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The moment it wobbles and trembles | Maciej Andrzejczak, Anna Kołacka, Sebastian Trzoska 

The moment it wobbles and trembles Venue: Gallery Szydłowski, 13/15 Nowolipie Str., Warsaw Opening: 07.09.2023, 18:00-21:00Duration: 07-22.09.2023 Maciej Andrzejczak, Anna Kołacka, Sebastian Trzoska  The clocks no longer stop, and the time displayed on the ubiquitous screens flows either too fast or too slow. The works of the three artists are like an experiment designed to recognize and experience a disordered reality. Sebastian Trzoska’s Technical diagram for 24 hours of focus shows a stopwatch board speeding up minute by minute. On the one hand ”it is simply a form of creative play with the ruthless limitations of the timer’s function and the industrial nature of the object, such as a typical advertising display built from LED lights” (S.T). In this black-framed controlled chaos, where the conceptMore

PENETRATION | Marzena Wolińska

PENETRATION | Marzena Wolińska Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego av.Opening: 07.09.2023, 18:00Wed – Sun, 13:00 – 18:007.08-24.09.2023 Objects/ usable items, sculptural forms, drawing compositions are the result of different ways of creating, but/however the inspiration to create them are emotions and thoughts that permeate each other… hence there is the title of the exhibition. The PENETRATION exhibition presents the mutual relations between various forms of creative expression – utilitarian objects, sculptures and drawings are the result of a different way of creating, but the inspiration for their creation are emotions and thoughts that interpenetrate each other … it gives rise to the title of the exhibition. Usability is determined by function, conditioned by a given technology and obliged toMore

Spirits | Radosław Czarkowski 

Spirits | Radosław Czarkowski Gallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str. Opening: 5.09.2023, 18:00 5-20.09.2023Wed-Sun, 14:00 – 17:00  Spirits are assumed to be a group of mutually complementary objects referring in their idea to the issues of memory and identity – important from the point of view of self-identification not only for individuals, but also for entire communities or nations. The mechanism of care for identity and knowledge of origin is the same in each case – memory care. This role is played by verbal applications, books, photographs kept in the wallet or notes on the margins of school notebooks – without refreshing, images fade and concepts escape under the weight of time. The realization is a reflection on the transformation of eventsMore

Shapes of Insider

Shapes of Insider Opening: 24.08.2023, 18:00Venue: Design Gallery, 9 Wolnica Str. The “Shapes of Insider” exhibition is an overview of the fascinating achievements of students of Interior Design in the academic year 2022/2023. We have created a collection of works that tell about our design path and personal visions of space. The works presented at the exhibition are like windows to the world of countless possibilities. From minimalist, subdued designs to an explosion of colors and forms, each work is a reflection of our individuality. Their presentation on long sheets leaves room for free analysis and focus on the projects themselves. This simplicity emphasizes the richness of ideas and the uniqueness of each work. The diversity and dialogue that accompanyMore


ANTICIPATIONS / ceramic objects / PIOTR MASTALERZ Gallery Curators’LAB, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Opening: 29.08.2023, 18:0029.08-17.09.2023 Curator:prof. dr hab. Ewa Twarowska-Sioda PIOTR MASTALERZ Biography:Piotr Mastalerz is a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Poznan. He graduated from the Faculty of Sculpture and Spatial Activities, obtaining a diploma in the studio of prof. Jacek Jagielski. In 2013, he defended his PhD at his alma mater. In the years 1994–1999 he studied at the State Lyceum of Fine Arts in Zdunska Wola, where he obtained the title of art technician, specializing in artistic ceramics. Then, from 1999 to 2000, he attended the School of Theater and Film Techniques in Łodz. In the years 2000–2002 he studied in Kalisz at the Faculty ofMore

THE WIND FROM THE SEA | Aleksander Radziszewski 

THE WIND FROM THE SEA | Aleksander Radziszewski Gallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.16 – 28.08.2023Finissage: 28.08, 18:00 “The witch’s scapular was torn off so that he would no longer defend her, and she was allowed to drink a second glass of holy wine. When the boat, pushed from the shore by the oars of several stout fishermen, ran out to sea, the crowd on the shore howled to throw the witch into the water as soon as possible. And so it happened. The two biggest masops, straddling the boat-drivers, lifted the limp woman by the arms and legs, swung her in the air, and flung her far into the water. Drunk on holy wine and stripped of her scapular,More

