasz Gruszczyński, Jacek Jagielski, Karolina Komasa, Rafał Kotwis , Danuta Mączak, Martyna Pająk, Kazimierz Raba, Dawid Szafrański Muzeum Rzeźby Współczesnej 18 stycznia 2020 – 5 kwietnia 2020 Kuratorzy: Agata i Carlos Rodriguez Koordynacja: AnnaMore

The 11th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints

The 11th Kochi International Triennial Exhibition of Prints Submissions Submission Period: April 1 – April 30, 2020 About The Kochi Triennial Exhibition of Prints was first organized with the purpose of returning to one of the origins of the fine arts in order to rethink what they really mean in the modern world, where they are becoming increasingly diverse. It is also our hope to contribute to the evolution of woodblock art. Since the exhibition is hosted in Kochi, a world-class producer of Japanese traditional paper, artwork submissions are limited to those that use paper as the primary material. Every three years, the Exhibition unfolds new worlds of woodblock art with its warmth and richness of expression. Accepting high-quality submissionsMore

Papaya Young Directors 7

Papaya Young Directors (PYD) is a competition aimed at aspiring directors in the film industry. The competition is based around developing films for PYD’s partners and sponsors. PYD helps filmmakers to produce ground-breaking films which will increase their visibility in the film and marketing industry. It also helps them create a portfolio, start networking, and work with the best. PYD will help you create your portfolio based on briefs from big companies. You will also be given the opportunity to work with some of the best creative directors in Poland. After becoming a finalist, you will be given a budget of 2 500 EURO to develop your idea further. You will also be given a list of companies that willMore

10th Students Art Fair | Christmas Edition

10th Students Art Fair | Christmas Edition 14 December 2019 (Saturday) UAP buildings A and B 12:00 – 18:00 Admission until 26 November 2019, 22:00 through the Google link → click. Przed Wami krótka relacja z grudniowych Targów Sztuki przygotowana przez Jeremi Pollak! Dziękujemy ??? Widzimy się na edycji wiosennej! <3Miłego weekendu ?#targisztuki #UAP #samorzad Opublikowany przez Samorząd Studencki UAP Piątek, 11 stycznia 2019

Official results od the 1st International Review of Graphic Design in Poznań Ideografia 2019

We are happy to announce the official results od the 1st International Review of Graphic Design in Poznań Ideografia 2019! Among over 400 posters submitted to this year’s edition, the Jury selected a Grand Prix award in the competition and awards in two categories – Cultural Poster and Ideograph (self-edited poster). Laureates: GRAND PRIX: Shin Matsunaga for poster “Friendship no. 5” Main Award in category Cultural Poster: Tomasz Bogusławski for poster “Król Roger” Award in category Cultural Poster: Anna Chmielnik for poster “Festiwal Teatrów Niewielkich 15” Honorary Award in category Cultural Poster: Peter Javorik for poster “Dyplomy magisterskie 2018” Main Award in category Ideograph: Kenya Hara for two posters from the series “Poland / Japan” Award in category Ideograph: DominikaMore

Banality of Evil in Our Daily Lives | Call for Artists

We can all become victims of thoughtlessness in our daily lives. The Banality of Evil in our Daily Lives art competition is an open call for artists to communicate what they see as the banality of evil in our daily lives. It poses a challenge to communicate that which has never been communicated before and create a platform for groundbreaking ideas to be brought into our collectivity. Artists the world over are invited to submit work that will use art as the language to communicate their hopes in creating a new vision for the world. The competition aims to provide inspiration and solutions that address the most important crisis that faces humanity today: the loss of our humanity. The BanalityMore

Laureates of the 39th Edition of the Maria Dokowicz Competition for the Best Diploma Projectof the UAP

GRAND PRIX: in the field of Fine Arts Ms. Maja Michalska work Pyra, Ryczka, Laczki, czyli PRL po poznańsku Faculty of Graphic Arts and Visual Communication promoter prof. dr. hab. Andrzej Bobrowski in the field of Design Ms. Joanna Wiernicka work Rewitalizacja terenów dawnego PGR-u w Murzynowie – Kompleks Ceramiki i Rękodzieła Artystycznego Faculty of Architecture and Design promoter dr. hab. inż. arch. Eugeniusz Skrzypczak, prof. UAP   AWARDS in the field of Fine Arts: (The prize is a solo exhibition organized in one of the UAP Municipal Galleries in 2020) Ms. Józefina Kowalczyk work Poza monadę Faculty of Painting and Drawing promoter dr. Vladislav Radzivillovič, ad. Ms. Adrianna Pulit work Choice Faculty of Animation promoter prof. dr hab. Jacek Adamczak AWARDS in the field of Design: (The prize is a solo exhibition organized in oneMore

Competition for the visual identity logo

more information:

Rector’s hours 7.11.2019

According to the UAP Rector’s decree,  7 November 2019 there will be Rector’s hours (no classes) from 15:00.

