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IT| Agata Michowska

IT| Agata Michowska Gallery Szewska 1615.12.2023-8.01.2024Opening: 15.12.2023, 18;00 Agata Michowska graduated from the Faculty of Sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan. Over the years, her art has evolved from ascetic and strict in the form of spatial realizations, devoid of any references to the outside world, to the photographs, videos and sounds that constitute the record personal reflections on the elementary laws of life and death, creation and decay, transience and memory, affirmation and fear. Images and sounds, combined often with literary narrative, they bring us to the “point” in which, according to the universal principle, everything dies and everything is reborn itself again. About her art she says: My thinking (…) was shaped by experiences relatedMore

XIV Student Art Fair at UAP

XIV Student Art FairDecember, 9 (Saturday), 11:00–18:00Entrance from 23 Lutego Str. 20 (build. B) On December 9, from 11 a.m. Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan will host the next Christmas edition of the Student Art Fair! The Student Art Fair is a cyclical event that gives students and graduates of Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan the opportunity to present and sell their works. You will have the opportunity to see unique works of art, design and craftsmanship that will surely please your loved ones as a Christmas gift. Additionally, the Internet Platform of the Student Art Fair will be made available to recipients, which will serve as a catalog and will be non-commercial in nature. ItMore

INTERMEDIA CINEMA S02E03 | “The Super 8 Years”

INTERMEDIA CINEMA S02E03 | “The Super 8 Years”From the film collection of Millennium Docs Against GravityOpen programme for UAP students. 6.12.2023, 18:00UAP build. C, room 204 Annie Ernaux – a leading writer of French literature; a name without which the term “feminist literature” would be an incomplete, defective term. Together with their son, David, they invite us to the world of memories and pieces of the family past. This time, however, the portal to the never sufficiently explored family history is not only the written word, but the audiovisual word; a word that stimulates and irritates all the senses. An intimate Odyssey through family archives also becomes a spectacular journey through the map of the most important political and culturalMore

7th Student Biennial of Small Sculpture Form 2023

Prof. Józef Kopczyński 7th Student Biennial of Small Sculpture Form 2023 Opening of exhibition and announcement of results: 06.12.2023, 18:00 Słodownia+1, Stary Browar w Poznaniu On display till 20.12.2023 Participants of the competition exhibition:Aftanas Mateusz, Anioł Justyna, Atłasik Kacper, Baranowska Julia, Bałdowska Aleksandra, Bińkowski Gilbert, Blachnierek Urszula, Brzęczek Oliwia, Celej Natalia, Chodzińska Maria, Cieślik Janina, Gałamon Julia, Gizicka Laura, Gołaszewska Magdalena, Grossmann Kinga, Jaklik Jędrzej, Jaworski-Brach Jan, Kisiel Maja, Kmiecik Kamila, Kozłowska Maja, Krawczyk Hubert, Książek Emilia, Lewandowska Marta, Leśniak Monika, Mandziak Anna, Myszkowiak Anna, Naporowska Anika, Nowak Gabriela, Pachliński Ireneusz, Pilarska Anna Maria, Pilich Zofia, Polikowska Agata, Popardowski Bogdan, Rockstein Marcin, Sawicka Magdalena, Skrzypiec Bartosz, Sobierajska Julia, Sowińska Agnieszka, Stachura Cezary, Stefaniak Angelika, Szpecher Wiktoria, Szpilka Laura, Tarapata Kamila, Tańska Lidia,More

The Great Herbarium of meadows, fields and forests | Wiesław Napierała; Tear | Izabela Grudzińska

The Great Herbarium of meadows, fields and forests | Wiesław NapierałaTear | Izabela GrudzińskaGallery Curators’LAB, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Opening: 14.12.2023, 18:0014.12.2023 – 7.01.2024 “The Great Herbarium of meadows, fields and forests” Wandering around places that we condescendingly call nature, in which we see the components of flora and fauna, satisfies to some extent our basic needs of being in the bosom of this so-called nature, so to speak. And so much banality, familiar from most of the cries of a consumer community devoid of lower revolutionary states, which is between ingesting a new gadget and swallowing another assortment of spinning objects, made to us by miraculous marketing and advertising processes.Nature, nature, nature and we, its defenders in our perverse logic of events,More

