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LPU (India) announces start of application for Student Exchange Programme

We are excited to announce that the Lovely Professional University (LPU), our partner institution in India, starts accepting applications for the Student Exchange Program for the September 2024 intake, in accordance with the bilateral agreement between UAP and LPU . More information about the partner university and the offered programme can be found in the Fact Sheet below, as well as on LPU official web-site Application form for those interested can be found here:

Compulsory symbiosis as a benefit of suburban third places: A case study in the Poznań agglomeration | Agnieszka Sikorska-Długa in Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine

Compulsory symbiosis as a benefit of suburban third places: A case study in the Poznań agglomeration by Barbara Konecka-Szydłowska, Agnieszka Sikorska-Długa in the French scientific journal Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine Agnieszka Sikorska-Długaj, Faculty of Architecture and Design of Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan, became the co-author of the article “Compulsory symbiosis as a benefit of suburban third places: A case study in the Poznań agglomeration“, which was published in the French scientific journal Revue d’Économie Régionale & Urbaine on the platform *. “Today’s economy is undergoing significant changes: the transition from a traditional material-intensive economy based on economies of scale (industrial economy) to a modern economy based on intangible values ​​and modern technologies (knowledge-based economy). Over the pastMore

Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award (YEATCA) 2023

Young European Artist Trieste Contemporanea Award (YEATCA) Deadline30 November 202311:59 pm (Italian time) The call is open to young artists under the age of 30 (born after 30 November 1993) and born in one of the following countries: Albania, Austria, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia and Ukraine. The 2023 YEATCA call will expire on 30 November 2023 (find below the application form)There is no fee for participation and applications must be submitted online.The winner will be asked to plan a 2024 solo exhibition at Studio Tommaseo in Trieste.Exhibition production budget includes the publication of an exhibition catalogue edited by an artMore

UAP at European Education Fair Taiwan (EEFT)

UAP at European Education Fair Taiwan (EEFT) On November, 4-5 Magdalena University of the Arts Poznan was represented at the European Education Fair Taiwan* by Agnieszka Meller-Kawa, dr hab., prof UAP, Rector’s Representative for Foreign Cooperation, Head of Department for Architecture and Urban Planning. During EEFT numerous attendants got acquainted with the potential of UAP, fields of study available both for Study in English, and those taught in the Polish language. The visitors also found out general information about the Poznan University of Arts, its infrastructure, calendar of events, biggest exhibitions and competition organized by UAP. Rector’s Representative also provided extensive information to those interested about more than 100 studios offered by the university, as well as showed works by UAP students. *EstablishedMore

UAP at Polish Photo Brunch

Polish Photo Brunch (Paris Photo 2023) We are pleased to announce that our University will take part in the “Polish Photo Brunch” meeting and book exhibition accompanying Paris Photo 2023 at the Polish Institute in Paris. The event is an opportunity to present the nature and potential of the Poznan photography community and its contribution to the development of the art of photography in Poland. The UAP and PWSFTviT presentations will be accompanied by an exhibition of books from both universities, the Blow Up Press publishing house, the Pix House Foundation and the 19 Rivers and Zintek initiatives. The co-creators of the event are: the Polish Institute in Paris, Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan, Film School in LodzMore

OPEN CALL – Exhibition about the Białowieża Forest at UAP Rotunda Gallery

PerspAKTIV project together with the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan and Municipal Gallery Arsenał invite students to take part in the exhibition about the Białowieża Forest, curated by a resident from Belarus – Volha Arkhipova. The first meeting for all those interested is on November 8, 2023 at 5 p.m. at Poznań Art Corner (28 Marcinkowskiego Ave., 4th floor). Suggestions of works are welcome. In case of any questions, please, contact:, Białowieża Forest The exhibition aims to present the “Białowieża Forest” as a special place that, while retaining its characteristics, belongs to several countries. This is an ecoregion with the conventional name “Sarmatian mixed forest”, through which the border between Poland and Belarus currently runs. AMore


The Head of the Admissions Committee of the Study in English Programme at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan informs all intending applicants for first and second-cycle studies in the academic year 2023/2024 that the deadline for submitting applications for studies has been extended to Monday 1st August 2023. The fields and levels of studies that still accept applications are: – Intermedia – second-cycle studies – Stage Design – second-cycle studies – Product Design – second-cycle studies – Painting – first and second-cycle studies – Graphic Design – first and second-cycle studies – Interior Design – first and second-cycle studies – Photography – first and second-cycle studies