Ryszard Kaja | Big and small journeys from and to Poznan

Big and small journeys from and to Poznan | Ryszard Kaja Curator: Ewelina Muraszkiewicz  Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, Al. Marcinkowskiego 28 Opening: 2.08, 18:00 Thoughtful observer of everyday life Which of us, driven by curiosity, has not once been tempted to peek at someone’s diary? Break off at least a piece of the innermost thoughts and observations of the other person? Of course, knowing that what we see or read, we don’t necessarily have to like it. Ryszard Kaja kept a diary for almost his entire life. He meticulously supplemented day after day, providing ample material for posterity to analyze. Initially, Ryszard’s diaries were A6 notebooks in which he wrote down and painted everything he experienced on a daily basis. OverMore

Marcin Salwin | Are you lonely?

Open StudioMarcin SalwinAre you lonely? Gallery Szewska 1607.08-24.09 Curatorial team: Natalia CzarcińskaJerzy MuszyńskiDorota Tarnowska-UrbanikMarcin Salwin Graduate of BA (2020) and MA (2022) studies in the field of drawing at the University of Arts in Poznań. Winner of the 2nd place at the 2nd Artistic Textile Biennale in Poznań and winner of the 9th edition of the Alicja Kępińska competition for the best theoretical MA thesis at the UAP created in the academic year 2021/22 for his work “Cartographic-virtual dialogue on the example of the space of video games of the 1990s” (under the supervision of Prof. dr. hab. Izolda Kiec). The author’s main artistic and theoretical interests include issues of transmedia narratology, pop culture themes and dialoguing with literary references.More

Tattoo – a form of art

Tattoo – a form of art Venue: Gallery Curators’LAB, Nowowiejskiego 12Opening; 20.07.2023, 18:00Duration: 20.07 – 18.08.2023Curator: Adrianna Afra Gruszecka Artists of Black Rabbit Tattoo Studio:Marcin Kowalski “Brodaty”Wojciech Kaczmarek “Ketjow”Paulina AkumaAdrianna Gruszecka “Afra Tattoo”In cooperation with:Izabela Janowska TattooJacob Mucha Tattoo Art Welcome to the exhibition “Tattoo – a form of art”! This extraordinary, pioneering exhibition devoted to the phenomenon of tattoos and its role as a form of dissemination of art on the human body. This is a unique opportunity to get closer to the mysterious world of tattooing and see the process of creating a pattern live. The tattoo has deep roots that go back millennia. Ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, Sumerians and Chinese practiced the art of tattooingMore

Exhibition of works by graduates of the Third Age University of Arts | Painting | Drawing | Icons

The exhibition is a summary of the activities by Seniors, who attended the art courses of painting, drawing and icon sections at the University of Arts of the Third Age in Poznan. PAINTINGGallery Nowa Scena UAP, Al. Marcinkowskiego 29Opening: 11.07, 17:0011.07-25.07 Participants of the exhibition: Anna Struk, Anna Trawińska, Aleksandra Hanaj-Podgórska, Anna Nowak, Anna Nockowska, Anna Kortus, Anna Wilczyńska, Beata Rumin-Gebel, Barbara Kaczmarek-Mikołajczak, Beata Witkowska, Barbara Dyderska, Danuta Mackiewicz, Dorota Krawiec-Pierańska, Ewa Nowakowska, Ewa Stawna, Ewa Lech, Ewelina Majchrzak, Hanna Sarnowska-Mazur, Hanna Zwiefka, Irena Mikulska-Kulma, Jolanta Kabacińska, Jolanta Materniak, Jolanta Jarmużek, Jolanta Owczarek, Jacek Ruśniak, Karolina Musiał, Katarzyna Kruszwicka, Krystyna Kmieć-Wojciechowska, Krystyna Dyderska, Maria Mańkowska, Magdalena Brzezińska, Marek Rachuba, Marian Pawlik, Maria Głodkiewicz, Paweł Maciak, Radomiła Banach, Renata Lesiewicz, RomualdaMore