Białowieża Forest | Volha Arkhipava

Białowieża Forest Curator: Volha ArkhipavaGallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 8.12.2023, 18:008.12.2023 – 7.01.2024 Participants: Agata Fogtman, Alesia Bessarab, Alexey Lunev, Alherd Michalovicz, A6, Anna Maria Pilarska, Antanina Slabodchykava, Cezary Stachura, Danylo Heorhiiev, Elizaveta Gorbatsevich, Ewa Greszta, Iza Moczarna-Pasiek, Katarzyna Bagińska, Katarzyna Waraksa, Kirill Diomchev, Lizaveta Stsiatsko, Maria Krześlak, Mikita Iljińczyk, Olek Jager, Sergey Shabohin, Tasha Katsuba, Teresa Nuckowska, Zuzanna Januszko The exhibition aims to present the “Białowieża Forest” as a special place that, while retaining its characteristics, belongs to several countries. This is an ecoregion with the conventional name “Sarmatian mixed forest”, through which the border between Poland and Belarus currently runs. A boundary that, however, does not divide the ecosystem itself. The Białowieża Forest is the onlyMore

The woman who thought she was a dog (vol. 2) | Sonia Rammer

The woman who thought she was a dog (vol. 2) | Sonia RammerGallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 12.12.2023, 18:0012.12.2023 – 11.01.2024 Title: Arctic Culture Lab Art Residency, Oqaatsut, Greenland, April 2022Extracts from notes.Oqaatsut is a small settlement nestled between Red Bay and Disco Bay. It is permanently inhabited by several hunters and their families. Twenty kilometres of Arctic wilderness separate the village from the nearest town, Ilulissat. At times weather conditions isolate Oqaatsut from the rest of the world. Until the end of April a thick blanket of snow homogenises the landscape, and the freezing temperature preserves both human and dog faeces. The bodies of the deceased rest peacefully in a small outdoor building – a charnel houseMore

POZA | Magdalena Parnasow

POZA | Magdalena ParnasowGallery Design UAP, 9 Wolnica Str.Opening: 5.12.2023, 18:0005–29.12.2023 Solo exhibition of Magdalena Parnasow. An exhibition presenting the series entitled “POZA”. The works were created as part of a research project carried out at WEAiK, they were made using own technique, combining workshop graphics with painting.

Volha Arkhipava | Abstractionism in Belarusian art

Volha Arkhipava | Abstractionism in Belarusian art 28.11.2023, 16:30 room 02, build. B, 23 Lutego Str. 20 The lecture will be dedicated to abstractionism and how this trend was manifested in the work of various generations of artists throughout the 20th century. In Belarus, non-figurative art, its development and history have several important stages. During the lecture, we will try to analyze different worldviews in the understanding of “abstraction” and its use in visual and conceptual arts. Lecture will be conducted in Russian, translated into Polish Volha Arkhipava i san art critic and cultural expert from Belarus. She studied at the Belarusian State University of Culture, majoring in Culturology. From 1998 to 2022 she worked at the National Art Museum ofMore

Art in Times of Culture Wars

Art in Times of Culture Wars 23 November 20239:30 – 17:00UAP, Atrium (29 Marcinkowskiego Ave.) This workshop invites artists and scholars from Poland who are concerned with the country’s ongoing culture wars about issues such as e.g. abortion or blasphemy laws, LGBT rights, migration, freedom of speech, role of the church. The aim is to present and discuss their respective works and methods with a view to ethical as well as practical questions: Is it possible to transform culture wars peacefully through art and culture? If yes, how and to which extent? Which approaches are appropriate and in which contexts? When to provoke, when to negotiate? When to escalate, when to moderate? How do art and popular culture intersect whenMore

Intermedia Cinema S02E01 | „Tomorrow or Day after Tomorrow” Bing Liu

It’s time to start the next season of Intermedia Cinema! Open programme for UAP students.  The second season of Intermedia Cinema will be special because it will be created in cooperation with Millennium Docs Against Gravity! Documentary films from the MDAG collection will diversify our repertoire over the next few months. They will become a portal to real and haptical worlds; worlds that can be known even through careful observation. We will spend the inaugural meeting in Illinois, observing a group of maturing skaters. Don’t worry – we won’t spend two hours watching amateur clips recorded with a simple VHS camera and then posted on YouTube. “Minding the Gap” is definitely something more than just a collection of several-second recordings of evenings spent atMore

