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Hjörleifur Halldórsson | Diploma exhibition IMPERMANENCE

Hjörleifur Halldórsson | Diploma exhibition IMPERMANENCE Opening: June, 12 at 18:00Duration of exhibition: June, 12-15, 12:00 – 19:00 Impermanence Everything will eventually fade away. Nothing is permanent. Our lives, society, emotions and the world are all temporary. In this exhibition I try to capture the concept of transience as a positive and creative force. Acceptance of transience serves as a gateway to minimizing suffering. This belief brings the peace of mind to accept the things that cannot be changed and the courage to change the things that can be changed, as well as the wisdom to distinguish between the two. What comes next will reveal itself in due time. My paintings are a form of narration of what usually becomesMore

XR Festival. Liquid Spaces in Florence

FLORENCE / Italy, ORATORIO SANTA CROCE XR Festival. Liquid Spaces in FlorenceNUMERICAL ART. FRACTALITY OF THE UNIVERSE 13-24.06.2024IMMERSIVE VIDEO SHOW (16 June – Cattedrale dell’Immagine), LIVE PERFORMANCE(16 June – Cattedrale dell’Immagine) ARTISTS:Andrzej Banachowicz, Katarzyna Kujawska-Murphy, Filip Wierzbicki-Nowak,Hanna Prądzyńska, Zbigniew Romańczuk, Radosław Nagay, Andreas Guskos,Aleksandra Łukaszewicz, Arkadiusz Marcinkowski Curator: Aleksandra Łukaszewicz, PTE XR Festival Florence, CAPHE/ PTECoordinator Polish Society for Aesthetics Contemporary endeavors to understand the world often incorporate in itself the approach from the hard sciences, especially quantum mechanics. This refers to humanities and to fine arts too, where the questions on the nature of the world, on possible forms of its perception, and the desirable or not interactions are deliberated. The thought and artistic experiments and research are thereforeMore

What’s Next? CAPS Summer School at UAP & Exhibition Landscapes of Unknown

What’s Next? Creation and Intercultural Commoning in Uncertain TimesCAPS Summer School at UAPJune 5-7, 2024 UAP build. H, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave., room I/1 What’s Next? Landscapes of UnknownGallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 5.06.2024, 18:00Duration of exhibition: 5 – 16.06.2024 Artists: Alice Rosenthal, Gaelle Yacoubi, Lauren Tortil, Shirin Jindani, Laia Montero, Joanna Czarnota The exhibition presents works by artists from various countries who share a poetic approach to places and events. All of them are deeply rooted in the present, although some of them focus on the past. However, the common thread is mental and sensual experiences related to identity and the uncertainty of tomorrow. The exhibition was carried out in cooperation with the CAPS academic consortium and theMore

artistinfinite | Maja Korczyńska

artistinfinite | Maja Korczyńska Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 20.06.24,19:00Duration of exhibition: 20 – 23.06.2024  multidimensionalityimperfectioninstabilityliquidity The artistinfinite exhibition is an advanced multi-channel simulation in which the author explores alternative variants of identity. Using algorithms, codes and prompts, the artist creates numerous models of herself, which create an infinity of versions in the contexts of new technologies and late capitalism. Fulfilling the role of both author and object, she reflects the process of disintegration – the infinite being of everything and nothing.

Family in the folds of reality | Zofia Słupczyńska

Family in the folds of reality | Zofia SłupczyńskaGallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Duration of exhibition: 4-9.06.2024 Zofia Słupczyńska’s master’s degree deals with the topic of family in the modern world, which is entangled in certain folds imposed by reality. The issue is presented through the use of draperies and people interacting or not interacting with them. The fabric takes on the role of a symbol of the relationship between people who pull it, touch it, or leave it without any interference. The works encourage reflection on the existing situation and reality, which does not always have to be as we think. Family has always been an important aspect in my life. Many times, my loved ones lifted myMore

5X – exhibition of postgraduate students of Graphic Arts

5X – exhibition of postgraduate students of Graphic Arts 4-10.06.2024 / finissage June, 8 / 17:00Municipal Gallery Arsenał – Poznan, 2 Szyperska Str. (1 floor)Exhibition is open: Tuesday-Sunday 12:00-17:00Coordination: Maciej Kozłowski/Kamila Lukaszczyk