Pripyat | Hjörleifur Halldórsson

Pripyat | Hjörleifur HalldórssonRotunda GalleryOpening: July 3, 2023 at 6 p.m.On display: 3 – 30.07.2023 About the artistic attitude of Hjörleifur Halldórsson Hjörleifur Halldórsson’s painting reflects his inner life and interest in specific social issues. Halldórsson knows that art cannot replace social science, philosophy, sociology, anthropology and political science, but it can contribute to social diagnosis. He does not illustrate scientific hypotheses and ideological manifestos, but expresses his subjective, independent opinions and feelings through painting. When art serves to explore and deepen the subjectivity of the artist who creates it, it simultaneously serves and defends the subjectivity of every human being. One of Halldórsson’s responses in defense of the subjectivity of a particular person is the portrait of Swedish model Lena ForsénMore

Microwaves | Performance | Maja Korczyńska

Microwaves | Performance | Maja Korczyńska Gallery Nowa Scena UAP,28 Marcinkowskiego Ave.Performance:20.06, 18:0021.06, 18:00 A performance expressing fatigue with the academic system, limiting freedom and creativity through a rigid work framework. Directing attention to patterns that are often reproduced in contemporary art. It is also to draw attention to the traps that lie in wait for art students who, through the system of orders and settlements, are exposed to the loss of individuality and merging into popular and fashionable artistic styles.

As a matter of fact | joint diploma project

As a matter of fact Tomasz AgacińskiMonika Kaźmierska Venue: Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, 28 Marcinkowskiego Av., PoznanOpening: 24.06, 18:00On display: 24.06 – 2.07 An exhibition of a joint diploma project consisting of four independent parts that consider the needs of possession, accumulation, thus inhabiting and storage. „Baskets made of waste” is a collection of found, damaged baskets, both traditional,wickered, and modern plastic ones. The project transfers waste from the sphere of garbage to the sphere of use, giving them a new potential. The actions taken are aimed at repairing damage, strengthening the structure, weaving in deficiencies, and thus changing and emphasizing the aesthetic values and giving new functions. „Rope basket” is a search for a new material from a rawMore

“The Wanderer” by Samuel Gardner

The Wanderer | Samuel Gardner Gallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 23.06, 18:00On display: 23.06 – 2.07 “The Wanderer” is about walking alone without a fixed destination. It’s an attempt to share the moments of this experience through collected and created objects. Many of the creations are accidental or unintentional. Making them requires a similar mindset to that of the wanderer. You’re constantly making decisions on what “feels” right. It’s the closest I get to that reality which, according to the Patanjali Sutras is “different from that which is normally perceived through one’s senses and logic.”

Dominik Lejman | Reenactment 

Dominik Lejman | Reenactment  Reenactment (2023)Installation by Dominik LejmanIn cooperation with Bianca O’BrienChurch of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Summo, Poznan (Art Gallery of the  Lubrański Academy)Curator: Hubertus von Amelunxen On display: 16.06–02.07.2023, 17:00–20:00Free admission Instalacja Dominika Lejmana Reenactment w kościele NMP na Ostrowie Tumskim stanowi przeniesienie dwóch prac artysty prezentowanych na wyspie San Servolo w ramach projektu „Pawilonu Szaleństwa”, przy współpracy z Museo del Manicomio, w trakcie ubiegłorocznego Biennale w Wenecji.Oryginalnie pokazane w Chiesa di San Servolo w 2022 roku, dwa obrazy projekcyjne (akryl na płótnie 185x348cm) powstały przy współpracy z artystką performance Biancą O’Brien.Jak napisał kard. Gianfranco Ravasi w słowie wstępnym do weneckiej wystawy: „Dwa obrazy Lejmana zapraszają nas do ponownego spojrzenia i zakwestionowania naszego sztywnego, „ortodoksyjnego” podziału na „święte” i „szalone” („sanity”-„insanity”)”. Dominik Lejman’s installation Reenactment in the ChurchMore

Fight or Flight

Title „Fight or Flight” comes from the colloquially named adrenaline. The exhibition presents an analysis of this process not only from a biological perspective but also from an economic and cultural one. Installations placed within the walls of the United Climbing space, although minimalist in it’s form, are full of confrontations with extensive visions of the future of individuals such as Leszek Kołakowski or John Danaher. They were created using modern hardware: 3D milling machines, 3D printers, as well as various AI models and smartphones, embodying the characteristic hope for a better tomorrow. What else are the bodies of people playing with climbing challenges, lying on sun-warmed mats amidst the industrial halls of WSK, if not a longed-for ideal world? This is anMore