Active remembering | Wojciech Kujawski

Active remembering | Wojciech KujawskiCurator: Marcin FilarySupport: Szymon Zwoliński, Anna Maria BrandysGallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 16.11.2023, 18:0016.11 – 3.12.2023 Wojciech Kujawski Active Remembering Every death is unexpected. Such an event marks the memory of all those who remain for a long time, and also makes us aware of the presence of a clear boundary between the present and the past. In addition to the memories of the lost person, there are always various items, often small and personal. They are, as cultural anthropologist Aleida Assmann notes: symbolic supports that preserve memories for the future, while imposing the obligation of shared collective memory on subsequent generations. However, before such a coherent and unified memory arises, fragmentary and unformedMore

Grzegorz Bożek | Ecstasy of Motives from Life

Grzegorz Bożek | Ecstasy of Motives from LifeOpening: 17.11.2023, 17:00Gallery Szewska 16Duration of exhibition: 17.11-10.12.2023 Curatorial team of the gallery:Natalia CzarcińskaJerzy MuszyńskiDorota Tarnowska-Urbanik Ecstasy of Motives from Life[images 2021-2023]BECAUSE! (2021)Snail (2021)Broken Call Icon (2022)Smokes from under the mask (2022)Neither sadness nor smile (2022/2023)Language ear, what has it said in life, what has it heard in life (2022)Cut Tongue (2022)Place of the Skull (2022)Malina (2022)Gray Spirit Crow (2022)Match (2022)Meeting with Inga L. (2022)Gas problems (2022/2023)Plane of Amblyopia (2023)Ksenia holds out a figurine of a child in her hand. On the radio I hear rescued from under the rubble newborn (February 2023)Echo Shelter Bridge (2023)He Whistles Three Times (2023)Smile (2023)Sleeping problems / Portrait of Debora F. (2023)Teeth Heater (2023)Truth / A SheetMore

Flowers of Valeria | Joanna Trzcińska

Flowers of Valeria | Joanna Trzcińska Curator: Piotr MastalerzGallery Curators’LAB UAP, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Opening: 21.11.2023, 18:00Duration of exhibition: 21.11 – 10.12.2023 Joanna Trzcińska She studied at the Władysław Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. She obtained her diploma in 1994. She is the author of several individual and several dozen collective exhibitions in Poland and abroad. She deals with painting, graphics, graphic objects and teaching. In the years 2018-2021 she ran the Drawing Studio. From Study to Experiment, now being the Head of the Painting Expression Studio at the Institute of Painting and Drawing at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz. “Flowers of Valeria” – this is the title of one ofMore

43rd Maria Dokowicz Competition for the Best Diploma Project at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan

43rd Maria Dokowicz Competition for the Best Diploma Project at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan Exhibition opening, announcement of results and prize-giving ceremonyNovember 13th, 7 p.m., Pavilion 11Poznan International Fair14 Głogowska Str., 60–734 Poznan Duration of exhibition: 14–19.11.2023Opening hours: ATTENTION:Entry to the Poznan International Fair is possible after presenting a free entry ticket (to be collected at the university or presented on the phone) or using the password DOKOWICZ

Dr Vera Faber | Crossing Boundaries, Challenging Constraints – On Perspectives in Artistic and Curatorial Work

Dr Vera Faber | Crossing Boundaries, Challenging Constraints – On Perspectives in Artistic and Curatorial Work Date: January 8, 2024, 18:00–19:30 Link: Organization: Austrian Culture Forum and Faculty of Artistic Education and Curatorial Studies Lecture:Censorship and the restriction of free speech have taken on a striking new topicality in society today. Accordingly, the rôle of creative strategies to express what may not be voiced is also brought back to the fore. In this lecture, I will focus on artistic strategies and curatorial practices to address and challenge boundaries imposed by censorship and political constraints. The concept of border will thus be conceived well beyond the purely spatial scope, with border crossing be explored, among other things, with regard to symbolic, social,More