After us comes the flood | Defence by diploma students

After us comes the flood | Defence by diploma students Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Start: 12.06.2024, 10:30 Barbara Stańko – Jurczyńskaprof. dr hab. Marcin BerdyszakTime: 10:30 Maja Kisieldr hab. Igor Mikoda prof. UAPTime: 11:30 Marek Zielińskiprof. dr hab. Sławomir BrzoskaTime: 12:30 Julia Osikaprof, or hab. Wieslaw NaplerataTime: 13:30

Workshop: Demystifying Font Licensing | Joyce Ketterer, Darden Studio CEO, Owner (NY)

Workshop: Demystifying Font Licensing Tutor: Joyce Ketterer, Darden Studio CEO, Owner (NY)  01/06/2024  03:00–06:00 PM  Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan  Registration >  Fee: each participant is asked to make a donation to a good purpose NGO and send a transfer confirmation. Workshop will be held onsite, in English. ___ About the workshop: When you ‘buy’ fonts, you purchase limited rights to use them. In this workshop with the Darden Studio CEO Joyce Ketterer, End User License Agreements (EULAs) will be discussed from both perspectives, as a type foundry protecting their work, and as a font user utilizing fonts for commercial and non-commercial purposes. Purpose: The purpose of this workshop is to demystify font licensing. After three hours all participants know how font licensingMore

Spatial strategies #1 | Collective exhibition in Śrem Museum

Spatial strategies #1Venue: Śrem Museum89 A. Mickiewicza Str.63-100 Śrem Opening: 02.06.2024,17:00Duration of exhibition: 02.06.2024 – 21.07.2024 Curators:Wiesław KoronowskiJarosław Bogucki Participants:Maciej Aleksandrowicz, Mariusz Białecki, Sławomir Biernat, Jarosław Bogucki, Izabela Grudzińska, Grzegorz Gwiazda, Tomasz Jędrzejewski, Wiesław Koronowski, Rafał Kotwis, Igor Mikoda, Wiesław Napierała, Grzegorz Niemyjski, Paweł Otwinowski, Martyna Pająk, Marcin Radziejewski, Norbert Sarnecki, Konrad Smela, Tomasz Sobisz, Michał Staszczak, Wojciech Tężycki, Jan Tutaj, Michał Wielopolski, Szymon Zwoliński. The first of a series of two exhibitions under the common title Spatial Strategies, which will be held at the Śrem Museum, is the result of cooperation between the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan (UAP) and the Śrem Museum. This cooperation involves cyclical presentations of the artistic achievements of UAP Faculty of SculptureMore

DIPLOMA 2024 | Piotr Potworowski State Higher School of Fine Arts in Poznan

DIPLOMA 2024 | Piotr Potworowski State Higher School of Fine Arts in Poznan Galeria Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 24.05.2024, 19:0024.05 – 2.06.2024 Participants: Adamczak Antonina, Bargielska Hanna, Błaszkiewicz Barbara, Buliński Antoni, Godawa Małgorzata, Inda Małgorzata Kaczmarek, Emilia Kalawska, Iga Lee Zuzanna, Matskovych Valeriia, Michalak Zofia, Niziołek Jerzy, Nowicka Maria, Ober Aleksandra, Olejarczyk Zofia, Penc Celina, Przywecka Wiktoria, Sheremetova Sofiia, Skotowska Julita, Spławska Aleksandra, Strykowska Patrycja, Tokarska Alicja, Warych Agata, Włodek Natalia The presented works are diploma projects completed at the Piotr Potworowski State Higher School of Fine Arts in Poznan, which has been educating artistically talented youth for almost eighty years, co-creating the Poznan artistic community. Currently, students are educated in two fields of study – graphic designMore

Hjörleifur Halldórsson | Nostalgia

Hjörleifur Halldórsson | Nostalgia May, 18 – June, 6 Joint exhibition under the patronage of UAP / KOK / Gallery Refektarz in Krotoszyn, presenting among others a solo exhibition of 21 paintings by Hjörleifur Halldórsson, 3rd year student of UAP Department of Painting and Drawing. During May, 18 – June, 6 eight paintings by Hjörleifur Halldórsson will also be on display and sale at Cafe Atelier in the MM Galeria in Św. Marcin 24, Poznań.