A Mute Witness to History | Collective exhibition

A Mute Witness to History | Collective exhibitionOpening: 16.06, 18:0016.06–3.09.2023Municipal Gallery Arsenal, Szyperska 2/6–8 Curator: Marta Brennenstuhl-Bludnik Participants:Anton Derbilov (1980–2023)Alexander DemchenkoIryna KalyuzhnaAnna ManankinaAndrii PinchukArtem SamoylovArsentiy Samoylov Organization: Municipal Gallery Arsenal in Poznan Patronage: Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan The history of the exhibition began on April 29, 2022, when Artem Samoylov left for a moment his studio in a village near Kharkiv. Little did he know back then that he was last crossing the threshold of a building which a moment later would turn into a pile of rubble, ablaze before his very eyes. Fortunately, no one was hurt or killed, yet the missile dealt a tragic blow to human art. The casualties included bronze sculptures, nudes, busts, and studio works byMore

Students and the City | Exhibition of student works in Interior Design

Students and the City | Exhibition of student works in Interior Design We cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition of works following the field study by students of Interior Design entitled “Students and the City – New, Common Spaces at Adam Mickiewicz Square”, which will be held on June 6, 2023 (Tuesday) at 18:00 at the Welcome Center of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań at 78 Sw. Marcin Str. The exhibition will present student works made as part of a remote field study, which took place in Poznań on November 18-16, 2022 under the supervision of Dr. Szymon Nawoj.

Solemn Minute | Exhibition of works by part-time students of Graphic Art

Solemn Minute Exhibition of works by part-time students of Graphic Art Gallery Curators’LAB Opening: 2.06.2023, 18:00 On display: 1-9.06.2023 The Solemn Minute exhibition presents selected works of students of part-time studies in the field of Graphic Art, which were created as part of classes conducted in the academic year 2022/2023 at the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan. The works that make up the exhibition were created in response to the topics discussed during the classes. They relate to the issues of contemporary culture in an individualized way. They are connected with the academization of artistic creativity, which reveals a dichotomous division of art into the presentation of craft competences, as well as creative thinking. Perfectly mastered skills suchMore

Building a garden around a burning house | Collective exhibition

Building a garden around a burning house2.06-16.06.2023, 13:00-19:00Gallery Duża Scena UAP24 Wodna Str., PoznanOpening: 02.06.2023, 19:30 Artists: Kasia Banasiak, Natalia Bażowska, Martyna Czech, Kinga Flasza, Dobro Hada-Jasikowska, Dominika Kowynia, Zuzanna Marszałkowska, Marta Nadolle, Ludwig Nikulski, Peter Pflügler, Martyna Pinkowska, Patryk Różycki, Liliana Zeic, Paweł Żukowski Curators: Dawid Dzwonkowski, Jagoda Forycka, Maria Blanka Grzybowska, Kamil Gustaw Mizgala, Zuzanna Tetera Where do we run, when we lose the sense of security and our world collapses? The exhibition Building a garden around a burning house presents works which treat the concept of shelter as a place, relationship, comfort or community-building. We want to show the societal aspect of shelter, the difficulties in finding it, and the consequences when there is none. The presentedMore

Cross-section | collective exhibition

Cross-section Mateusz HadaśMateusz KuczyńskiAnia Łepak in cooperation with Dominika Tkaczyk i Aurelia KomorowskaAsal Khajavi PourAnna MyszkowiakBarbara Stańko-JurczyńskaWiktoria StefaniakYuheng ZhangJulia Zagórska* Curators: Ewa Kulesza and Diana Fiedler  26.05–4.06.2023 Opening: 26.05, 18:00, Gallery Szewska 16 *Julia Zagórska in hall 9, 13:00–16:00

Design of a prosthetic leg for water sports | Kuba Garstkiewicz

Design of a prosthetic leg for water sports | Kuba Garstkiewicz Gallery Design UAP, 9 Wolnica Str.Opening: 23.05, 18:00On display till 4.06 The impulse for implementation was the analysis and observation of the environment of amputees, which showed that despite the high development of technology, there are still areas of prosthetics that have not been developed by any solution. Practicing water sports requires balance, motor coordination and the involvement of the entire muscular system. Significant difficulties in the coordination of leg work while swimming can be observed among people after a leg amputation below the knee line. Currently offered prosthetic solutions do not provide plantar flexion of the foot, which is needed for comfortable swimming. The assumptions of the projectMore