ALETHEIA | Urszula Ślusarczyk

ALETHEIA | Urszula ŚlusarczykGallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 15.11.2023, 18:0015.11 – 3.12.2023 The paintings presented at the exhibition are the result of current research that has been revolving around the “Greek trope” for some time. In particular, Crete is a place for me to experience a unique, multidimensional intensity, the impact of which I take to the studio. This experience combines elements of learning and discovering fragments of reality with the awareness of approaching the threshold of mystery. An important motif for me is the process of light emergence. From here we are close to the Greek concept of “Aletheia”, which Heidegger referred to the “infinite process of revealing”. To some extent, it is also close to theMore

Axis | Wojciech Hora

Axis | Wojciech HoraGallery Rotunda, building A, 29 Marcinkowskiego Str.7-26.11.2023 Work inspired by a place, existing thanks to it, is physically dependent. Rotunda is a space with a cross-section of a circle – an ideal figure – the center of which determines the central axis that organizes the space. The balance of forces generated by this axis is directed towards and centrifugally with a specific potential to influence gravity. Each structure and spatial situation has a specific axis – a central point that organizes various aspects of the whole, allows them to be defined and significantly influences their characteristics. This axis is also a kind of string that creates a specific tuning of a given system, often resonating with aMore


TIME – PLACE – IDENTITY POST-OPEN-AIR EXHIBITION OF WEAiK: ARTISTIC EDUCATION IN THE FIELD OF PLASTIC ARTS, CURATORIAL STUDIES AND THEORY OF ART Gallery Design UAP, 9 Wolnica Str. Duration:– I part of exhibition – 30.10.23-14.11.23– opening – 09.11.2023, 18:00 – II part of exhibition – 17.11.23- 30.11.23– finissage – 28.11.2023, 18:00 Participants – 1st year students of bachelor and master studies: Alicja Bajorek, Pola Bober, Lidia Boćwińska, Remigiusz Boruszewski, Marta Brorsson, Maja Chaczyńska, Monika Czyżniewska, Paweł Dyczkowski, Julia Gągalska, Jagoda Goińska, Sandra Grewling, Maja Jankowiak, Alicja Jencz, Sara Kajzar, Vanessa Kantor, Antonina Karczewska, Maciej Karkoszka, Maria Kasper, Paula Kleczewska, Nicole Klinge, Kinga Kłeczek, Magdalena Kłosowska, Ada Kobusiewicz, Stanisław Korycki, Bogumiła Krysztofiak, Wojciech Kudaj, Szymon Maląg, Daniel Malinowski, Julia Mieloch,More

Szymon Rogiński | Solastalgia

Szymon Rogiński | Solastalgia Gallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Curator: Agnieszka TarasiukOpening: 23.10.2023, 18:00Duration: 21.10-8.11.2023 Szymon RogińskiSOLASTALGIAThe Australian philosopher Glenn Albrecht coined the term solastalgia in 2003 to describe the emotions caused by industrial landscape changes. Natural ecosystems are degrading at pace we are unable to emotionally integrate. Wars, extraction of raw materials, pollution and the impacts of climate change are destroying the habitat of people and other beings on a scale never seen before.Szymon Rogiński shows the catastrophic aspect of everyday life in the interior of global capitalism, whose economic principle is constant growth. Ordinary life – houses, shops, workplaces and means of transport cause a landscape calamity comparable to areas of environmental disasters.The exhibition consists of three cyclesMore

Samo-loty (Airplanes)

Samo-loty (Airplanes) Wojciech GorączniakMarek JakuszewskiMarcin LorencJerzy MuszyńskiMikołaj PolińskiMonika Shaded  18.10-6.11.2023 Gallery Szewska 16 Opening: 18.10, 19:00 Curatorial team: Natalia CzarcińskaJerzy MuszyńskiDorota Tarnowska-Urbanik 

Passages, Passers-by. Place, History and Identity | Open lecture by Rene de Rooze (Groningen, the Netherlands)