Muzeum Night at UAP | May 18, 2024

Muzeum Night at UAP | May 18, 2024 Free entry SPECIAL PROGRAM: Various shapes – 2nd edition of Haute couture by UAP20:30 – 21:15Venue: Atrium UAP, building B (20,  23 Lutego Str.) Let yourself be enchanted by the richness of colors and shapes of clothing. Let yourself get lost in the extraordinary scenery of the fashion show. Finally, let yourself be drawn into the vortex of music and dance. Experience elation and delight at this unusual spectacle. The 2nd edition of the Show by Department of Fashion Design includes elements of clothing, costume, set design, stage movement, dance, light and music. This combination will create a world of theater where everything is possible, because “Different Shapes” is also your dream.More

13th Edition of NEW IMAGE / NEW LOOK Painting Competition – opening of exhibition

13th Edition of NEW IMAGE / NEW LOOK Painting Competition – opening of exhibition 10 May 2024, 18:00Poznan, Stary Browar, Słodownia +1 Duration of exhibition & opening hours:11.05 – 26.0512:00 – 20:00 Finalists: UAP Art Prize has been awarded through the New Image / New Look competition since 2012. The organizer of the event is the Faculty of Painting and Drawing of Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan. The competition is addressed to students and graduates (up to three years after graduation) in the field of painting. The finalists’ works are presented during a collective exhibition, which is an overview of trends in young Polish painting. New Image / New Look is an excellent opportunity to look at various artisticMore

Next stop | Collective exhibition

Next stop | Collective exhibition Gallery Nowa Scena UAP,  28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.   Opening: 11.05.2024, 18:00Duration of exhibition: 11.05-20.05.2024 Curator: Marc Tobias Winterhagen (DE)   Assistant: Irina Caia (RO) Artists:Sonja Beckmann (DE)Berkem Bulut (TR)Vanessa Wing Yan Chu (HK)Dilan Demir (TR)Laura Dimarco (IT) Ioanna Dimosthenous (RO)Alexandra Cristina Duță (RO) Hannah Fylkesnes Tomaszewicz (NO)Nehir Kaytanlı (TR) Chenhong Li (CN) Marie Lunkenheimer (DE) Siyuan Peng (CN)Merve Sandıkcı (TR) Luís Silva (PT)Damla Ünlü (TR) Zhao Zhang (CN)   International students’ exhibitionStudying abroad is a great opportunity to gain inspiring experiences and connect to new people. But it also means leaving comfort you normally have at home behind: your family and friends, your culture and language, your daily routines and safe spaces. You exchange your comfort zone for an unknown and unpredictable level of discomfort.More

Weronika Teplicka | I cut, I stick together

Weronika Teplicka | I cut, I stick together Opening: May, 8 (Wednesday), 18:00Duration of exhibition: May, 8-31 Curators: Natalia CzarcińskaJerzy MuszyńskiDorota Tarnowska-Urbanik Weronika Teplicka born in 1981 in KoszalinShe graduated from the Faculty of Painting of the Academy of Fine Arts Poznan – now Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts (diploma in the studio of Prof. Piotr C. Kowalski) in 2007, she also studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Naples. She deals with painting, photography, creates objects from her failed paintings, waste, family souvenirs, etc. For 4 years she has been implementing the project “Stories about everyday life”, which is a documentation of her life. The artist’s works can be found, among others, in the Collection of Gallery BielskaMore