New Image / New Look | Awards Gala

We cordially invite you to the Awards Gala of the 12th edition of the New Image / New Look (Nowy Obraz / Nowe Spojrzenie) competition, which will be held on Friday, May 12 at 19:00 at the SŁODOWNIA GALLERY in Stary Browar in Poznań. [exhibition is on display: 13-21.05 | 12:00-20:00] On the same day, the author’s guided tour of the exhibition TAKE CONTROL OVER STICKINESS will take place in Galeria Szewska 16 at 17:00. Zuzanna Szary, the author of the exhibition, is the winner of the 11th edition of the New Image / New Look competition. Welcome! [exhibition is on display: 27.04–14.05 | 9:00-19:00]

Within Sculpture | REFLECTIONS III

Within Sculpture | REFLECTIONS IIIVenue: Curators’Lab Gallery, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Opening: 16.05.2023, 18:00Duration of exhibition: 16.05–28.05.2023 ARTISTS: prof. Marcin Berdyszakdr Tomasz Drewiczdr Anna Róża KołackaJakub Matusewicz CURATOR: Tomasz Drewicz ABOUT THE EXHIBITION: Since a painting image ceased to be perceived only as a carrier of content existing/functioning within the frame, and began to be treated as an object, new possibilities have opened up for painting itself and more. The image treated in this way began a dialogue with values ​​previously not attributed to it, which influenced not only new content, but also the way it was displayed. Thanks to the experience of art, it has been thrown into the unlimited space of experiencing it in a new, different and also non-paintingMore

THE TIES THAT BIND | Lydia Bodnar-Balahutrak, U.S. Fulbright Scholar

THE TIES THAT BIND Contemporary Narratives / Ukrainian Artists / PoznanGallery Duża Scena UAP, 24 Wodna Str.Opening: 11.05.2023, 18:0011-28.05.2023 Curator: Lydia Bodnar-Balahutrak, U. S. FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR, Poland 2022-23 Artists:  Andrii Dostliev Lia DostlievaOlena MatoshniukAndrii Merkhel Hanna ShumskaVitalii Shupliak Angie SiveriaOlha Skliarska  The exhibition features contemporary narrative art by eight Ukrainian artists with important ties to Poznan — their place of residence, work, exhibitions, education, family. Their artwork reflects their issues-oriented concerns as well as their ties to their cultural/ ancestral/ familial Ukrainian heritage and their current displacement from Ukraine.   The artists are young, from a generation born around Ukraine’s 1991 declaration of sovereign independence. They did not live under the Soviet regime. They have had opportunities to study, research, travel, and discover theirMore

Make yourself (un)comfortable | Collective exhibition

Make yourself (un)comfortable | Collective exhibition Nowa Scena UAP GalleryAl. Marcinkowskiego 289-28.05.2023Opening: 9.05.2023, 18:00 Curator: Marc Tobias Winterhagen (DE) Artists: Eduardo Abilheira (PT)Leo Altmann (DE)Irina Caia (RO)Alejandro Cardona (CO)Sophie Claus (DE)Markéta Jochymková (CZ)Asal Khajavi Pour (IR)Maria Fraga Mendes (PT)Rafael Alejandro Muñoz (GT)Kateřina Němcová (CZ)Pavlo Nikitin (UA)Mălina Nikolaescu (RO)Lilith Queisser (DE)Julia Snarska (BE)Chi Sun (TW)

‘Let’s Talk (‘Porozmawiaj-my’). Chapter I: Explication’

‘Let’s Talk (‘Porozmawiaj-my’). Chapter I: Explication’ 28.04–28.05.2023 The exhibition “Let’s talk. Chapter I: Explication” starts a series of exhibitions organized in cooperation with the Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznań. It will present the artistic views of the University employees. In the first installment, in the spaces of the Śluza Gallery, we will present works made in a variety of artistic techniques: from traditional methods to the latest technologies. Each of the works will be accompanied by a story revealing the backstage of the artist’s workshop and the sources of inspiration. This educational value will allow you to better understand and feel the path of creating artistic works in various techniques and styles. On the other hand, the dialogueMore

Zuzanna Szary | Take control of stickiness!