Open Call for ESN Buddy Program

Attention! Chance for international friendships! ESN Buddy Program opens the recruitment! What is it though? Schedule: P.S. In the first week of July, we’ll send via e-mail an invitation to a WhatsApp group dedicated for Mentors. Wanna join? Great! All it takes is to fill that form: and wait for the message! In case of questions, contact us: Albert BartyszakPresident of ESN Poznań


Faculty of Arts and Music, University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) would like to invite students interested in animation and other moving art media, to the International Festival of Children and Student’s Multimedia Production Trikfilm. The festival is going to take place on 26th – 30th September 2023 in Czech Republic in Ostrava. Open call is until 3rd September. You can already sign up and enter your own artwork now here on the link The aim of the festival is to present student and children’s creative works in the areas of: The prize in the main category is 500 euros. By organizing other activities, TrikFilm supports education in the field of multimedia creation for children and young creators in their activities. We wantMore

SCHAUBAU International Summer School of Design in Dessau, Germany (August 13-18, 2023)

SCHAUBAU International Summer School of Design in Dessau, Germany (August 13-18, 2023)

ANIMATOR International Animated Film Festival | Volunteering

ANIMATOR International Animated Film Festival | Volunteering The ANIMATOR International Animated Film Festival will be held on June 21-25, 2023 in Poznan, on June, 26-30, 2023 online, and on July 1-2, 2023 in the form of screenings of awarded films at the Muza Cinema. Do you want to be part of this event? Fill in the application form below! During the festival volunteers will work in the following sections: Today is the last day to send your application! We accept applications from persons over 16 y.o. Should you have any questions regarding volunteering during the festival, please, Application form:

DARMASISWA | Indonesian scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology

DARMASISWA | Indonesian scholarship from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology Darmasiswa is a one year non-degree scholarship program offered by the Indonesian government to all non-Indonesian citizens from countries which Indonesia has diplomatic relations to study Indonesian language, arts, music, crafts and other specific subjects at 68 Indonesian Higher Education Institutions selected in various cities in Indonesia. This program is organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research , and Technology in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The main objective of the DARMASISWA program is to increase and cultivate interest in Indonesian language and Indonesian culture among citizens from other countries. It is also designed to increase mutual understanding and provide stronger cultural bonds betweenMore

Rector’s announcement on A+ scientific category

Rector’s announcement on A+ scientific category It is my pleasure to inform you that by the decision of the Minister of Education and Science as of February 16, 2023, Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan was awarded the highest scientific category A+ in the discipline of visual arts and conservation of works of art. I believe this decision is a historical success of artists – employees of our University, appreciation of their competence, artistic quality and creative activity, which has been duly recognized on a national scale. I would like to thank everyone who contributed efforts to this success, especially the employees involved in the long-term and laborious evaluation process, e.g. employees of the Evaluation Office, faculty coordinators asMore

Student Art Christmas Fair at UAP

On December 10, starting at 10 am, Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznań will host the next edition of the Student Art Christmas Fair. Art Fair is an annual event that gives students and graduates of Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznań, the opportunity to present and sell their works. Once again, you will have an opportunity to get acquainted with unique works of art, design, crafts and hand-made gadgets, which can certainly become perfect Christmas gifts for your loved ones. In addition, the Internet Platform of the Student Art Fair will be launched. It will present a non-commercial catalogue of items, which will be available at the Fair.

13th Biennale of Graphic Arts / ERROR

13th Biennale of Graphic Arts / ERROR Deadline for submitting entries: 15 February 2023 The Biennale of Graphic Arts, established in 1999, is a cyclical review/competition presenting the works of artists of the young generation, working in the field of graphic arts. Since 2019, the formula of the competition has changed by specifying thematic areas that emphasise alternative values ​​entering into a dialogue with contemporary culture and everyday life. The new formula of the biennale has been adapted to changes in contemporary art related to post-art activities (1: 1 art, ‘utilitarian’ art, material realism) and adapted to transformations conditioned by the role of graphic statements in the context of social activities (activist movements). The theme of the 13th Graphic Biennale,More