Passages, Passers-by. Place, History and Identity | Open lecture by Rene de Rooze (Groningen, the Netherlands) 16.10.2023, 12.30-14.00Atrium UAP, 23 Lutego str., 20 “We never stop missing our loved ones, we simply learn to live by somehow keeping inside, the enormous void left by their absence”. (A. Noel)“Modern memory is, above all, archival. It relies entirely on the materiality of the trace, the immediacy of the recording, the visibility of the image” (Between Memory and History, Pierre Nora)Rene the Rooze was born in Amsterdam 1955, but grew up in the beautiful albeit poorparadise of Dutch New Guinea. The jungle started 100 meters from his home and its colors, the heat, the indigenous people and the smells of the many tropicalMore

International Academic Conference Illusion of Form – about ‘shaping’ at art universities

International Academic Conference Illusion of Form – about ‘shaping’ at art universitiesDates: 23-25 October 2023, Poznań – START 10 amVenue: Brama Poznania ICHOT, Poznańskie Centrum Dziedzictwa ul. Gdańska 2, 61-123 PoznańAcademic management and coordination of the conference: Marta Bosowska PhD and Tomasz Drewicz PhD

XXIX Krystyna Drążkiewicz National Drawing and Painting Open-Air for the most talented students of the oldest classes of art high schools – Rychwał 2023 – open-air exhibition

XXIX Krystyna Drążkiewicz National Drawing and Painting Open-Air for the most talented students of the oldest classes of art high schools – Rychwał 2023 – open-air exhibition 5.10 – 11.10. 2023Curators: Agata Nowak, Adam NowaczykGallery Szewska 16, Szewska Str. 16 The post-open-air exhibition presents a “modest” selection of 150 works of the rich achievements of young creative people representing most secondary art schools in Poland. The authors are both winners of the open-air competition for indexes for the Faculty of Painting and Drawing of Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan as well as creative people who stand out with their individual attitude. The effect is a result of the meeting of people who are just shaping their idea ofMore

Piotr Szwiec | Trapped Jewelry | Sofia, Bulgaria

Piotr Szwiec | Trapped Jewelry | Sofia, Bulgaria ALMA MATER Gallery of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” 15 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., Sofia, BulgariaDuration: 16-31.10.2023 A series of designs and realizations of unique jewelry. Jewelry can be valuable in a simple way – by the value of its metal. If this were the only criterion, bars on chains would be the most valuable. For jewelry, artistic value and quality of craftsmanship have always been important, and in times of mass production they have become even more important. Precious means valuable: handmade, unique, one of a kind. This was the slogan of the first jewelry made of flints hand-carved to resemble Paleolithic stones – tools that were as valuable as jewelry today. They required manualMore

The Phenomenon of Magdalena Abakanowicz | Discussion Panel at Art Corner

The Phenomenon of Magdalena Abakanowicz | Discussion Panel at Art Corner We cordially invite you to the next event entitled The Phenomenon of Magdalena Abakanowicz, organized at Art Corner by Porsche Centrum Poznan, DESA UNICUM and our University (simultaneous translation into English to be provided). The meeting will be attended by outstanding artists and researchers of Abakanowicz’s work and representatives of the DESA UNICUM Auction House 11.10 (Wednesday), 17:30Atrium UAP, build. B20, 23 Lutego Str. Anna Goebel Anna Goebel (born 1951 in Katowice) – visual artist, creates spatial compositions and objects, deals with ephemeral activities in open spaces, paper art and experimental textiles. In the years 1972–1977 she studied at the State Higher School of Fine Arts in Poznan (currently MagdalenaMore

What Paweł Edmund Strzelecki saw | Sound and visual spectacle on the occasion of the celebration of Paweł Edmund Strzelecki Year

What Paweł Edmund Strzelecki saw | Sound and visual spectacle on the occasion of the celebration of the year of Paweł Edmund Strzelecki 6.10.2023 (Friday),  19:30, 17 Kolegiacki Sq., Poznan “Your fears that I would go higher than the Blue Mountains have come true. I was there and even further (…). P. E. Strzelecki We cordially invite you to a special audio and visual event (mapping combined with live music) commemorating the figure and life of an extraordinary man, a resident of Poznan and a citizen of the world, considered right next to the brilliant Chopin and the brilliant Maria Skłodowska-Curie to be the most important Pole of the 19th century! Paweł Edmund Strzelecki was the author of numerous geographical,More