Zuzanna Szary | Take control of stickiness! 27.04-12.05.2023Opening: 27.04.2023, 18:00 Gallery Szewska 16 Curator: Wiktoria KoziołCoordinator: Krzysztof Mętel GRAND PRIX of Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznan within the frames of the 11th edition of the Competition ‘New Image / New Look’ Take control of your stickiness! Hyper mega gig ultra. Objects on an inhuman scale of time and size “stick” to living beings. Their aesthetic manifestations remain hidden for long periods, language cannot comprehend them. So you have to comb it, dripping into the cracks. Are the hyper-things responsible for the end of the world ? a sense of fragility and stupidity. The promise contained in the title call resembles a motivational slogan from a personal development handbook.More

GOTONG ROYONG | by Faculty of Art and Design of the Indonesia University of Education

GOTONG ROYONG | accompanying exhibition by Faculty of Art and Design of the Indonesia University of Education | International Cooperation within the frames of the XIII Biennale of Graphic Arts “Error” Gallery Curators’LAB, 12 Nowowiejskiego Str.Opening: 25.04, 18:00Duration: 25.04 – 10.05 Artists: Nala NandanaDadang SulaemanSigit RamadhanZaenal AbidinZakarias S. SoetejaWisesa Weninggalih  Printmaking as an art culture in Indonesia is a form of culture that has been carried on since colonial times. Printing technology, which was all used as a mass media technology, was eventually developed into an artistic medium. Along with the development of the era of modern art in Indonesia, printmaking also developed towards applied art until it eventually became a visual communication design. This concept tries to combine the conventional printmakingMore

“Kulmhof” project of a book commemorating the Victims of the first Nazi extermination camp in Chełmno nad Nerem / Piotr Kacprzak

“Kulmhof” project of a book commemorating the Victims of the first Nazi extermination camp in Chełmno nad Nerem / Piotr Kacprzak Gallery Design UAP, 9 Wolnica Str. Opening: 18.04, 18:00 till 3.05.2023 Piotr Kacprzak – born in 1995 in Łęczyca. A graduate of Graphic Design, bachelor’s and master’s studies at the Faculty of Graphics and Visual Communication at Magdalena Abakanowicz University of the Arts Poznań. He deals with graphic design, with particular emphasis on the design of publishing houses, as well as designing visual identification. He works in an advertising agency on a daily basis, and from 2021 he teaches classes at his alma mater at the Faculty of Graphics and Visual Communication as well as Interior Design and StageMore


Gallery Nowa Scena UAP, Al. Marcinkowskiego 28 Opening: 14.04.2023, 18:00 Duration: 14 – 25.04.2023 The challenges of contemporary visual artists in the world of contemporary art are constantly changing and evolving, it is increasingly difficult for artists to maintain a balance between originality and accessibility, between exploration and commercialization. Myopia in the visual arts can be treated as a phenomenon that can lead to stagnation, superficiality, and even trivialization of the artistic message or lack of thought-provoking or emotion-provoking.    In the era of globalization, Internet and social media, it is harder than ever for artists to maintain their identity and uniqueness. On the one hand, they want to be recognized and appreciated, on the other – they do not want toMore

„Resonating Views – [Japanese-European Art Dialogues]”

20th anniversary of the Contemporary Art Museum Ise „Resonating Views – [Japanese-European Art Dialogues]” Contemporary Art Museum Ise 08.04.- 04.06.2023 The exhibition refers in concept to the presentation Reversed Seeing (also shown at the Contemporary Art Museum Ise in 2018), which featured artists associated with Galeria Naprzeciw: Natalia Brandt, Maryna Mazur, Wojciech Gorączniak, Mikołaj Poliński, Paweł Polus, Misa Shimomura and Jarosław Szelest. In addition to the previously exhibiting artists, the following guests were invited to participate in the latest show: Jarosław Kozłowski, who made available works from his NET Collection and the Collection of Galeria Akumulatory 2: art collective – The Play, Koji Kamoji, Akiro Komoto, Yoko Ono and Kishio Suga.  Martin Riches (who also presented his pieces at GaleriaMore