How could we support Ukraine and its recovery long term? How could we give agency to young Ukrainians, currently dispersed all over the globe, to create better futures for their homeland? New Space Foundation and Science Now, together with the US Embassy in Warsaw and the United States Department of State are launching a new initiative – SPLOT UA Residency – aimed at delivering prototypes of social innovations that could be implemented in Ukraine in the future, as part of recovery activities. During the program, selected participants will work on three topics inspired by the UA Recovery Plan[1]: Healing the city / Rewilding the night / Revitalizing education We are looking for individuals who identify themselves as creative andMore

Fulbright scholar at UAP

We are happy to announce that this academic year Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan is hosting the Fulbright scholar Lydia Bodnar-Balahutrak, an artist from Houston, Texas. Lydia is a visual artist and educator with a successful career in exhibiting her works as well as teaching. Since receiving a Master of Fine Arts degree in painting from George Washington University, Washington, D.C. she has participated in national and international cataloged exhibitions, lectured widely, and taught studio classes at the University of Houston and the Glassell School of Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston. Lydia’s works can be found in museums and private collections in the U.S.A., Canada and Europe. After being awarded an IREX grant in 1991 to travelMore

Inauguration of the academic year 2022/2023

Rector and the Senate of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznań arehonored to invite you to the inauguration of the academic year 2022/2023 October 13, 2022, at 11.00 in Atrium UAP the ceremony will also be broadcasted live:on the official UAP YouTube channel CELEBRATION PROGRAMME: State Anthem Speech by the Rector of UAP, prof. dr. hab. Wojciech Hora Gaude Mater Polonia Guest speeches Handing out medals and distinctions Speech by the President of the Student Self-Government of UAP First-year students matriculation Inaugural lecture by prof. dr hab. Marta Smolińska Gaudeamus igitur ACCOMPANYING EVENTS:Jerzy Kałucki | Wolność i otwartość / Freedom and openness11–30 X 2022Gallery Rotunda UAP building APeter Valiska-Timečko | Col_lection /action graphics06–19 X 2022Gallery Curators’LAB UAP, Nowowiejskiego str.More

Youth Art Competition of the Palazzo Albrizzi – Capello

The Italian – German Cultural Association at Palazzo Albrizzi-Capello organizes a youth art competition about the theme “The world is in our hands” for talented young artists and art students. The competition aims to draw attention to climate change and the role humanity plays in it. The winners of this competition will receive the “Youth Art Prize”, which will be awarded by the President of the Cultural Association, Prof. Nevia Pizzul-Capello, in a festive setting in Venice. This youth art prize includes an exhibition of the winning works in the historic premises of the Palazzo in the gallery of the Main Floor, in which a number of exhibitions by internationally renowned artists such as the Venice Biennale and Triennale haveMore

Allegro Prize 2022

For the third time Contemporary Lynx and Allegro are organizing an international competition for visual artists of all disciplines. This year’s prize is PLN 80,000 + numerous awards, including publications of distinguished portfolios in the Lynx magazine. According to the Regulations, there is no competition fee. Please visit the website for further details: You are invited to join the group on FB entirely devoted to the competition where only interesting content for artists is published: The applications can be submitted until September 27, 2022! Allegro Prize 2022, the next edition of the international competition for visual artists, is about to start! The aim of the competition is to support and promote visual artists from around the world. InMore

Deadline to the admission for Study in English

The admissions process for programmes starting in October 2022 has been extended. You should submit your application  by  19 August 2022 to the email address:

II Pracownia Grafiki | I love you

I love you Miłość może łączyć z emocjami względem innej osoby, grupy, przedmiotu. Ogniskowanie się na dobru jednostki czy ogółu związane jest z wyborem wartości historycznych zdeterminowanych przez różne wzorce kulturowe. Po rewolucji francuskiej, istotną rolę w kulturze mieszczańskiej pełniło kształtowanie własnego dobra. Troska o prywatne interesy i otoczenie przekładała się na korzyść całego narodu. Ukształtowany w ten sposób „zakres dobra” łączy się jednocześnie z odrzuceniem nie przynależących do grupy. „Egoizm narodowy jest przyrodzonym egoizmem ogólnej istoty państwa, w przeciwieństwie do egoizmu charakteryzującego feudalne warstwy”1. Wartości istotne dla określonej grupy ludzi (narodu) stają się ważniejsze niż jednostkowy partykularyzm, czy też ogólnoludzkie interesy bazujące na utylitaryzmie. „(…) egoizm, którego treścią jest naród, jest ogólniejszy, czyli czystszy, niż egoizm, którego treścią jestMore