“Yesterday I Dreamt of an Empty Forest” | Exhibition accompanying the IV Biennial of Artistic Textile in Poznan

“Yesterday I Dreamt of an Empty Forest” | Exhibition accompanying the IV Biennial of Artistic Textile in PoznanGallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 30.09.23, 20:00Curator: Dorota Tarnowska-UrbanikDuration: 30.09 – 15.10.2023Wednesday – Sunday, 14:00-17:00 The impulse to create the exhibition “Yesterday I Dreamt of an Empty Forest ” is the desire to meet again and present the work of people who were and still are associated with the Artistic Textile Studio at Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan, and whose attitudes and various sensitivities are strongly remembered by those running the workshop. Despite the difference in age, interests and current profession, each artist had and still has a strong fascination with nature. For Anna Goebel, the forest is aMore

WIRELESS | Unique textile past and present

WIRELESS | Unique textile past and presentGallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Opening: 30.09.2023, 18:00Wednesday – Sunday, 13:00 – 18:0030.09-15.10.2023 The exhibition presents the attitudes of artists who realize their artistic works in the area of broadly understood artistic fabric. The essence of the exhibition is to present in the broadest possible context the current topics that concern the artists. Accordingly, in the gallery space, there will be for viewing and contemplation the works of artists who realize artworks based on multithreaded ideas. The theme/title and leitmotif of the exhibition is “wireless”, understood as without electricity. Thus, the term is close to traditional techniques and technologies, related to textile art and in a more metaphorical sense – analog, over forms,More

“Welcome to my humble abode”

Venue: Przystanek Pireus (Głogowska 35, Poznan)Opening: 20:00Duration: 29.09 – 19.10.2023 Recall that feeling when you cross the doorstep of somebody’s home for the first time.The exhibition “Welcome to my humble abode” is an invitation to enter a space co-createdby fifteen artists. Despite their diversity, the work of these artists forms an ecosystem thatwants be explored. The visitor has the opportunity to delve into the nooks and crannies of aspace that is the product of a group of artists fascinations, points of view and ways ofthinking, and to follow the corridors that connect the themes they address.Artists: Michalina Banasik, Bernadetta Bałękowska, Daria Bielienkov, Przemek Kaczmarek, MarcinKaralus, Mateusz Kowalczyk, Hubert Krawczyk, Rozalia Kwiatkowska, KarolinaMaliszewska, Ewa Pajewska-Wawrzyniak, Kuba Stajszczak, Maria Węsławska-Grybina,Marcel Łukasiewicz, AleksandraMore

Exercises in being | Marcin Salwin

Exercises in being | Marcin SalwinGallery Szewska 1625.09-30.09Opening: 25.09, 18:00 Curatorial team:Natalia CzarcińskaJerzy MuszyńskiDorota Tarnowska-Urbanik Marcin Salwin Graduate of BA (2020) and MA (2022) studies in the field of drawing at the University of Arts in Poznań. Winner of the 2nd place at the 2nd Artistic Textile Biennale in Poznań and winner of the 9th edition of the Alicja Kępińska competition for the best theoretical MA thesis at the UAP created in the academic year 2021/22 for his work “Cartographic-virtual dialogue on the example of the space of video games of the 1990s” (under the supervision of Prof. dr. hab. Izolda Kiec). The author’s main artistic and theoretical interests include issues of transmedia narratology, pop culture themes and dialoguing withMore

A body borrowed from space / Marta Węglińska

A body borrowed from space | Marta Węglińska Meritorical support: Ewa MrozikiewiczGallery Curators’LAB, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Opening: 26.09.2023, 18:0026.09 – 15.10.2023 The presented works were created to meet the need for multidimensional contact with the natural environment. Text: Marta Węglińska and Ewa Mrozikiewicz You probably consider yourself a sophisticated being – and you certainly are – but know that you are made up of a multitude of elements and compounds that were once waste and then recycled. Don’t worry, this applies to all of us[1]. Marta The natural environment, the processes taking place in it, constant changes, the wildest places, the least transformed by human activity are the basis for my work. I observe nature from many perspectives – biology, geology,More