Drags Like Us

Gallery Curators Lab, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str. Opening: 9.05.2024, 18:00Duration of exhibition: 10–29.05.2024 Artists:Beata Sosnowska, Ala Urwał, Agnieszka Olejniczak (Alyena), Babcia, Jakub Kostewicz (Dziursi), Goś Patalas, Ten Cza, Mikołaj Thiel, Wiktoria Pietrzak, Pavel Shviatsou, Julia Gągalska, Nicole Klinge, Ada Kobusiewicz Curatorial team:Izabela Kowalczyk and students from the 1st year of master studies at Curatorial Studies and History of Art: Maja Chaczyńska, Monika Czyżniewska, Magdalena Kłosowska, Paulina Płaneta, Zofia Sałasińska, Lizaveta Stsiatsko, Zuzanna Szczepańska Consultations: Gabi Skrzypczak, Agnieszka Olejniczak, Łukasz Mleczak Accompanying events:11.05., 18:00 – curatorial tour with Babcia performance 18.05., 18:00 – curatorial tour, 18:30 – workshops How to do a drag performance with Ala Urwał

Images | Bogdan Wegner

Images | Bogdan WegnerGallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 14.05.2024, 18:00 Duration of exhibition: 14-28.05.2024 Images of the Father. Not chosen, assembled or arranged by Him. Without His suggestions or decisions.With doubts.The sun is shining as we hang canvases in the gallery, and a piece of paper falls off the board. Is it a sign or a naive wish?It’s quiet on this floor.Memories of an indulgent smile. From the very beginning, the image should announce its final appearance. He carried landscapes inside him and rarely went out to see them. He did not have to. The earth enchanted by rebuses is present in the landscapes painted around the house. In the garden, near a few stones, a bunch of sticksMore

(In)visible | Exhibition of the Creative Workshops and Artistic Interactions Studio

(In)visible | Exhibition of the Creative Workshops and Artistic Interactions Studio Gallery Design, 9 Wolnica Str.Opening: 16.05.2024, 18:00 Duration of exhibition: 16.05 – 2.06.2024 The (In)visible exhibition is the result of educational and artistic activities of students from the Creative Workshops and Artistic Interactions Studio. The exhibition will largely include works created during original workshops developed by students. The main theme of this year’s meetings were disabilities, which, despite their invisible physical features, limit us in our everyday lives. To quote the patron of the exhibition, M. Halicki, because one can be able-bodied… The recipients of the workshop’s activities were both children and adults, which was a huge challenge for the project authors. The participants faced a whole spectrum of issues related to limitationsMore

Dr. Orlando Franc | Discussion panel & Open project consultations

We invite you to Discussion panel & Open project consultations with Dr. Orlando Franc, Lusófona University, guest at the Art Studio in Intercultural Perspective WEAiK, UAP Discussion panel: What is the role of an artist and curator in building a contemporary exhibition narrative? / Weronika Kocewiak talks to Orlando Franc25.04.2024, 16:00 – 17:00UAP build. H, IV floor, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave. Open project consultations 26.04.2024, 12:00 – 14.30UAP build H, II floor, room 3, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.

Geert Lovink | Loneliness in the Social Media Age

Geert Lovink | Loneliness in the Social Media AgeOpen lecture& masterclasses with the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam (NL) Open lecture: 9.05.2024, 18:30UAP Atrium build. B (20, 23 Lutego Str.) Over the years, Geert Lovink has mapped out a range of mental states caused by social media platforms, from sadness and melancholia to depression, silliness, boredom, exhaustion, up to the Zoom fatigue during Covid. In this lecture, he will give an overview of the extractive (data) strategies and focus on one particular state: loneliness. There is an inflation of worn-out terms, a linguistic implosion of meaning like the word ‘social’ in ‘social media’. As Sherry Turkle already noted in 2011, we are all alone together. This seems to be our techno-destiny. InsideMore

HUANGJIAN „World Heritage Sites Habitat of Beauty” PROGRAM:

关于举办“世界遗产地 与美共栖息” HUANGJIAN „World Heritage Sites Habitat of Beauty” PROGRAM: 关于举办“世界遗产地 与美共栖息” Opening Ceremony of 2024 Huangjian County Peony International Arts Culture Month 1. Intended invitation of foreign guests Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy 波兹南美术学院素描系系主任 Katarzyna Maria Kujawska-Murphy, Head of the Drawing Department at the Poznan Academy of Fine Arts Dariusz Subocz 欧洲著名古纸保护专家,波兰文字和印刷博物馆馆长 Dariusz Subocz, renowned European expert in the conservation of ancient paper, and Director of the Museum of Polish Writing and Printing Tadeusz Pszonka 波兰著名男高音歌唱家,利平斯基音乐学院声乐歌剧表演系系主任 Tadeusz Pszonka, renowned Polish tenor and Head of the Vocal Opera Performance Department at the The Karol Lipinski University of Music Aleksandra Ewa Lemiszka 波兹南美院招生办助理 Aleksandra Ewa Lemiszka, Assistant in the Admissions Office of the Poznan Academy of Fine Arts 2、拟邀明星嘉宾 2. Intended invitation of celebrity guests 汤镇业 中国香港男演员 香港无线五虎将之一,制片人、监制 Tong Zhenye, a HongMore

Urbanism & ecology today / Natalia Khoroian, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (Ukraine)

Urbanism & ecology today / Natalia Khoroian, Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (Ukraine) We invite to the cycle of open lectures ‘Urbanism & ecology today’ by prof. Natalia Khoroian, an architect, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture of the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts (Ukraine). Lectures will be held in English.


𓍯 Join us for a clothing swap 𓍯 → 12/04 →12:00-14:00  → 4th floor of build. H UAP,  28 Marcinkowskiego Ave. We encourage you to start spring cleaning and refresh your closets!!!  During the swap you will find new second-hand (or whatever) gems and let go of old clothes you no longer wear. Overproduction and wasting clothes is a global issue. Every year thousands of tons of textiles end their lives in landfills. Let’s close the loop, albeit on a local scale, by sharing and reusing clothes.  Sign up through the form is mandatory (read the regulations before you fill it out):  regulations: application form:  matronage: Maja Chaczyńska, Paulina Płaneta, Zosia Sałasińska, Liza Stecko, Monika Czyżniewska, Magda Kłosowska, Zuza SzczepańskaMore

XXVII Edition of the Poznan Festival of Science and Art at UAP

XXVII Edition of the Poznan Festival of Science and Art at UAP The 27th edition of the Poznan Science and Art Festival will take place soon. We invite you to participate in events organized by the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts on April 18, 2024. Programme UAP: More information about the festival: 

Culture Beat

Culture Beat Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Gallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 19.04.2024, 18:0019.04-5.05.2024 Artists:Mirjana Blagojev, Natalia Brzezińska, Reyes González Vida, Karolina Jacewicz, José Manuel Jiménez Muñoz, Tomasz Kalitko, Magdalena Kasprzak, Petr Kovář, Marcin Lorenc, Federico Lagomarsino, Joanna Marcinkowska, Fernando Miranda, Paweł Napierała, Ondrej Navratil, Františka Orságová, Jesús Osorio, Francesco Pedrini, Barbara Pilch, Marek Przybył, Lidija Srebotnjak Prisic, Olga C. Rodriguez Pomares, Agustín Sánchez, Dariusz Subocz, Fryderyk Szulgit, Diuna Ostrowski, Gonzalo Vicci, Filip Wierzbicki-NowakCurator: Joanna Marcinkowska Rhythm of culture “The movements of the stars, the position of planets in relation to the fixed stars, the regular course of the celestial bodies, and order, harmony, is not all this a reflection of the prehistoric cosmic dance?”[1] – wroteMore

INTERMEDIA CINEMA S02E10 I “Faces, beaches” Agnès Varda, JR

INTERMEDIA CINEMA S02E10 I “Faces, beaches” Agnès Varda, JR 10.04.2024, 18:009 Wielkopolski Sq. (buidling C), room 204 89-year old Agnes Varda, one of the leading figures of the French New Wave, and acclaimed 33 year-old French photographer and muralist JR team up to co-direct this enchanting documentary/road movie. We invite all Intermedia Cinemaphiles(s) and their Friends! Movie with English subtitles. Join the Intermedia Cinema group to stay up to date!