NLITED SUMMER SCHOOL – Daylighting in buildings – Copenhagen 2022

Międzynarodowa specjalistyczna szkoła letnia poświęcona oświetleniu dziennemu, która odbędzie się w formacie obozu szkoleniowego w dniach 16-22 sierpnia 2022 r. w Kopenhadze w Danii.  Intensywne warsztaty dotyczące pomiarów, obliczeń, symulacji i projektowania oświetlenia dziennego. Zajęcia poprowadzą międzynarodowi eksperci akademiccy i branżowi. Uczestnicy będą pracować w grupach projektowych, w celu znalezienia wspólnego rozwiązania dla zadanego problemu oświetleniowego.  Prace uczestników zostaną zaprezentowane na konferencji BuildSim 22 sierpnia i ocenione przez panel ekspertów.

EUROSTUDENT – opowiedz nam, co u Ciebie | BADANIE

EUROSTUDENT – opowiedz nam, co u Ciebie Bierzemy udział w największym europejskim przedsięwzięciu badawczym dotyczącym życia studentów w formie ankiety internetowej – EUROSTUDENT. Jest to cykliczny projekt, który pozwala na uchwycenie trendów przydatnych w kształtowaniu polityki publicznej. Dołącz już dziś! Zapraszamy do wzięcia udziału w ankiecie wszystkich uczestników studiów: I stopnia, II stopnia, jednolitych magisterskich oraz podyplomowych. Zapraszamy studiujących stacjonarnie, niestacjonarnie oraz tych, którzy studiują na odległość. Ankieta zajmie ok. 20 minut, dostępna jest do końca czerwca. Zalecamy wypełnianie na większym ekranie niż smartfon.  Zapewniamy, że Twój głos będzie miał ogromne znaczenie dla rzetelności wyników i reprezentatywności badania, a tym samym dla porównywalności wyników Polski na tle innych krajów europejskich. Podziel się swoją historią i doświadczeniami. Dziękujemy za poświęcony czas. Zespół badawczy EUROSTUDENT.More

Admissions 2022/2023

International candidates that wish to join us in the academic year 2022/2023 can submit their applications until 30 June. We offer a total of seven BA and MA degree programmes with classes taught in English: Graphic Design Interior Design Intermedia Painting Photography Product Design Stage Design To find out more about our entry requirements follow the link below:


DRZWI OTWARTE UAP / UAP OPEN DAYS /EN below/ 12 marca 2022 – stacjonarne! 25–26 marca 2022 (spotkania ze studentami poszczególnych kierunków online) – szczegóły wkrótce! 7–8 kwietnia 2022 (konsultacje portfolio online) – szczegóły wkrótce! Szanowni Kandydaci, Szanowne Kandydatki! serdecznie zapraszamy na DRZWI OTWARTE 2022Uniwersytetu Artystycznego im. Magdaleny Abakanowicz w Poznaniu. Po długiej przerwie nareszcie zobaczymy się na żywo – nie możemy się Was doczekać! Jak co roku przygotowaliśmy dla Was bogatą ofertę warsztatów, spotkań oraz kilka niespodzianek! → HARMONOGRAM OGÓLNY → HARMONOGRAM WARSZTATÓW → OPISY WARSZTATÓW → FORMULARZ ZAPISÓW → KLAUZULA RODO → ZAPISY NA WARSZTATY, które odbędą się 12 marca: (Prosimy o wybór warsztatów, wypełnienie formularza zapisów i przesłanie go wraz z podpisaną klauzulą RODO). UWAGA! Kandydaci z niepełnosprawnością mogą uzyskać wsparcie dostosowane do ich potrzeb. W tym celu konieczne jest zgłoszenie takiej potrzebyMore

Faculty of Sculpture Awarded a Grant

The Foundation for the Development of the Education System, acting as the Programme Operator for the Education Programme, has awarded funding for Component IV “Institutional cooperation for the quality and relevance of education at all levels and in all forms  (excluding VET and continuing education”. Funding was awarded to 43 projects. The Faculty of Sculpture of the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan has received a grant in the amount of  EUR 231 963.0. The project entitled  The Illusion of Form is scheduled to be carried out for two years in cooperation with Universitetet i Bergen – Fakultet for kunst, musikk og design. Dr. Marta Bosowska, who will serve as the head of the project, managed to create a platform forMore