14th ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE – OPEN CALL dla artystów i projektantów / for artists and designers

14th ARTE LAGUNA PRIZE – OPEN CALL FOR ARTISTS AND DESIGNERS Entries are open for the 14th edition of Arte Laguna Prize, the world’s most influential competition for emerging artists and designers, which showcases and promotes creative talents. With fourteen years of history, Arte Laguna Prize gives the opportunity to join a huge network of collaborations worldwide, exhibit in the breathtaking location of the Arsenale of Venice, win cash prizes of a total amount of 40.000 euro and much more. The Prize in numbers: » 47.000 artists from 120 countries » 1.470 works exhibited » over 100 international partners » 84 jurors » over 100.000 visitors EXHIBITION OF THE 120 FINALIST ARTISTS ARSENALE OF VENICE March 21 st – AprilMore

1th Annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts

1th Annual International Conference on Visual and Performing Arts, 8-11 June 2020, Athens, Greece (Academic Responsible: Dr. Stephen Andrew Arbury, Professor of Art History, Radford University, USA). You are more than welcome to submit a proposal for presentation. The abstract submission deadline is 4 November 2019. If you need more information, please contact:

Rector’s hours in October

Dear All, According to the UAP Rector’s decree, the 17 October 2019 will be a Rector’s day (no classes) due to the official inauguration of the jubilee academic year 2019/2020. The day 28 October 2019 from 15:00 there will be Rector’s hours (no classes) due to UAP All Souls Day. The day 31 October 2019 will be a Rector’s hours from 14:00. The 1 November is a bank holiday (All Saint’s Day). There will be no classes those days, the classes will resume on 4 November.

Joanna Hoffmann-Dietrich | EpiMimesis at XII Biennale in Forence

The artistic project EpiMiemsis is authorised and developed by Joanna Hoffmann together with Epilab Team of devoted outstanding artists, scientists, engineers. Epilab Team members represent various fields of highest expertise which makes the project a real platform for communication & knowledge exchange between various milieus. Read more about the team here   photo source:

2019 Building 4Humanity Design Competition (B4H-DC) # 2nd edition

The NGO Building 4Humanity, Designing and Reconstructing Communities Association (Portugal) and Alliance of Architectural Modernity (Taiwan) are organizing the 2nd edition of the Building 4Humanity Design Competition (B4H-DC). In the 1st edition in 2018,  the B4D-DC received more than 60 entries, involved more than 200 participants, 90 experts-evaluators from all over the world, and distributed more than 11 thousand euros in prize money.  The 2019 Building 4Humanity Design Competition (B4H-DC) # 2nd edition welcomes applications from interdisciplinary teams composed of professionals or students. In 2019, the program brief address a pressing challenge of our times: the sheltering, integration and inclusion of the Syrian refugees.   Besides prize money for the three best  projects in each category (more than 15 thousand euros in total, with the support of our Taiwan partners), the Competition offers notable exhibition and publication opportunities for all shortlisted projects. We would highly appreciateMore

Call for panels | International Conference Connections. Between the word, the sound and the image: A Centery of Polish-Japanese Diplomatic Relations

CALL FOR PANELS AND PAPERS International Conference Connections. Between the word, the sound and the image: A Centenary of Polish-Japanese Diplomatic Relations 4-6 December 2019, Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU), Poznan, Poland The Department of Japanese Studies at Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU) invite panel and paper proposals for the International Conference to be held on 4-6 December 2019 at AMU in Poznan, Poland. The centenary of establishing official relations between Poland and Japan encourages reflection not only on the stability and diversity of these contacts and on mutual fascinations, but also encourages to pay attention to what is so typical of Japanese culture ‒ the integral relationship of word (literature), sound (music) and image (art), their mutual interpenetration and its results.More

AIT-Scholarship of the Sto Foundation | OPENCALL

AIT-Scholarship of the Sto Foundation „Interior Scholarship“ 2019/2020 for 9th time already Interior Design students | as from the end of their second year Competition area: Europe Scholarship allowance in total: 24,000 Euros | Up to 1,000 Euros per month for one year Application deadline: 21 June 2019 APPLICATION DEADLINE FINALLY EXTENDED TO: 12 JULY 2019 In 2019/2020 talented Interior Design students will once again receive a monthly grant of up to 1,000 Euros for a period of one year (total subsidy: 24,000 Euros) to support their academic education. This Europe-wide initiative has been made possible by the financial support of the Sto Foundation. Interior Design studies or comparable degree courses require plenty of time and cause considerable costs. OftenMore