Catch your breath with UAP… – Sports Day at UAP

Catch your breath with UAP… – Sports’ Day at UAP 17.04.202411:00–14:00Building A/B To meet the expectations of people studying at the University of the Arts Poznan, we decided to organize the first ever UAP Sports Day! The saying „a healthy mind resides in a healthy body” should guide each of us, so with our initiative we want to encourage people working and studying at UAP to exercise more often. At the same time, we are aware that there will also be people skeptical about traditionally understood sport. This attitude results from associating physical activity with competition, repetition and the need to respect strict rules. With our actions, we intend to demystify sport and restore its ludic character. The disciplines we proposeMore

REINTERPRETATIONS | Exhibition by students from the Studio of Open Art Interpretations

REINTERPRETATIONS | Exhibition by students from the Studio of Open Art Interpretations Gallery Design, 9 Wolnica Str. Curator: Aleksander RadziszewskiOpening: 15.04.2024, 18:0015.04-5.05.2024 The exhibition presents the works and projects of students from the Studio of Open Art Interpretations, whose starting point was reflections on specific works of other artists, creative attitudes and various theories and concepts in the field of art. The resulting REINTERPRETATIONS are works that enter into dialogue with other works, in a sense paying homage to them, or in opposition to them, thus taking an extremely critical approach. And sometimes, they are simply a development and update of a certain artistic thought. Nevertheless, each of these activities led to the creation of works and projects of a completelyMore

Rhizosphere: SPUN EXPEDITION – fungal hotspots of the Carpathians

Rhizosphere: SPUN EXPEDITION – fungal hotspots of the CarpathiansGallery Curators Lab, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Opening of exhibition: 11.04. 18:00Duration of exhibition: 11.04 – 5.05.2024 Myconauts: Mikołaj Charchuta, Maksymilian Chmielewski, Joanna Hoffmann, Robert Kalak, Władysław Polcyn, Jadwiga Subczyńska, Maria Subczyńska Curator: Joanna Hoffmann, assistant: Mateusz Janik The art & science exhibition presents the results of the Mycorrhizal Riches of the Eastern Carpathians research project as part of the global SPUN Expeditions program. It includes artistic works combined with the popularization of scientific research results regarding biodiversity and the fundamental role of fungal (mycorrhizal) networks in ecosystems. We are an interdisciplinary team that, as part of the SPUN Expeditions program, conducts research on the role of monumental trees and their mycobiomes in maintainingMore

ON TRANSCENDENT NO | Daniel Balabán, Václav Rodek, Marek Sibinský

ON TRANSCENDENT NO | Daniel Balabán, Václav Rodek, Marek SibinskýGallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Curator: Sebastian DudzikOpening: 27.03.2024, 19:0027.03 – 14.04.2024

„…recent paintings – Episode I” | Piotr Kielan

„…recent paintings – Episode I” | Piotr Kielan Solo drawing exhibitionCurator: Sławomir KuszczakOpening: 27.03.2024, 18:00Szewska 16 Gallery, 16 Szewska Str.27.03-14.04.2024 Currently, there is a problem with painting, painting creates images, and billions of images are disseminated by the media. It’s just that these media images have little in common with the images brought to life by painters. There is still an elite of people who create unique objects – paintings and an elite of people who are fortunate to experience these objects in the only way that is right for them, in the original. What percentage of our population realizes this? Who knows what painting is? Who can answer the question: which painting is good and which is bad? PiotrMore

2023. The year of Paweł Edmund Strzelecki

2023. The year of Paweł Edmund Strzelecki Courtyard of the City Hall17 Kolegiacki sq. 22.03–28.04.2024 Exhibition of posters by students of the I Poster Studio at the Faculty of Graphics and Visual Communication UAP Students participating in the exhibition: Aleksandra Rybowska, Aleksandra Kozak, Cristiana Niculae, Dominika Jaczewska, Jakub Franczak, Joanna Lisiecka, Julia Kuć, Karol Bachewicz, Maja Myszkowiak, Marcel Przybył, Marta Ramón Garrido, Nataliia Hordiienko, Natallia Shkraba, Oliwia Modzelewska, Patrycja Walczak, Zuzanna Kaczmarek The atmosphere in our studio reminds me of Jan Matejko’s painting “The Battle of Grunwald”. Students from Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, France, China and Japan are coming forward with their projects. We treat everyone equally fairly (height, beauty and gender do not matter here). Together with the students, we ask ourselves: areMore