Bufet na terenie UAP

Szanowni Państwo, serdecznie zapraszamy do punktu gastronomicznego, który od dziś działa na terenie naszej Uczelni w dawnej Auli, w budynku A. Bufet serwuje dania wegańskie, wegetariańskie oraz mięsne i jest czynny w dni powszednie, od godziny 10.00. Zapraszamy! Dear All, we kindly invite You to cafeteria called du Buffet, which is open from Monday – Friday, from 10.00 am. in building A (first floor). They are available vegan and meat options, as well like local swets and coffe!


CentrALT Centrum współczesnej polskiej sztuki i idei żydowskich serdecznie zaprasza do udziału w OPEN CALL FESTIVALT 2022 PL: Termin nadsyłania zgłoszeń: 23:59 CET, 16 stycznia 2022, CET / Submission deadline: 23:59 CET, 16 January 2022, CET   Ogłoszenie finalistów: do końca marca 2022 r. – ogłoszone na / Finalists announcement: by end of March 2022 – announced at   FestivALT 2022 (24 czerwca-3 lipca): otwarcie i prezentacja wystawy / FestivALT 2022 (June 24-July 3): exhibition presentation and opening during FestivALT week 

Rezydencje artystyczne w Grecji 2022 / Summer creative residencies in Greece 2022

Periplus Workshops 2022 Short-term residency for designers, artists, creatives & performing artists, working across all cultural fields. Periplus Workshops offers selected creative and cultural students, graduates and professionals from all over the world, the time and space to delve into a constantly open lab, where thinking through making, experiential access to local identity and a deeply humanising relationship with nature may develop into a new approach to immense creativity. Gathering knowledge that may subsequently help local societies better deal with their existing and future multifaceted challenges. Powerfully reengaging them with the wealthy but frequently neglected potential of their local environment. Period: 2 weeksWhen: July 2022Where: Mani, Southern Peloponnese, GreeceWho can apply: designers, artists & creatives, performing artistsDuration of residency: Two 1 week periods(“Form” & “Light”)Accommodation:Private bedrooms with shared bathroomsDisciplines, work equipment and assistance:Crafts / Design / Performance / Curating / Sound / Visual Arts / Media Arts / Eating experienceStudio / Workspace:Shared indoor & outdoor studios More info, fees and support at: information at: Application deadline:2022-1-31 (early bird)Residency starts:“Form” week 2022-07-17“Light” week 2022-07-24Residency ends:“Form” week 2022-07-23“Light” week 2022-07-30Location:[Kalamata Region] Greece Link to more information

Last call | Open call for an illustration The COVID Nostalgia

Organizer: Poznań Art Week / Rarytas Art FoundationPatronage: Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts PoznanThis competition is co-funded by the Poznań City Hall Organizing Committee:Mateusz Bieczyński – Cuator of the projectMax SkorwiderPiotr Grzywacz Pre-Selection Committee:Mateusz Bieczyński – Head of the Jury, curator, art critic, lawyer, professor of UAPMax Skorwider – graphic artist, illustrator, poster artist, professor of UAPWojciech Janicki – graphic artist, designer, professor of UAPAgnieszka Mori – artist, curator, Consulate General of Poland in Hong KongIwona Wierzba – director of Albus Publishing HouseCooperation: Piotr Grzywacz, Aniela Perszko The COVID Nostalgia Lockdown. Shutdown. Forced restrictions. Pause,questions about the future. ‘Cos there must be a future… Attention. Caution. Responsibility. Take good care of yourself.Watch out for others. Stay home! Internal emigration. State ofMore

ZAPISY: IX Pracownia Rysunku / REGISTRATION: IX Drawing Studio

Serdecznie zapraszamy na zapisy do 9 pracowni rysunku: 5.10.2021 godz. 15:00 oraz 6.10.2021 godz. 15:00UAP, budynek F, sala nr 12 We cordially invite you to sign up for drawing studio no.9: 5.10.2021 at 15:00 and 6.10.2021 at 15:00UAP, building F, room no.12 prof. dr hab. Zbigniew Szotdr hab. Diana Fiedler prof.