Iwona Rosada and Faheem Ahamed awarded at Gwiazda Nocy z Designem / design competition

UAP graduates from the Faculty of Architecture and Design, Ms Iwona Rosada and Mr Faheem Ahamed won two first prizes at the design competition Gwiazda Nocy z Designem. Ms Rosada (1st prize) presented her work BALANS, created it the Inspiring Design Studio (Department of Design), under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Bogumiła Jung, prof. UAP Mr Ahamed (2nd prize) prezented his work DIPLOPOD, created it the Space Interpretation Studio (Department of Bionics and Landscape Design), under the supervision of prof. dr hab. Andrzej Wielgosz

Diploma Selection 2019 | Designblok – Prague International Design Festival

Diploma Selection 2019 Designblok – Prague International Design Festival in association with EUNIC Cluster CR announce sixth annual of Diploma Selection – an international competition for the best European diploma (graduation) work in the fields of product and fashion design. The sixth annual is open to all graduate students from European academies, art schools and universities who will graduate in the field of product and fashion design in 2019. Curators board selects the competition finalists out of all applicants. Product designers are assigned an exhibition space at the Designblok Openstudio (the central Designblok exhibition space which hosts about 40,000 visitors) in the Diploma Selection joint exhibition. Fashion designers are given the opportunity to present their collections at a Diploma Selection fashion show event.More

UAP Diploma Shows 2019

UAP Diplomas Shows 2019 Diploma exams of BA and MA full-time and part time studies | 03 – 21 June Faculty of Animation — BA diplomas Animation: CK ZAMEK. KINO PAŁACOWE ul. Św. Marcin 80/82 (18.06 godz. 9:00-13:30) LAB ul. Grochowe łąki 5 (19.06 godz. 12:30) — MA diplomas Animation: CK ZAMEK. KINO PAŁACOWE ul. Św. Marcin 80/82 (19.06 godz. 09:00-11:30) Faculty of Architecture and Design — BSc diplomas Architecture: UAP Bud. B Atrium (7.06 godz. 9:00-18:00, 10.06 godz. 9:00-18:00, 12.06 godz. 9:00-18:00) — MA diplomas Architecture: UAP Bud. B Atrium (14.06 godz. 9:00-18:00, 17.06 godz. 9:00-18:00) — BA diplomas Design: UAP Bud. A Aula (10.06 godz. 9:00-18:00, 12.06 godz. 9:00-18:00, 14.06 godz. 9:00-18:00) — MA diplomas Design: UAP Bud. A Aula (17.06 godz.More

UAP end of the year exhibition 2018/2019

UAP end of the year exhibition 2018/2019 27 May –01 June 2019 opening: 27 May 2019,  12:00 1st floor hall in UAP building A (al. Marcinkowskiego 29) opening hours: 12:00 – 18:00 During the end of the year exhibition 2018/2019 over 140 studios of University of the Arts Poznan will present results of many months of creative work. As each year, works displayed on the exhibition will represent different creative solutions made in various media. The presentation of students’ achievements will be also a great occasion to experience a wide spectrum of young artists’ ideas at the beggning of their artistic career. Due to the inclusion of studios presentation in the Poznań Art Week schedule, the visitors will have an opportunityMore

Publishing workshop Collaboration Now! | OPEN CALL

Do you work with photography/drawing/graphic design or internet? Join us! Together we will create, design and print a dummy! Our workshop is like all: portfolio, dummy review, mentoring program and artist residence in one! 4 days, international artists community and hectoliters of Club-mate – polish editors’ favourite 😉 How to take part in international workshop Collaboration Now! ? STEP BY STEP: – Read the quotes, be inspired – Describe an idea (around 500 characters) – Choose/take 3 pictures/graphics/collages – Write something about yourself or attach a bio – Submit! – Wait for our reply – During the workshop, together we will move your idea forward. The selection process is a competition because it is a FREE OF CHARGE workshop –More

Silver A’Design Award for Elżbieta Cios

We are happy to inform, that dr Elżbieta Cios (Unique Fashion Design, Faculty of Interior and Stage Design UAP) has been awarded by Silver A’ Design Award & Competition in the category Textile, Fabric, Textures, Patterns and Cloth Design. Awarded project Lamella consist of multi-layered, hadmade fabric. Congratulations! Lamella Textile is a part of a research project „Eksploracja Mody/Exploration of Fashion” undertaken at the Faculty of Interior and Stage Design UAP. → more information  